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View Full Version : Quick question....

March 14th, 2006, 22:50
Hey all, Im wanting to update to 2.00 so I can watch video on my psp, and from the sound of it, my NES and GB emu's will still work on 2.00. How can I tell if updating my psp will render my emu's useless?

(ps) those are the only 2 homebrew's im using and intend to use in the near future

Thanks for replies!

March 14th, 2006, 22:52
Or, if I cannot update and still play my emu's, is there a homebew app that would allow me to watch movies on my psp?

March 14th, 2006, 23:52
nes and gb emu can both work on 2.0 using the ebout loader.
however you can watch video mp4 on the psp 1.5

March 24th, 2006, 00:02
wat he said

March 24th, 2006, 00:21
ditto that.

March 24th, 2006, 07:07
Use PSP Video 9 to convert your own Dvd's to mp4 format to be able to play them on your PSP.. Geez man SEARCH! before you post :p