View Full Version : Daikatana II for Dreamcast Confirmed a Hoax

December 5th, 2004, 21:25
(info from http://dreamflint.com that nuckles87 learned while talking with one of the producers at the SEGA boards)

The two unofficial sequels to John Romero's ambitous flop make their way to the Dreamcast. Article by nuckles87.

The unofficial sequels to John Romero's ambitious and infamous first person sword game, "Daikatana", have been announced for the Dreamcast by First Person Interactive and Developers United.

After being persuaded by its publisher, Chaos Software, and one of the game designers, Corbin, FPI and DU have decided to make a Dreamcast version of their first games. Currently, only the PC version is planned to see a retail release, while the Dreamcast version will see a limited "underground" release. However, they are looking into other possibilities for distributing the games.

The two games will be very different in nature. Soul Edge (final name to be decided), being developed by FPI, is planned to take more of a first/third person action RPG angle, while Shadowcaster, being developed by DU, is going the exact opposite direction as a pure first person shooter game.

However, despite their different styles of play, both games will share one engine: the Smooth Engine. Indicating some pretty smooth graphics, we can expect graphics out of this game that will blow away most any other DC project since the consoles demise, including Feet of Fury and the Ascension of Vigil. While no screenshots have been released, the developers are hinting at great things.

The PC versions will see a release in Summer 2005. This is when they plan to start development on the Dreamcast version. This will not be a port, mind you. It will be built from the ground up for the Dreamcast to utilize its features and graphics. Among the features this game will support is online play (possibly cross platform with the PC version) and co-op play. Not much else is known about the DC version, except for the fact that it will retail for $15 (as opposed the $35 PC version).

Now, in the area of advritising, FPI and DU plan to launch an internet campaign using the "Sega Scream" slogan, to hopefully capture the hearts of old school Dreamcast fans, and get them to buy it. With any luck, it will work.

The developers have also opened their doors to suggestions from the public. If you would like to comment on their project, or give suggestions, go to this site: http://www.fpinteractive.info/forums. This is serious, Sceners. It is not a hoax.

(Where this originally started http://boards.sega.com/sega/viewtopic.php?t=25752 | Where else I posted about this http://www.setbb.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=56&mforum=tiphares )

December 5th, 2004, 21:40
It is not a hoax. It is a hoax. I've said it on the Sega boards, and I stick to my claim: I am 100% sure this is a hoax, and I stake my reputation at that claim. It has all the signs of a badly made fake - I'm really surprised that people are falling for this.

This sounds as bogus as the GTAIII DC hoax a while back.

They said that they have the support of Eidos to use the name Daikatana as long as they give some of the profits to them for using their copyrights. That was a big mistake for them to say, as this is easy to check.

I'm going to contact Eidos directly on Monday to see if this is true - which I'm 100% sure it isn't - I'm only doing it to settle this once and for all.

December 5th, 2004, 22:50
Actually you do good. I am still not sure either, but as you can see not 100% sure it's a hoax as you say. Still I will repeat, you do good... if this would be true would be so f*cking good... Well I will stay in watch to see your post with Eidos' reply and spread it as soon as possible whatever the ending.

December 5th, 2004, 22:59
Just got a private message from nuckles at the SEGA boards...

"Oh, I am 100% sure that this is true.

However, I am only 40% sure that the project will go gold and become available, looking at the sheer track record of any big Dreamcast project.

It isn't a hoax. I talked to Corbin all last night and he explaine everything. However, he also informed me that I should not hype it up until he has something solid to show the public. FPI will be releasing a tech demo of the "Smooth" engine in early January. That is when I suggest you try to push it. I will be submitting the news to Wraggster myself.

However, if you wish to submit the news yourself now, then by all means, go for it. I answer most questions about it on my Dreamcast-Scene post, like how they got the license, etc. It isn't a hoax.

Thx for showing interest in this obscure game from this obscure developer, mate."

I will be *unavailable for comments* as us Tiphareans like to say... (don't ask)

December 5th, 2004, 23:14
More info (PM again at the SEGA boards). Btw I think you people aren't going to use me to flame each other, but if you do I tell you to STFU now, now let's go back to business.

"Yeah, Metafox has been screaming that "it's a hoax!" thing for awhile now. I was kind of hoping I had at least convinced him that the project was real, and that the company was just disorganized.

He has absolutely no proof that it is a hoax. He is only basing his accusations on things that are common with upstart developers:

1. Crappy site: His own site, Cyberdog Castle, started out as a two page pile of sh*t, with an ugly inactive forum to boot. He didn't release shots of any games for over six months. The only reason why people believed him was because he was a long time DC vet.

