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View Full Version : snes emulator

March 12th, 2006, 14:04
what is the best setting frameskip to play the snes amulator at the best speed i h8 the way it is quite jerky :mad:

March 12th, 2006, 16:11
Which firmware and which snes are you running, I get decent speeds at FS1.

March 12th, 2006, 20:56
Try Frame Rate Of 3 Or 4 I Find That Works The Best And Toggle Your Vsync Off Gor Some Games Or Turn Off The Sound For More Speed On Games That R Slow Like Mario Krt Or Tetris Attackhope That Helps Ya

March 14th, 2006, 03:58
I GET 60 fps when using snes9x tyl on fs 0,1 and i got 2.6

March 23rd, 2006, 02:05
Depends on the rom, some fun at full speed with 0 frameskip, others need frameskip. If it's not full speed try AUTO first and if it's too choppy lower it from 9 and find the best speed. Also, use PSP Accellerated + Accurate instead of just Accurate when necessary.