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View Full Version : UMD Game Loader Version 1.1.0 (Play your GTA UMD on a v1.5 PSP)

March 4th, 2006, 16:26
MPH (http://mphwebsite.tuxfamily.org/) has done it :), he has released a new legal version of his Game Loader for the PSP, that allows those with the very Homebrew Friendly v1.50 PSPs to play games such as Grand Theft Auto (Which Require v2.0 firmware).

Heres the details from him:

"Here the game loader 1.1 with support umd.

Because i have no time for the moment, the multiplayers and sleep bugs are not corrected for the moment, it will be for the next version.

The compatibility is likely to be reduced because decoding is performed in the loader and because of the memory I am limited (64ko) to decipher prx but the next version will not have this constraint."

Heres the info from the readme

<blockquote>Firmware 2.00 installation :

You will need firmware 2.00 in files format, use psardump to obtain it or my firmware launcher and use the function to install a firmware.

Once that you have the files, create the mphgameloader folder has the root of your memory stick and copy flash0 (kd, vsh...) and flash1 folders inside.

Loader installation :

Install loader (MPHGAMELOADER) like any psp application (PSP/GAME/) and copy mphloader.prx in the mphgameloader folder.

You will have the following structure of folders/files :

Memory stick
|- mphgameloader
|- mphloader.prx
|- flash0/ (with sub folders and files)
|- flash1/ (with sub folders and files)
|- PSP/
|- GAME/

Launch gta :

Put you umd of gta and then launch MPHGAMELOADER

Welcome to the gta world, 1.50 is not dead ;-)</blockquote>

DOWNLOAD Via Comments

Post your feedback on whats working and whats not working, thanks to MPH for a killer release :)

March 4th, 2006, 16:47
great news hopefully sony will start to take the homebrew community more serious now and maybe incorparate a homebrew onto a firmware :D

March 4th, 2006, 16:56
I dont think that will happen, because once sony allow homebrew, people will start making ISO Loaders

March 4th, 2006, 16:58
Nice Goin! But i got v2.60 though :(

March 4th, 2006, 17:00
Working Games

Prince of Persia Revelations
Socom Fireteam Bravo
GTA Liberty City Stories

March 4th, 2006, 17:01
If you have 2.60, what problems with starting gta do you have?

March 4th, 2006, 17:01
Anyone got UMD Movies to try ?

March 4th, 2006, 17:03
this is for those on the homebrew friendly v1.50 PSP

anyone above v2.0 neednt worry :)

March 4th, 2006, 17:07
If you have 2.60, what problems with starting gta do you have?

I meant that i upgraded to play new games but i wish i hadnt now because i could have had the best of both worlds. Homebrew n new games lol

March 4th, 2006, 17:07
Since when do you UMD movies require higher firmwares. I have both a 2.6 and 1.5 and all my movies work on both and some are pretty new releases.

March 4th, 2006, 17:12
so does this support v2.5 UMDs too? or is it only 2.00 at the moment?

March 4th, 2006, 17:24
I havent been able to get this Game Loader to work. All I get is a black screen.

March 4th, 2006, 17:26
Apparently it also supports 2.50 also, from what ive read the Megaman Maverick Hunter game works

March 4th, 2006, 17:28
stop thinking non iso loaders aka umd loaders will make sony to make homebrew available... jsut stop thinking that...

March 4th, 2006, 17:29
Since when do you UMD movies require higher firmwares. I have both a 2.6 and 1.5 and all my movies work on both and some are pretty new releases.

For a while - 'Transformers' for example, is 2.0+ only.

March 4th, 2006, 17:47
Also Working:
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner (2.0 req.)

March 4th, 2006, 17:48
this is awesome i always hated haveing to upgrade and downgrade so that i could play socom and gta but now i dont have to

March 4th, 2006, 17:50
it works!! the first loading time takes ages, but it ****in works!!

March 4th, 2006, 17:51
can someone send me the flash0 and the flash 1 folders with the file already set up cause i did it but it gets half way to load gta and then it freezes and stops. if someone says they can i will tell u my email or however u think would be a good way to send it to me.

Tu papa
March 4th, 2006, 17:54
Same happens to me, load half

March 4th, 2006, 18:13
same here first time, i checked ifmy psp was feezed with home button, it wasnt..i opened up the umd disk thing, waited for the umd to stop spinning, and put it back in, and it continued loading, did that a few times and then i got the movie in the beginning..try it

March 4th, 2006, 18:23
Do u not have a gamesave on their cause i got the yellow rockstar logo to come up and hten the video with the police then it says rockstar so i clicked to skip that but hten i get the loading bar on the bottom of the screen it goes to about half way and it just stops

March 4th, 2006, 18:26
I'm puzzled. Do you need the ENTIRE GAME ISO or just the PRX files ripped and decrypted? Sounds like you need the entire ISO stored on memory stick. Anyone know about this?