2. Copyrights: Corbin already explained to me how 3Dfx negotiated with Eidos to get the copyrights to the games. And he said that if this parting of the ways with 3Dfx effects the copyright, and they are unable to use the names, they will use different names.

3. Legalities: They are using their own engine, and they supposedly have the copy rights. This game will be hitting retail on PC.

4. History: DKII has goen through a tulmultous history, but it is a real history none the less. Metafox uses the term "ellaborate hoax", but he doesn't seem to realize that NO ONE would post months upon months of posts about how a game is developing, then suddenly announce for DC, just to fool a few DC fans.

DKII was only RECENTLY announced for the DC, and is a PC game first, DC second."

Ok, just posting more to give more background to everyone. Shit if this is true, we should be helping this project, not taking it down. Still don't hype it, just share info and the truth will come sooner or later.

December 6th, 2004, 02:09
he doesn't seem to realize that NO ONE would post months upon months of posts about how a game is developing, then suddenly announce for DC, just to fool a few DC fans.Heh, he hasn't been in the dreamcast/emulation "scene" that long has he? :P

December 6th, 2004, 03:09
it sounds like an over the top april fools joke! it would be great if true.... but i'm not holding my breath. ;)

December 6th, 2004, 03:11
IF it does come out for PC (which is relatively in question in itself) then ill await the DC release.

December 6th, 2004, 12:22
I am curious but dont have the time to read it atm - keep us posted Saoshyant

December 10th, 2004, 17:19
Heh, well, I'm glad to see people are talking about it...and sure Metafox, do all your homework.
You don't really think we just started this, do you? Development has been pressing for a year now, and we just recently announced the DC version. These aren't start up projects, as we have done quite a bit of work on them. I am curious, however, that you choose to go the same route as many other people (preferably the DK scene) go...you go around posting trash and generally "assume" that we're full of crap, yet you absolutely have NO evidence of anything. You just follow what the public have said.
As before, DK2 has had a pretty bad history, but we're on track now, and if you think you're going to stop us with your "research" and "hoax announcements", then you've already been beaten to it. Pretty much every asshole that wanted to hound us down for the past year have gotten it handed straight to them, and I can give you adequate proof that their minds changed. So don't go around saying this crap, that you're "sure". Because, guess what?! Other people were "Sure" as well, and they were shut up before they could utter another word. If you want to try us go ahead -- you're not doing ANTHING NEW, Metafox, AT ALL. We've been through it all, seen it all, heard it all. So you just sit there and try us. With all means, Metafox, try us.
You can reach me personally at my email address ([email protected]) for more on this, because this is the kind of shit that we went through with the first year, and if you can't take this like a grown up or whatever age you preffer, then you need to keep your mouth shut.
I'm not attacking or insulting you. I would like to talk to you about all this in private, and see what you think after I'm done.
Like I said, and this goes to EVERYONE here or there, we've been through it all, seen it all, and heard it all. There's absolutely nothing you can do to us to discredit us, because many people in the past have tried and done nothing but failed.
Anyways, you can find out more information for this PC/DC game at our web forum: http://fpinteractive.info/forums
Thank you for your time!

December 10th, 2004, 17:51
I'll make an ultimatum for you. If this is really legitimate, and you've been working on it for so long, then set up a time and place where I can come and see it run. I'll pay the expense for my travel to get there, all you have to do is bring the game.

December 10th, 2004, 18:18
lol OMG, I just PMed MetaFox asking if he got anything new regarding this, then I login here and see this WOW. Anyway, please do accept this ultimatum, i know MetaFox is actually not bullsh*ting, he means it and we all would like to see this final prove come to life.

December 10th, 2004, 18:58
Man, thats a little on the extreme side, don't you think Meta? Why don't you just wait until they release the smooth engine tech demo?

They don't have it running on DC, by the way. They would like to get a DC dev team to port the smooth engine to the DC so that they can release the DC version next summer/fall.

December 10th, 2004, 19:01
Heh, he hasn't been in the dreamcast/emulation "scene" that long has he? :P

Oh, I have. Admitably, not DCemu, as I have never been a tech head. But I often read news on new DC releases and projects.

The only hoax that I know of that had any impact was GTAFree, which was one a cheap one page site that got updated every few months. And to be honest, unless they openly admitted it was a hoax, how do you know it wasn't just a failed project? I do remember seeing screen shots (looked like an N64 game, with a pure white sky). I have never seen anyone put this much effort into a DC hoax.

December 10th, 2004, 20:52
Man, thats a little on the extreme side, don't you think Meta? Why don't you just wait until they release the smooth engine tech demo?Not at all. Once you start announcing that you've been working on something, you invite the media to do their own investigating on the subject.

