View Full Version : Sony to Ship Media-Friendly PSP Revision in Time for the Holidays

March 15th, 2006, 06:46
Source - WindowsITpro (http://www.windowsitpro.com/Article/ArticleID/49664/49664.html)

Responding to customer demands for a version of the PlayStation Portable (PSP) that is better configured for watching recorded TV shows and movies, Sony will reissue the PSP later this year in a new configuration that includes 4 GB of internal storage. Today, PSP users have to put up with the Memory Stick Duo slot, which requires expensive add-on memory cards, if they wish to up the PSP's storage allotment. The new PSP will also include an integrated camera, according to reports. It's about time, but I'd also like to see a larger hard drive-equipped version with 60 or 80 GB of storage.

March 15th, 2006, 07:39

I wonder when the pictures are gonna be leaked..

March 15th, 2006, 08:17
Well, no point in upgrading anymore. Everyone with 2.00 PSP's and under should keep it that way. If you want to upgrade for some of the new titles FORCE you to upgrade, hold out until this new PSP which will probably not allow homebrew and better be compatible with ALL games.

I'm hoping for MPH or someone to release an updated game loader that plays 2.50 & 2.60 games. I just bought Y's Ark of Napishtim & Generation of Chaos and don't know how to play them on my 1.5 PSP. If anyone gets those games to run, please PM me.

Sure I'll want one, but I'm pretty pissed. Is this going to be the new trend. Every year or year 1/2 a new hardware "revision". Imagine if XBOX 360, PS3, etc. updated their hardware that often. From the get go Sony should have opted for internal storage. And to now only offer 4GB when the iPod is up to 60GB is not really adequate. And a camera? WTF? Also, by the time this is released, the SanDisk Pro Duo 4GB Ultra II sticks will be available and affordable. That is also "internal" on the current psp.

Sure the argument can be made that what if company's were afraid to upgrade, change, build upon, etc. etc. We'd all still be playing Atari 2600 or something. I'm all for technology advances and progression but this new PSP seems to be just that. A new PSP. Not "PSP NEXT" or "PSP Enhanced" etc. If this new PSP packs some more ponies under the hood to allow for PS2 quality games, that would be one thing, but I don't think that will be the case.

March 15th, 2006, 12:27
just bs

March 15th, 2006, 13:04
Well, no point in upgrading anymore. Everyone with 2.00 PSP's and under should keep it that way. If you want to upgrade for some of the new titles FORCE you to upgrade, hold out until this new PSP which will probably not allow homebrew
yeah true and i wonder what the price will be $400-$450 :confused: is my guess

March 15th, 2006, 13:27
Not suprizing, But interesting anyway.

Yeah i'll most likely have me one of these :p

March 15th, 2006, 15:51
Thers no new psp release just some addons they never said any thing at the Business Briefing 2006 about a new psp :confused: http://pspupdates.qj.net/PS3-Delayed-PSP-Revolution-Coming-Soon-/pg/49/aid/10840

March 15th, 2006, 22:48
PRETty gay... I wouldn't doubt that it's true, sony just dropped the price of the psp. and of course they won't talk about it at the briefing because they want all the poor saps like me to buy one to only find out there will be releasing a new version.