Is this an ISO & UMD Loader or just a UMD Loader? Any input would be appreciated.

March 4th, 2006, 18:32
I think you need the actual UMD.

March 4th, 2006, 18:40
Does anyone know where you can get the appropriate firmware files from in the format that the loader needs 'em in?

March 4th, 2006, 18:43
WooT!! This time it actually works for me :D All you need is the firmware 2.00 files in mphGameLoader folder and put your UMD in that you wanna play. Then launch the Game Loader and your playing 2.00 games on your 1.50 PSP. SOCOM now runs peeps :)

March 4th, 2006, 18:44
Does anyone know if the programs to limit the size of the GTA iso actually work? I own GTA, but have a 1 gig memory stick, and 1.5 firmware. I can't fit the iso rip on my mem card, but I thought there were programs to limit the size of GTA iso. Anyone test these? Thanks!
BTW, good work MPH!

March 4th, 2006, 18:46
Does anyone know where you can get the appropriate firmware files from in the format that the loader needs 'em in?

well, i downloaded the 2,00 eboot, and used FakeUpdater to extract + decypt it, then i changed the folders that were created on my ms from f1, f0, to flash1, flash0, and put them in the game loader folder...then i insterted the umd n started the game:D

March 4th, 2006, 18:49
Ultimate Block Party USA umd works fine with the new mph UMD game loader. no problems playing, saving, loading game. Multiplayer UNKNOWN.

March 4th, 2006, 18:56
Does anyone know where you can get the appropriate firmware files from in the format that the loader needs 'em in?

well, i downloaded the 2,00 eboot, and used FakeUpdater to extract + decypt it, then i changed the folders that were created on my ms from f1, f0, to flash1, flash0, and put them in the game loader folder...then i insterted the umd n started the game:D

where can i get fakeupdater from?

March 4th, 2006, 18:57
Don't use an ISO. Just run it off the UMD, and your set. You can create the flash0 and flash1 folders with MPH Firmware Loader 1.4 (Install a firmware option). Just place the 2.00 update eboot at the root of your memstick and run the firmware loader to create the files. :)

March 4th, 2006, 19:01
uhm..can u google it? i got it from a link in a tutorial for the mph firmware launcer..sumwhere on the forum there..

March 4th, 2006, 19:08
Soooooo Decrypting PRX files and replacing them is not required anymore? Just having the 2.00 Firmware files in the MPHGAMELOADER Folder?

March 4th, 2006, 19:10
no just go to mphs site then get the 1.4 loader from there and run taht using the 2.00 eboot and it will put the files how they should be for u but u will have to move then to the mphloader folder in the root of ur ms. i got socom to work but i cant get gta to work if anyone has gotton gta to run please tell me how.

March 4th, 2006, 19:12
Soooooo Decrypting PRX files and replacing them is not required anymore? Just having the 2.00 Firmware files in the MPHGAMELOADER Folder?

right! :rolleyes:

MPH, you make the impossible into possible, thanks! :)
Finally I'm going to buy GTA:LCS! :]

March 4th, 2006, 19:15
if any1 needs help, this is what i used to get help with the mph firmware launcher: http://mphwebsite.tuxfamily.org/punBB/viewtopic.php?id=539

Sumo X
March 4th, 2006, 19:30
Great news for all. Hopefully the newer version will be available soon.

I can confirm that Tokobot works completely (runs, loads, saves).

March 4th, 2006, 20:46
i have the 2.5 firmware flash folders so i'll send them to anyone who wants them. they work with about all the games out there. and yeah, megman x works just fine, well, accept for the powered up demo...

March 4th, 2006, 20:49
can someone send me the flash0 and the flash 1 folders with the file already set up cause i did it but it gets half way to load gta and then it freezes and stops. if someone says they can i will tell u my email or however u think would be a good way to send it to me.

Same thing happened to me.

Here's how I got it working:

i deleted my cheatdevice gamesavegame data (from when I had 2.0) and it worked.

if that doesn;t work, try deleting all your GTA saves (ouch!).

it should work then.

March 4th, 2006, 20:59
Can anyone confirm Smackdown vs Raw?

March 4th, 2006, 21:18
Can somebody test each cheatdevice to see which one works?
GTA is boring without it... :(

March 4th, 2006, 21:44
Does the katamari damacy umd/game work with this new loader?

March 4th, 2006, 21:51
The game Generation of Chaos has a 2.6 Firmware requirement. Does anyone know how to get that game playing on a 1.5 PSP?

March 4th, 2006, 22:04
Nice. I bought GTA on the last release of the loader and now I can save space on my MS by ditching the ISO.

Nice job MPH!

