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View Full Version : Need Help Burning Genesis Plus for DC

April 29th, 2009, 18:25
Okay, I've finally almost gotten this thing to work. My only problem now is the games; when I load up my disc and I go into my games I cannot play anything; its just a list of my games that I had put in my rom.txt file but they would not play...now one of the documents that came in genesisplus said I can use .gen files, which is what I have my games in, but should I put them in zip form? also there are spaces in the file...for example "after burner II (UE).gen" would be my file...should i get rid of those spaces in between?

I have another question, can I put more than one emulator on a dics? Say I wanted to put my genesis and snes emulator on one disc, could I do that?

May 8th, 2009, 03:46
You can use any Genesis games with a ".gen" or ".bin" extension, or one of those types of roms zipped ".zip".

I could never get the "romlister" app to work correctly, but the "Provlist" exe by BurnerO works like a charm, just drop it into the "data/roms" folder and run it.

It'll rename your roms, so you won't be able to run them in anything else. But it's going to be burned to a DC disc only anyways, just rename the "Roms.lst" it creates to "Roms.txt", and drop it into the "data" folder.

If you want to put more than one emulator on a disc, you could try the Selfboot Inducer app. It can be found over at DcHelp (http://dchelp.net/). The have a couple tutorials on how to use it there, as well as the emulator SBIs.