They don't have it running on DC, by the way. They would like to get a DC dev team to port the smooth engine to the DC so that they can release the DC version next summer/fall.The PC version should be in a playable state if they've been working on it for years, and expect to release it in 6 months. There should be no problem with setting up an appointment for me to play for a few hours if it really does exist. The only way to prove whether something is real or not is to experience it firsthand.

The only hoax that I know of that had any impact was GTAFree, which was one a cheap one page site that got updated every few months.There's been the SNES emulators SaddNES and supercast, a Super Mario 64 "port", Panoptican's NeoDC Emulator, zerotolerance's NeoRageX "port", saturncast, Hairy Budda's PSX emulator Blur!, Quantum programming's PSX emulator qPSX, Team X-Emulation's N64 emulator Dream64, the fake Dreamcast emulator for PC - Nightmare, Dreamcastin2k2's CD-i emulator Dream CDI, then of course the GTAIII clone project you know about. There's been more than that, but that's all I can remember at the moment.

And to be honest, unless they openly admitted it was a hoax, how do you know it wasn't just a failed project?They started out saying that it was a straight port of GTAIII with reduced graphics, as they got the source of Renderware from Rockstar since it was a student project. When people got suspicious and started asking for proof, even going so far as to contact Rockstar for confirmation they did a complete 180 in their story and said that they never got the source for renderware, and were doing a remake instead.

I do remember seeing screen shots (looked like an N64 game, with a pure white sky).There was a post on the DCEmulation forums where someone reproduced the screenshot using a popular imaging program in 5 minutes (the trees were even standard trees that came with the program).

I have never seen anyone put this much effort into a DC hoax.That's the nature of a well-done hoax - to put so much effort into it that people actually believe it. Search for any of the hoaxes I mentioned above, and you'll see a whole bunch of effort was put into those as well. (Some of those even went on for several years, many photoshopped "screenshots", and several webpages).

December 10th, 2004, 21:16
I understand your position Meta.
..but I am still not the one who doesn't think it could be real - maybe it is? Time will tell...

As long as the existance nor the opposite isn't proven I am curious. Let's hope it isn't a hoax ;)

December 10th, 2004, 23:17
No way in heck am I quoting that monster of a post Meta ;). But I see your point.

Guess only time will tell, but the DC version is not yet in a playable state. In fact, only a few things have even been done in that regard. Like I've said a few times "PC first, DC second". They are HOPING that if they get a group of DC developers together, the smooth engine can be ported, allowing them to work on the PC version in conjunction with the DC version.

As for the PC version, well, according to Corbin, a fully playable tech demo of the smooth engine will be available after christmas.

December 10th, 2004, 23:47
Time will tell...
I don't think anybody realizes that the Smooth Engine "Tech Test" will be playable. It's not a video, but fully interactive, showcasing the effects and whatnot that my programmers have done.
So I don't think there's a need to drive down here, but if you want to, be my guest.
Like I said, the PC/DK community stopped complaining about it and now wait patiently, because time paid off for them, they started seeing screenshots and a lot of other things. I don't see why people are taking it so literally over here, it's already been said and done, so please, do me a favor and wait!
Just another couple of weeks and you will get it to play and THEN, and only THEN, will you be able to judge if it is a hoax or not.
Like I said, you guys haven't been in the PC/DK scene to follow everything we did, so you guys are starting out just like they did.
But hold my words to it, beyond reason of the doubt, Daikatana II will deliver.
So, either put up or Suck it Down!!!
And Meta -- Daikatana is NOT, I repeat NOT hot property, BY FAR. Daikatana crushed John Romero's name, and if you were in the PC community long enough, you'd realize that he doesn't get the respect he deserves, at all. There's a lot of things you're not aware of Meta, so I think you should sit down and wait, or start getting involved in it. There's nothing else I can say or do, so hurry up and wait.
Or, if you would like, we can set up a time and place for you to drive down here, because my team has no problem with it. If you're serious then I'm serious.

December 11th, 2004, 03:34
Or, if you would like, we can set up a time and place for you to drive down here, because my team has no problem with it. If you're serious then I'm serious. That works for me, I'll e-mail you at the address you gave to set up an appointment.

December 11th, 2004, 03:47
Great, I'm located in California...if we were all to meet I would like it some place far away from where I live for obvious reasons...get in a chat. We'll figure it out from there. You have my contact information on Sega.com.

December 11th, 2004, 17:48
I still think you should wait for the tech demo, Meta. But if you want to waste your money on this, no way I can stop you.