March 4th, 2006, 22:05
Can anyone send me the firmware 2.00 file or tell me where i can get it

March 4th, 2006, 22:16
just a quick query, i needed the firmware files to allow this to work and found some on the web that state they were required to get LOTR tactics to run, i beleive LOTR needed f.w 2.00 to run. So do you think these files would allow me to boot GTA:LCS from the UMD, i had the game bought at xmas and its still in the wrapping as i would not upgrade and am still running 1.5.
thanks in advance

March 4th, 2006, 23:23
The game Generation of Chaos has a 2.6 Firmware requirement. Does anyone know how to get that game playing on a 1.5 PSP?

I've tried Generation of Chaos with 2.0 and 2.5 flash data and it didn't work with either. BUT I haven't tested it with any other games above 1.5... I'll have to borrow or rent one and try it before I can be certain I installed everything correctly and that GoC does indeed not work.

I'm holding out hope though. This game is THE only commercial game I really care to play.

March 4th, 2006, 23:40
How do you get the 2.00 flash0 and flash1

March 4th, 2006, 23:45
Street Fighter Alpha 3 US UMD- DOES NOT WORK. I used firmware files for 2.5
It sounds like it loads the umd, then gets a black screen and shuts off.

I know 2.5 dump is ok because i used it to boot Ultimate Block Party.

March 4th, 2006, 23:50
DAMN! Well it is a new game and perhaps someday a UMD Loader compatible with 2.6 games will released. I have even tried converting the game into an I$O and replace the PRX files. Would not work though.

March 5th, 2006, 00:03
yeah, it suxs. i'm outta lunch money for the next 2 weeks. oh well...

March 5th, 2006, 00:26
Anyone know if this works on a 1.0 psp?

Some of us just want to be able to load 1.5 games! :P

I doubt it does work... I would try it myself but after trying to get MPH's other loaders working on 1.0, it's probably safer to wait till someone says it definitely does work on 1.0 :(

March 5th, 2006, 00:40
I'm running into some problems. I so far got Legend of Heroes & Kingdom of Paradise to load. Kingdom of Paradise just restarts if you select "download" on the main menu after loading. GTA & SOCOM are not working for me. Socom shows the logo and "Now Loading" message but then freezes and shuts down the PSP. GTA Freezes on black MPHGAMELOADER screen.

Anybody else get this? Anyone know a fix? Thanks!

Nevermind. I was using the wrong MPHLOADER PRX file that sits in the MPHGAMELOADER folder on root of memory stick. Replaced with correct and socom seems to be running smooth now. Will try other games and report back.

March 5th, 2006, 01:55
search for fakeupdater at ppupdates.com.... that's where i got it a while ago.... for anyone who used the gta iso loading version of the mphgameloader, all you have to do is replace the mphloader.prx file and the eboot files and you're fine... most ppl probably knew that already but not much changed.... i didnt get a chance to see if this edition still loads the iso version of the game... that would be cool, but regardless i have the umd... and the custom soundtrack still doesnt work....

March 5th, 2006, 02:01
people!!!! just get fakeupdater and the 2.00 update file from pspupdates or some other knowledgeable source, load fakeupdater on to the psp, run it, it will make the directories for you!!!! it makes this a whole lot easier... oh yea... it decrypts them for you too.... it speeds the process up.... you place the 2.00 update file inside a UPDATE in the fakeupdater folder, and run it. what it does is make f0 and f1 folders in the root of the memory stick, then you have to change the names of them to flash0 and flash1 and place them inside the mphgameloader folder which should also be in the root of the memory stick, load gta in the umd drive, and you should be good to go! if anyone is at all confused, either read the directions that come w/ fakeupdater and the mphloader, or just PM me....

March 5th, 2006, 04:14
it doesn't seem like v2.5 works for me. am i supposed to decrypt the 2.5 eboot and place the files into the flash folders? im using fakeupdater as recommended...i only have a 2.5 UMD and not any 2.0 so cant really test it at the moment... any suggestions?

March 5th, 2006, 04:19
PoPoLo Crois (only 2.0 game I have) also works with this. We need to keep a running list of what works / doesn't.

March 5th, 2006, 04:36
That sucks that even though u dont load the gta cheat device first it still freezes the psp when tried to load later. i think gta gets boring without the cheat device, becasue i beat the game 100% already.

March 5th, 2006, 04:42
I got the files and stuff installed, and mav hunter x gets running all the way up to the first load screen, then it turns the power off. anyone know whats going down? I'm using the 2.0, since I cant find 2.5 firmware eboot, but it seems to get the game running somewhat.

March 5th, 2006, 05:14
I'm using the 2.5 firmware, and I can confirm that neither Midway Arcade Treasures: Extended Play nor Street Fighter Alpha 3 MAX will work. It's a shame too, because I really, really wanted to play the latter game now that I've used the tape dots mod on my system's D-pad.


March 5th, 2006, 05:31
Does this still work with the iso version? It's easier to swap those out from my laptop than carrying the umd's around when I travel, I've already lost a few.


