View Full Version : Uncharted 2 designer confirms DLC, hints at more locales, sidekicks

May 4th, 2009, 23:24
PlayStation.Blog interviewed Uncharted 2: Among Thieves lead designer, Neil Druckmann, during the first-look event for the game's multiplayer modes and ended up learning more about the solo game. Among other tidbits -- many of which we covered in our first preview of the game -- Druckmann spilled more about the game world, who will be in it and how it might grow.

When asked if portions of the game will still be set in jungles, a la Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, he responded, "Yes, you will see lush areas, you'll see all kinds of different areas as you go through the adventure, much more than in Uncharted 1." Druckmann points out that the game's co-op levels are indeed modified versions of single-player locales, paired with a "Battle Manager" designed to keep the experience fresh with each playthrough. Think Left 4 Dead's "director."

Pressed on the possibility of DLC, Druckmann confirmed that Naughty Dog is planning some, saying, "We will be supporting DLC," though he wouldn't go into more detail. He was similarly coy when asked if Nathan Drake will have any sidekicks in the solo adventure apart from the already seen Chloe. "For single player, we've only shown that Drake teams up with Chloe," he began, teasing, "As for who Drake teams up with for the rest of Uncharted 2, we're going to hold our cards to our chest for now."
