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View Full Version : Gears of War 2 Achievement Hacking: Banning has begun...

April 29th, 2009, 21:46
As you know, we are committed to keeping Xbox LIVE a safe and fair place to play for the more than 17 million active members. As part of our regular safety monitoring we have pinpointed a group of players who have unlocked specific Gears of War 2 Achievements through an unauthorized hack. Deliberate cheats like these are in direct violation of the Xbox LIVE Terms of Use and will not be tolerated. As I post this, we've begun taking steps to reset the Gamerscores of the offending players. As I have mentioned in the past, this is something we do occasionally to keep the service free of cheating in order to maintain a fair and level playing field for everyone. If you play fair and earn your achievements without glitching or cheating, you have nothing to worry about. Read my original post that shows what a cheater looks like and head over to Xbox.com to read the Gamerscore correction FAQ that may answer some of your questions.


April 30th, 2009, 08:19
First and foremost it's an exploit of a glitch. It is not a hack. Secondly I love the "We f*cked up and you figured it out so we are going to blame you" mentality.
I don't even play/care for Gears of War 2 but I still find the banning and/or resetting of these people's gamerscores of these people to be both unfair and unjust just because they pointed out a mistake that the developers made. Don't want these things happening? STOP RUSHING GAMES and BETA TEST YOUR SOFTWARE!

Edit: To correct myself apparently it's not a Gears of War 2 issue but an NXE issue. Regardless I stand by my assertations on the subject.

April 30th, 2009, 16:48
yes it is a glitch but by exploiting that glitch to unlock achievements/increase GS you are in direct violation of xbox live ToC and anyone that gets reset should think themselfs lucky its not a perma ban which would have lost them all there downloaded content. they are getting off lightly

April 30th, 2009, 17:15
First and foremost it's an exploit of a glitch. It is not a hack. Secondly I love the "We f*cked up and you figured it out so we are going to blame you" mentality.
I don't even play/care for Gears of War 2 but I still find the banning and/or resetting of these people's gamerscores of these people to be both unfair and unjust just because they pointed out a mistake that the developers made. Don't want these things happening? STOP RUSHING GAMES and BETA TEST YOUR SOFTWARE!

Edit: To correct myself apparently it's not a Gears of War 2 issue but an NXE issue. Regardless I stand by my assertations on the subject.

Boy, what a great way to point something out! I would of gone in the direction of emailing support, but now that I think about it, why don't I rub the mistake in peoples faces and use it to my advantage :P /sarcasm

They deserved what they got, those fools deserved the ban hammer. They got lucky it was only a GS reset.

April 30th, 2009, 23:05
Who cares about gamerscore anyways?