March 5th, 2006, 05:40
Well I agree a working list will be helpful. Here is my list so far of all 2.00 games that now work on 1.5 Firmware. I have tested them myself.

Socom Navy Seals
Legend of Heroes
Kingdom of Paradise
Prince of Persia Revelations
LOTR: Tactics
Star Wars Battlefront II
SSX On Tour
Need For Speed Most Wanted

A lot of bad things were said about MPH when he first released the 2.00 ISO Loader, but I think its safe to say he deserves great respect for his achievments. GTA & SOCOM on 1.5. It is a good for the homebrew scene.

Thanks MPH. I will be donating some. Keep up the great work.
1.5 - Its Alive!

March 5th, 2006, 05:46
Does this still work with the iso version? It's easier to swap those out from my laptop than carrying the umd's around when I travel, I've already lost a few.

Yes, I too would prefer a couple games in I$O form for performance reasons. How can you play I$O's with this? Or do you need both this and the older version installed on the PSP?

If anyone could advise, I would appreciate it.

March 5th, 2006, 05:54
hai new bee in this forum, i have one question?
this things need actual umd disc. or i can just using ISO umd game to play it on 1.5 psp?
anyone can explain to me


March 5th, 2006, 05:55
Truely amazing! GTA works on my 1.5 and as MPH said.. "1.50 is not dead ;-)"

March 5th, 2006, 05:59
2.5 wont work just yet.... this is still 2.00 games for 1.5 psp's... hopefully in a future update of the MPHGameLoader, it will enable us to play 2.5 games.... king kong required 2.5, and back when i have my psp at 2.00, all i did was flash it to 2.5, without upgrading, and i was able to play it... now sadly that was the worst game i've purchased for the psp so far.... just warning you all.... :)

March 5th, 2006, 06:02
well voltron, you cant have both versions loaded b/c they have 2 different mphloader.prx files, and you would have to constantly have to reinstall one of each... if that was your question.... and like i said in an earlier post... i'm not sure if this version can still load iso's....

March 5th, 2006, 06:04
hai new bee in this forum, i have one question?
this things need actual umd disc. or i can just using ISO umd game to play it on 1.5 psp?
anyone can explain to me


this needs the umd from what we have all tested here in this forum...

March 5th, 2006, 06:05
no..actually 2.5 does work, what are you talking about. i got megaman x to work perfectly fine, the onlly thing you can't do is play the powered up demo, and put it into sleep mode. thanks mph, not many people put in as much effort as you. i'd donate if i wasn't so young. lol..

March 5th, 2006, 06:08
owh...that mean i need to buy umd game to play...hehehe..i think i can just download ISO game from internet

thanks Fr0sTy

March 5th, 2006, 06:08
no..actually 2.5 does work, what are you talking about. i got megaman x to work perfectly fine, the onlly thing you can't do is play the powered up demo, and put it into sleep mode. thanks mph, not many people put in as much effort as you. i'd donate if i wasn't so young. lol..

ok well i tested 2.5, and it didnt work for me... different people have different results i guess.... if you say it works, then we'll take your word for it... others should try it as well...

March 5th, 2006, 06:10
owh...that mean i need to buy umd game to play...hehehe..i think i can just download ISO game from internet

thanks Fr0sTy

no problem.... don't download iso's.... that's what makes developers very hesitant to create apps for the psp... if you have the umd, just dump it to your memory stick, and mess around with it from there.... :D

March 5th, 2006, 08:36
So many comments in this thread.
It seems a shame not to have an opinion about this loader.
But im just pretty happy with 2.0.
And realizeing that now almost eveything comercial and otherwise is now working on a 1.5, This just doesnt facinate me all that much.

I mean dont get me wrong, im not dissing this release, on the contrary im happy it makes so many people happy.

But this is just a temp solution, every day sony gets closer to releaseing more and more software that have even higher firmware demands.

At this point reverting back to 1.5 seems like a step back for me.
Im still waiting for the ultimo mega ultra release that allows all games and most homebrew to be ran on all firmwares.

It seems like a pipe dream now, sure it does.
But eight months ago homebrew on 2.0 + was a pipedream too.

Progress :p It'll happen wait n see :rolleyes:

March 5th, 2006, 09:59
I put all the files you need into one zip, to save messing around with unpacking, placing, decrypting, etc. You can get it at my web site


Thanks MPH, you're a genius!


March 5th, 2006, 10:54
It Works Perfect Thanks Mph.i Hope You'll Soon Make Another Mph Loader To Run The Other V.2.0 Games.version 1.50 Is Alive!!!

March 5th, 2006, 11:40
Thanks rickparker,
downloaded the files, simplified it a lot and tested with GTA and works great,
and much respect to MPH for creating it, i can now play the game i've had since xmas, but never played cos i wouldn't upgrade.

March 5th, 2006, 11:59
Socom Save DOES NOT WORK!!!



March 5th, 2006, 12:20
Voltron -
I noticed that you talked about recently getting a 2GB SanDisk memory stick... Have you tried this to see if you can actually get 4GB out of it?


I know someone else posted info about this topic on this board previously, but I couldn't find it. Either way, with all the talk of needing more memory stick space on this thread, I thought a lot of people might find this useful.

March 5th, 2006, 13:43
Would it be possibly to legitimately run an ISO using this program? I'm too lazy to load the UMD's or carry them with me, so assuming I ripped an ISO is there a way to load it or is there going to be a program that will allow me to? Must...play...GTA

March 5th, 2006, 15:47
Voltron -
I noticed that you talked about recently getting a 2GB SanDisk memory stick... Have you tried this to see if you can actually get 4GB out of it?


With all the talk of needing more memory stick space on this thread, I thought a lot of people might find this useful.

Thanks for the link. Just checked it out and it is interesting indeed. I do have the Sandisk Ultra II 2GB. I just fear that this trick may not work well for the PSP. Some stated it shows the extra space but they can't use it all without I/O errors. Also, when copying LOTS of files to the memory stick which is an everyday occurrence with the PSP, some people reported some of the files getting dropped and not being copied.

I may test this with a cheaper, smaller, card.

crooked cross
March 5th, 2006, 16:16
I put all the files you need into one zip, to save messing around with unpacking, placing, decrypting, etc. You can get it at my web site


Thanks MPH, you're a genius!


Where's it at? I don't see it. If it got took down, can you email it to me? [email protected] Thanks.

March 5th, 2006, 17:13
Lol, its on his homepage, near the top, below the links at the far top. Thanks RickParker. I haven't tried these files myself, but its a nice gesture. BTW, I know some people are still waiting for the Ulta-mega release to downgrade all FW's and allow for naything anytime, but that isn't gonna happen for a while. Those of you who don't have 1.5 FW I feel bad for ya, but then again, the whole reason I got a PSP was for homebrew. So anything that runs on a 1.5 I am very happy for. The whole scene of PSP dev work has exploded in the last few months. Keep it coming!

March 5th, 2006, 17:14
See this at the top of his page.... lol

This program lets you play Grand Theft Auto - Liberty City Stories on a 1.50 PSP. Previously, you could not do this, you had to upgrade to 2.0 to get it to work. It should, in theory, work on other games as well, I tested it on the UK Demo disk and it seems to boot that OK. Included in the zip are all the files you need, which makes it a bit big - a smidge over 12 mb. Get it here (http://web9.000025.net/~parker18/MPH%20Game%20Loader%20-%20All%20Files.zip)... <<<<< its there

March 5th, 2006, 18:43
the files arnt on the site but then again i already used the mph loader v1.4 to set up the files so i dont need this but i was gonna tell my friend to use this cause he was havin troubles.

crooked cross
March 5th, 2006, 18:44
OK I see it now :o Next time put a picture of GTA right next to it so I dont have to read anything. :D I'm gonna try it later today, thanks.

March 5th, 2006, 19:54
just thought i'd add a couple of bits,
i d/loaded the files from the link supplied by "rickparker" which made it all really easy. all the flash folders and mph files supplied in one zip files, many thanks to him.
had some UMD's that would not work before, requiring updates to f/w.

Sims 2 does not work, it locks on MPH "loading game" screen.
Smackdown vs Raw does not work, locks on black screen requiring battery to be removed.
GTA:lcs works fine, although you have to wait it takes a few seconds.
King Kong works fine, again a little delay.
Star wars battlefront II works.
If we can keep updating and getting a comprehensive list it will be a great help to all.

i have only had chance to play for a short time on each, all seemed ok.

Many thanks to rick for supplying the link to the files and much appreciation to MPH for an excellent Game loader.


Jap psp 1000 1.5f/w

March 5th, 2006, 19:59
Well, I stayed up most of the night last night trying to figure out how to play 2.5 games on my PSP. I came very close to running out of patience. I made progress just now. I have Mega Man Maverick Hunter X running in ISO mode using UMD EMULATOR and this new 2.00 Game Loader.

This is strange because the game has a 2.50 Firmware requirement but yet I only have the flash0 & flash1 files for 2.00 firmware. Whats also strange is that after selecting the game with UMD EMULATOR and it restars to menu, you DON'T see the UMD icon and a message saying "DISC CANNOT BE READ" appears. I then launch this Game Loader and the game starts and seems to work like a charm with full SAVE support. It just won't play the DEMO of the upcoming MegaMan Game.

Does anyone know why this works and how it may be possible to get other 2.50 or 2.60 games to work. Is it just a matter of having certain .PRX files within the ISO or did MPH code this launcher to work specifically with Mega Man Maverick Hunter?