I'll be posting the news on DC-S, and sending it to DCemulation once the demo is released. But you should really think about this, Meta. Do some real research. I did, and thats how I became convinced. I've seen concept art, screen shots of early Quake 3 models of Kyla, and hopefully I'll soon be seeing in game screenshots for the PC version.

January 22nd, 2005, 08:09
What's the actual status of this?

January 22nd, 2005, 09:05
I can't understand why some people seems to take themselves so seriously... if this is fake or not is not really a problem for anyone as long as no money is asked while in development.

True or not,we will see in due time...maybe never. But who in the world are you anyway Metafox to act like you do, putting ultimatum on people to show YOU the work so far. They sure don't owe you anything in any way... Not to be aggressive or anything with you, but the fact that you do homebrew stuff on Dreamcast in your free time doesn't give you that kind of right over anyone. I am probably not the only one thinking that way.

On another note... why don't you do what you're good at and do some awesome stuff on Dreamcast instead of wasting your time trying to prove that something is true or not.

P.S. : Note to the administrators here, if that post is too offensive or anything feel free to delete or modify it.

January 22nd, 2005, 10:57
you miss the point VampiricS, there have been many fakes in the past, so its easy to get peoples hopes up. but if it real it would be very easy to prove. most people release something before the claim they can do such a big project, most of the time poeple who claim a big project out of the blue without any back up, they turned out that they are fakes....

when you have been in the scene for so long, i see fakes get more attention that real project (from real hard working coders) just because the fake sound "cool", you get very sick of it.... and meta has been about for a long time

January 22nd, 2005, 11:45
VampiricS, it's called journalism.

This project is supposedly going to be a commercial project. I don't want people to get ripped off.

As a good journalist, I don't take things at face value. When it comes to news, it is up to the news source to provide proof that the news is reliable.

This news source came out of nowhere, had a big name tied to it, and the news provider expected us to take it at face value.

It just doesn't work that way.

January 22nd, 2005, 12:51
Things that go bump in the night! :P

Don't worry MetaFox, you're not the only one who doubts this creation, even some in the DK scene think the same, it's only when an actual Beta (Alpha even) version appears that this thing will be proved real or fake.

When you consider the history behind Daikatana: the early statements, news posts, rumours, then the wait for years for a release, followed by the hammering from the press and consumers, you'd think anyone even considering making a sequel would avoid going down the same well-trodden path in the fickle world of gaming.

January 22nd, 2005, 14:28
To Metafox:

Thanks for the clarifications, i wasn't sure if i did put the right words to express my opinon earlier.

January 24th, 2005, 07:16
Okay, I understand both sides and I try to keep a neutral position on this one. But still I have some questions left, I'm just curious.

1.) "Dreamcast comes second" means that it's planed for the Dreamcast, or you guys have at least sympathy for it, right? Excause me nuckles87 that I make that public here, but you told me that they don't care if it's done with the Katakana devkit or KallistiOS. First would be illegal, second would be legal but slow. Means I don't know if it could handle such graphcal environments like in Daikatana I. Have you informed yourself about the production process yet?

2.) FP Interactive has their own website, okay. But why is it this empty? They cooperate with 3Dfx, or am I wrong? Were there any talkes yet? And why do they cooperate with them? Why do they agree to give Eidos money for using Daikatana as a name, and not renaming it to something else? To be honest, that's a bit illogical to me as someone who worked three years with those legal issue things.

3.) Where is the website of "developers united"? The only link I found was this one... http://www.javaserver.de/dun/ ...which is a German Java programing company. Shouldn't they the publisher?

- edit -
By the way... thanks MetaFox for all those fake prods, I added they to the scene database at the bottom here: http://www.dreamcast-scene.com/index.php/Main/Scene ;)

February 8th, 2005, 20:47
We have no time to work on the website. Nobody seems to be commited enough. Developers United is a start-up underground development team; you won't find any information on them yet. 3dfx left the development process a long time ago, we no longer share resources or people anymore.
Sorry for the thread bump.

March 13th, 2005, 00:17
I have been about as truthful as I can be with you. We don't have programmers anymore. We're back to vapor ware. Anyone who actually went on the boards would know this. I even announced on the Saber board that it is CURRENTLY VAPORWARE.Hoax confirmed. I wish these lamers would stop making projects that put the Dreamcast in a bad light. Anyone who makes up fake projects from now on will be banned, no questions asked. I'm sick of it.

EDIT: (Just to make myself clear - I wasn't calling nuckles87 a lamer - he was just an innocent caught in the middle of it all. I was referring to Corbin).

Topic locked.

March 15th, 2005, 17:33