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View Full Version : The hold button

March 11th, 2006, 19:02
Today as I was listening to music on my ceramic psp 1.5, I noticed that when I put the power switch down to the hold position the PSP didnt go into hold. After further inspection I realized that the little key wasnt coming on and that the switch was very flimsly when pushing it down to put the psp into hold. It was like it wasnt even triggering it would just freely sway all the way down and then back up to where you would then turn the psp off. So what are your guyses suggestions, it looks like it would be a easy fix if I opened it up myself and took a look at the power switch, but I might still have warranty on it from Thecamerabox.com where I bought it and I wouldn't want to void the warranty or to send me a whole new 2.01+ PSP and there on backorder from that website anyway. I live in the northwest US and Im not sure if there is any good repair shops around so I'm not sure what to do.

Oh yeah and feel free to move this because It was the only forum I found with help in it :D

March 11th, 2006, 20:15
I have that same problem only my psp won't turn on. my freind droped it and the power switch broke and fell off. if anyone has a place or part that could help me fix it please tell me

March 12th, 2006, 02:17
LMAO I saw a site once that purposely buy PSPs, takes them apart, and sells the parts, so you might be able to get a replacement but I forget what it is...