At least I've made some progress and can now play Tales of Eternia & Mega Man. I am having trouble getting Ys Ark of Napishtim & Breath of Fire 3 to work.

If anyone knows anything that might help I would appreciate it. Thank you!

March 5th, 2006, 20:57
The reason why some of these 2.0 / 2.5 games will work on 1.5 is because some of the 2.0 / 2.5 prx files have been replaced with 1.5 ones or some of the key files like eboot and other prx files may have been decrypted. The rest of the problems are solved via 2.0 firmware emulation.

March 5th, 2006, 21:28
this new mph 2.00 game loader i cant get it to work done all flash folders thing and the 2.00 update break down. so i put my GTA umd in the go to mph 2.00 game loader it goes to black screen with loading game then just sits there nothing happens can sum1 help?

March 5th, 2006, 23:01
arrrrgg!!! Gottlieb pinball doesn't work. Freezes at the loading screen.


March 6th, 2006, 08:37
hi rosswelton12,

i had same sort of problems, didnt know if i had made a mistake or misunderstood some of the instructions.
i downloaded all the required files from the link posted by rickparker on this thread.
i formatted my 32mb memory stick and started again. it worked like a dream from the off.
try downloading the files and take it from there.


March 6th, 2006, 10:24
anyone who has EXIT will be very happy to know it works!
the only problem is you cant let the opening video play, it freezes
halfway through. once you press start before it plays for too long,
you can bypass it and get the start screen.


mmmm.... i wonder how many 2.50 / 2.60 games work.... :D

March 6th, 2006, 11:16
Working Games

Prince of Persia Revelations
Socom Fireteam Bravo
GTA Liberty City Stories

POPR is no necessary.

March 6th, 2006, 12:45
Add FIA World Rally Championship (a 2.0 required game) to the 'working' list - save/load works, but multiplayer hangs the game.

March 6th, 2006, 18:27
Sup Playaz
Givin a shout to my man mph good job. Also im trying to load the euro vr of pursuit force but its stuck on the loading game screen. Any ideas? or is it just for u.s release games?

March 6th, 2006, 18:37
x-man legend dont work :(

March 6th, 2006, 20:27
a big thanks to mph loving gta on my original 1.5, loader runs perfectly just needs the mltiplayer and sleep bugs ironed out, great UMD loader

March 7th, 2006, 02:29
you guys are awesome, by making gta run on my 1.5 prove that there is nothing you guys are unable break it. but how come i unable to load the sims 2 on my 1.5 using the gameloader? any suggestion??

March 7th, 2006, 04:38
Does anyone know what happens if you take the firmware 2.6 eboot file
and use it with the install a firmware option in the MPH Firmware Loader?
It seems that it might work. Anyone tried it yet?

March 7th, 2006, 07:18
Guys ive checked through all the posts in this thread before asking but yeah ive noticed i can't game save with GTA:LCS.. you guys got the same problem? Sorry if i missed it somewhere but i can't seem to save my progress..

March 7th, 2006, 18:34
Breath of Fire III loads fine without any delay, but im not able to load my gamesaves :(( ........!

Didn't try if you can save, hope this will be fixed soon, not in the mod to update again....and i really dont want to start all over after 40 hours of gameplay...!!!!

March 8th, 2006, 00:42
Wow. Are you telling me saves on any game don't work? Cause I seem to be hearing a lot of that. Most games don't load? GTA loads though, right? Please, someone confirm that GTA does load, and you are 100% positive it can save too.. Lol, this is scaring me.


March 8th, 2006, 00:52
Can anyone confirm this to work with 2.6 required games?

March 8th, 2006, 04:25
Saves work fine on GTA, I have done this many times with no problems. By the way, it is unlikely to work with 2.6 games because as far as I know, only 2.5 can be decrypted and dumped. However, 2.6 games that have been modified could work using other methods, potentially.

March 8th, 2006, 07:32
Saves work fine on GTA, I have done this many times with no problems. By the way, it is unlikely to work with 2.6 games because as far as I know, only 2.5 can be decrypted and dumped. However, 2.6 games that have been modified could work using other methods, potentially.

Yeah the save function on GTA:LCS works fine.. sorry guys worked it out lol..

March 9th, 2006, 01:09
I need Generation of Chaos to work. If the UMD can load in some way or if it has to be backed up to I$O doesn't matter to me. I just want it to work on 1.5 firmware somehow. If anyone has gotten this game to work , please let me know how.


March 9th, 2006, 01:58
Dam Dragon Ball Z Shin Budokai requires 2.6 firmware. This is a kick in the face to me cause I'm sure Me and a lot of other people would love to play Dragon Ball Z against friends. Cause that game always seemed awsome to me.

March 9th, 2006, 02:10
I need Generation of Chaos to work. If the UMD can load in some way or if it has to be backed up to I$O doesn't matter to me. I just want it to work on 1.5 firmware somehow. If anyone has gotten this game to work , please let me know how.


