View Full Version : Various DS Homebrew News

March 13th, 2006, 17:04
Source Drunken Coders (http://www.drunkencoders.com/):

Moonshell Update

"There was an extremely serious fatal bug in MoonShell.

Accurate file size was not able to be acquired in the fopen/ftell.
This influences all plug-ins. Please update this.


Multitouch Demo Update

Dynastab has updated his multi touch demo once again. This demo is based off of Nintendo's recent patent (or so i hear). Should now track toggling order of presses and releases. Meaning you can alternate which finger touches and which one releases with no big problems. Still slightly glitchy, but whatever. If you want to see the source, ask me on IRC. Improved display code a little. Easier to see the irregularities now.



This little demo demonstrates detecting multiple touches on the touch pad...not exactly perfect yet but still kinda neet. Scrapped PA_Lib and moved to libnds, as I couldn't figure out how to draw to the frame buffer with it. Thanks to Dovoto for the excellent line drawing VRAM routine.


Wifi update

As you probably already know, UDP is working nicely at present, however now the DNS and TCP implementations are also complete (though there are a few bugs I’m trying to work out at this point) - I’m going to attempt to get a new test app out later tonight once those bugs are fixed, and then work on DHCP.


March 17th, 2006, 20:04
Uh, could someone explain why in the new (1.0 and 1.1 versions) moonshell, when I go to play an mp3, or look at a bmp, it says that it's not supported, but when I use an older version, everythings all good?

Ok, sorry, I'm a rook, the setup.exe is pro. This new version rocks much hardness. mp3s sound nice, volume goes too loud, which is awesome. I was about to build my own amp for the ds, but no need now. Pro, gj Infantile P.