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View Full Version : PixelJunk Monsters On PSP Detailed

April 29th, 2009, 20:29
via 1up (http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3173987)

Coming out of its recent Gamers Day event in LA, SCEA has finally given up precious details on the third iteration of Q-Games' addictive tower defense game, PixelJunk Monsters. Traditionally a series for PlayStation Network, this version will be for PSP and is titled PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe. The "deluxe" moniker isn't just a fancy way to say "port" either, as it will not only include the two islands from the original and Encore expansion of the PSN game (including everything the expansion brought to the table), but a third new 11-stage island, complete with new music by Otograph.

With the new island, Deluxe will also bring two new towers (one of which is a gem tower that will slowly upgrade any offensive towers in its radius), a new boss monster, and a new enemy type. Previously ground-only creatures, like the speedy spiders, will now start off as air types thanks to balloons strapped to their backs. After you pop the balloons, the monsters drop to the floor, becoming ground creatures. Medal challenges replace the PSN games' trophies, and you can use the ones won to purchase unlockables in the Tiki Hut, like videos, themes, and artwork.

Gameplay remains unchanged, but to accommodate the PSP's screensize, the camera will zoom in to follow your character's movement and zoom out whenever something happens outside your point of view that the game deems important (new wave of monsters approaching, monsters get to the babies, etc.). This is helpful when playing co-op, which Deluxe will have available in local and online flavors.

The publisher provided factsheet for the game lists Deluxe's platforms as PSP and PlayStation Network, though. Could this mean the game will be sold via download as well as on UMD? Whichever way they're selling it, I'm buying. PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe is due out this fall.