I've given up. In a couple of hours I will upgrade and never look back. Its a mixed blessing, on one hand I get GoC. On another I lose alot of homebrew ability. Oh well, I hate sony.

March 9th, 2006, 03:20
I've given up. In a couple of hours I will upgrade and never look back. I hate sony.

DAMN! Well, if theres been one truth about the frustration of firmware updates and games that try to force an upgrade, its that time is on the PSP's side. The more weeks that pass by, more and more features become available and unlocked for lower firmware PSP's.

I have faith and will hold out since I have so many other games to keep me occupied for the time being.

March 9th, 2006, 06:35
I've given up. In a couple of hours I will upgrade and never look back. Its a mixed blessing, on one hand I get GoC. On another I lose alot of homebrew ability. Oh well, I hate sony.

I wouldnt upgrade just yet if i were you only cos once MPH fixes all the bugs in his current umd loader the next version he releases might support GoC and also that new "RUN UMD" app is currently being updated on a daily basis so it'll only be a matter of time till it runs the GoC umd.. ;)

March 9th, 2006, 07:16
Don't upgrade! you fool! Noooo! Seriously, if you don't know about the PSP scene already, then you are a fool to upgrade. I know GoC is great, but you mustn't be hasty. For a long time GTA LC wasn't playable on 1.5, now it is... Before that 1.5 wasn't even cracked. And before that, nobody knew how to put on homebrew. Things have come a long way, and they are speeding up rapidly. I urge you to keep 1.5. Take it from someone who knows a lot of the PSP homebrew scene.

Anyway, thanks for answering my Q. I am going out tomorrow to buy GTA, and I will thuroughly enjoy it. Hopefully the installation of the loader is easy... Anyway, thanks guys, and keep the updates, question, and concerns coming.


March 10th, 2006, 08:32
GTA loads. Will not load save games though. Virtua Tennis works with saves and all. Havn't tried them with multiplayer though.

March 10th, 2006, 22:30
I have a PSP v2.0 and was wondering if anyone is working on a UMD loader for games requiring v2.0 .... 2.6 ? I bought my PSP when it first came out in Canada as v1.5 . The only games I had were Wayne Gretzky Hockey and Hot Shots Golf so I really wanted a new game and ended up buying SSX but I had to upgrade to 2.0. There is another game I want to get but I would need version 2.6 and I definitly don't want to give up firm 2.0.. I still need to play homebrew. Please someone work on a UMD loader for 2.0 and above.

March 10th, 2006, 22:39
I upgraded to 2.6 and it was worth it. I appluad the homebrew community, but playing GoC was worth having to load up GTA to play homebrew.

It may be easier on 1.5, but its still possible to use homebrew on 2.6. And if you want to play games actually designed for the PSP, its necesasary.

I'm not any happier with Sony than anyone else, but thats the reality of the situation. If you really enjoy homebrew that much, why didn't you get a GP2X? It would even be easier than 1.5

March 11th, 2006, 19:41
I upgraded to 2.6 and it was worth it. I appluad the homebrew community, but playing GoC was worth having to load up GTA to play homebrew.

It may be easier on 1.5, but its still possible to use homebrew on 2.6. And if you want to play games actually designed for the PSP, its necesasary.

I'm not any happier with Sony than anyone else, but thats the reality of the situation. If you really enjoy homebrew that much, why didn't you get a GP2X? It would even be easier than 1.5

I do have a GP2X but I still prefer emulation on my 1.5 Psp. The Psp has much more power with the 333MHZ Media Engine, 166MHZ 3D GPU and its standard 333MHZ CPU.

I am pretty sure that when the N64 and Psx emulators reach maturity, those who stayed with the lower firmwares will be very glad that they did so. I did not originally purchase the Psp for emulation or homebrew but once I accidentally discovered this I have not looked back and never will.

As someone mentioned before, I expect many 2.0+ games to be able to run on 1.5 firmware in the future due to MPH's work and the RunUMD application. For example, many stated that running GTA under 1.5 firmware was simply impossible but yet it has still been accomplished, therefore nothing should be assumed or underestimated.

March 12th, 2006, 19:49
So GTA will load a save game, but it won't save a game? Is there anyway to fix that? What's the point of me playing GTA if I can't even save it? Am I supposed to play all the way through in 1 sitting? Anyone have a fix?


