View Full Version : pMEnc Simple PMP Creator

March 14th, 2006, 02:37
Hi, all.
just wanted to announce the release of pMEnc, yet another PMP
maker. it's aimed at beginners who want the high quality videos but
don't want to or know how to use VirtualDubMod/BeSweet/pmp_muxer.

if you use PMPMod, then give it a try. it's an 'early' release, so some
of the stuff like DVD support hasn't been added yet. but, i plan on
doing just that in the future.

here's the link and some screenshots,

any feedback would be appreciated.

download (http://cs.ulm.edu/~jself/pmenc)

March 14th, 2006, 18:04
Hey Modsyn great to see the news! Also How is jMEnc 3 comming along? I've seen the latest screenshots and they are great! Some stuff like the position of the text and stuff may need a final touch but those are minor finishing touches.

Hope the final jMEnc 2 will be out soon :)

Also don't you think this would be a killer in jMEnc 3 (I don't know if the point is to merge them later on but it would be great... The all in one PSP video converter!).

March 14th, 2006, 20:24
problems i find, is pmp format can take a long time to convert, which isnt a problem 4 me, but then the file cannot be played in PMPmod due to audio header error.. most programs use mencoder yet they all produce different results..also when trying to do large Vobs as in using decrypter to create one large movie vob, most fall short and produce a unreadable file..ive tried most if not all PMP converters with a wide range of results.. i tried this proggy and got an error message ( forgot what it said now) on one large 3GB movie vob file.. so now ill try a smaller one and see what happens..

March 14th, 2006, 20:31
After finally getting comfortable with one flawless converter, I find that I am unhappy I have to try another one now. However, I will test this and see if it is better/worse and if I see good results, I'll recommend it. I host the PSP club in my school, in which I helpthe common pupils with homebrew, news updates, tournaments, and now PMP movies. Yours does seem nice and simple so it could be a hit.

March 14th, 2006, 20:52
i use pmp simple 0.8 and compared it to videora converter and honestly the pmp simple did exactly the same results (which is a good thing) and did it over THREE yes 3x faster than videora and tryed it with many different videos large and small and havent had a problem and dont know about your problem with vobs t-2000 but i dont have problems but heres a suggestion anyway try to convert with another regular program like the avivoxcode or some other encoder to another format then use your pmp software. tell me hows that goes.

March 14th, 2006, 21:14
ill give it a go but theres an old saying that goes " Garbage in, Garbage out " thts why i like to use Vob files, there brilliant quality, yes simple 0.8 i use too i suppose i need to find out the best settings to convert vob to avi and get a good file size..