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View Full Version : Rumour: Call of Duty - Vietnam?

May 5th, 2009, 17:51
The next Call of Duty game (after Modern Warfare 2) could take place in 1960s Vietnam, if the latest round of internet rumours are true.

According to a "reliable" source wagging his or her mouth to That Videogame Blog, Activision has begun licensing music from the Vietnam War era, as well as Cuban, Soviet Union and African tunes, which could be a bit of a giveaway.

The site claims that Call of Duty: World at War's senior producer Noah Heller is involved with the project, so it looks like Treyarch is once again at the helm.

It's not the most reliable source in the world, but the news is backed up slightly by Treyarch's statement that it's "glad we were able to end [WWII]" in World at War.

We'll let you know if Activision has anything to say.