March 14th, 2006, 14:42
Ok, I'm not sure what the deal is with the peeps not being able to save games with GTA or any other 2.0 game... so far I've been able to load/save just fine with GTA and Legend of Hero's, as well as various 1.51-2.0 games. Have you guys tried reinstalling the loader and prx files? Or is it possible that there's some shady stuff going on that you're not telling us...*cough*.iso*cough* :cool:

March 15th, 2006, 16:53
Hehe, don't look at me! I've been trying to get ahold of a GTA umd for a week now. But seriously, it is confusing why some people can't save with GTA. If you say you can save/load, then I think I can get it to do the same. But if anyone out there can't save or load a umd (especially GTA) please say so. (BTW, thanks Esteem for help clear that up for me)

March 19th, 2006, 00:49
Sorry, I have a kind of noob question, but, this couldn't brick my PSP could it??
Also where it says place 2.0 files here, or whatever it says, what files do I put there? or where can I get them? I have PoPoLoCrois, and I haven't been able to play it, and I saw this and was curious. So I appreciate any help.

March 22nd, 2006, 08:00
thats great but how exactly do you get the 2.0 files into kd,vsh etc.? when i used psardump i got everything mixed into "out" and "outx" i know ive done something wrong, but what?

any help is appreciated.

March 25th, 2006, 18:07
hmmm....I can't get this to work...I try to load my GTA but it give me an error and sends me back...I've been doing homebrews for a long time, but did I do some installation wrong or something. pls help if you can.

March 26th, 2006, 14:48

I'm new to this psp emu thing...I was just wondering if there was a UMD loader for people who have got v2.0 firmware. If so what one is recommeded and how would you go about running it? Any help would be much appreciated...Thanks

March 27th, 2006, 01:56
I think you are misunderstanding what this does, this lets people who have firmware 1.50 to play 2.00 games without changing the firmware so on fimware 2.00 you can already do what this loads. This is not an ISO loader. It just lets people keep 1.50, and still play games like gta, provided they have the original disk. Hope this helps clear this up for you.

March 27th, 2006, 23:54
QUOTE=Musoka_Eimin]I think you are misunderstanding what this does, this lets people who have firmware 1.50 to play 2.00 games without changing the firmware so on fimware 2.00 you can already do what this loads. This is not an ISO loader. It just lets people keep 1.50, and still play games like gta, provided they have the original disk. Hope this helps clear this up for you.[/QUOTE]
Not quite true...you can use it to load ISOs that require 2.00. (I don't think it's allowed for me to explain)

And for the people who thinks that you can't run 2.50 UMDs with the loader Try this; install the 2.50 Flash0 and Flash1 then erase this file: (root)/mphgameloader/flash0/kd/resource/meimg.omg . Then rename this file: (root)/flash0/kd/resource/me_sdimg.img to (root)/mphgameloader/flash0/kd/resource/meimg.img.

Thanks to MPH for creating this great program and for figuring out the above method to get some 2.50 games to work with it.

March 30th, 2006, 07:48
is there any chance that future releases would allow us to play 2.6 games? there're plenty of quality titles hitting the market now and it's getting more and more tempting to just upgrade the firmware....but i know that as soon as i do, some kickass homebrew'll come out for 1.5 and make me cry :p

April 11th, 2006, 21:41
dude, MPH is sick! Unbelieveable programmer! This is so tight! He was the original hacker for GTA!!!

April 26th, 2006, 21:20
does it work on umd movies cuz final fantasy 7 I cant get it to work on on my 1.5 psp , some one pls help me

May 31st, 2006, 21:28
how did you get the two firmware files for the umd loader? i been on the computer for 3 hours looking for them...my head hurts!

May 31st, 2006, 21:33
You have to get them yourself using the mph firmware loader v1.40. it will dump the files for you.

May 31st, 2006, 21:38
so when i have the mph firmware loader v1.40 all i have to use is the firmware 2.00 eboot file?

May 31st, 2006, 21:46
so then where does the eboot go?:(

May 31st, 2006, 21:56
QUOTE=Musoka_Eimin]I think you are misunderstanding what this does, this lets people who have firmware 1.50 to play 2.00 games without changing the firmware so on fimware 2.00 you can already do what this loads. This is not an ISO loader. It just lets people keep 1.50, and still play games like gta, provided they have the original disk. Hope this helps clear this up for you.
Not quite true...you can use it to load ISOs that require 2.00. (I don't think it's allowed for me to explain)

And for the people who thinks that you can't run 2.50 UMDs with the loader Try this; install the 2.50 Flash0 and Flash1 then erase this file: (root)/mphgameloader/flash0/kd/resource/meimg.omg . Then rename this file: (root)/flash0/kd/resource/me_sdimg.img to (root)/mphgameloader/flash0/kd/resource/meimg.img.

Thanks to MPH for creating this great program and for figuring out the above method to get some 2.50 games to work with it.[/QUOTE]

okay but how do you get the stupid firmware files i'm going crazy dude please help me!:(

May 31st, 2006, 22:22
Is there a way to run 2.60 UMDs on a v1.5 psp

June 18th, 2006, 15:05
does anyone have a umd loader for 1.5 psps that loads dragonball z shin boudakai

September 1st, 2006, 08:52

September 9th, 2006, 15:18