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View Full Version : Faceplates Festival on Xbox 360: Change the Look of your System

March 14th, 2006, 06:39
News from Lik Sang: (http://www.lik-sang.com/news.php?artc=3819&lsaid=219793)

After Nokia with their cell-phones, after Nintendo with the Gameboy Micro, Microsoft too adopted the "exchangeable cover" concept for their Xbox 360 system. Customizing the machine following your own unique taste is the whole catchy idea behind that product line. We already had here at Lik Sang some Japan-only models of faceplates last Christmas, right after the 360 was launched in Tokyo and other Nipponese cities. We have received in the last couple of weeks some even more exciting designs, after third-party manufacturers have jumped on the bandwagon. We now got a whole range of new faceplates for the console, as presented further down below, but also an entire line-up of casing variations for your clinical white Xbox 360 Controllers - if you don't have a phobia for screwdrivers that is.


Stylish Covers for your Xbox 360 Controllers

From the makers of the popular Faceplates for PSP come these groovy coats for Xbox 360 controllers (suitable for both wired and wireless versions). Only the top part can be replaced for now, and you will need to use a screwdriver or two, as you can see from our installation guide. Since the replacement procedure necessitates opening things up, performing it will indeed automatically void the warranty on your joypad. But then again, beauty has a tough price and it doesn't come without effort they say.

There is an array of 7 colors available from kick-off, including bubblegum pink for the girlfriend (also recommended for gay cow-boys and metrosexual men who are so at ease with their sexuality that they are actually comfortable shaving their torso and legs, wearing pink shirts, and engaging in other such weird activities that Cosmopolitan and Vogue editors will regularly encourage or praise). Not so much the ballet type of guy, my personal bestest would be the Metallic Chrome Silver, so shiny that I can see myself in it (before grabbing it for a play at least, or, alternatively, after cleaning out with a cloth the big thumbs' fingerprints I left all over it).

More at the link above: