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View Full Version : New PSone emu thread

March 15th, 2006, 21:09
Alright i dont feel like typing forever but is this new PSone/ps2 emulator going to be available for download with the firmware updates or do we have to buy this new psp? Because if its gonna be like that than screw it. It's cool, but I don't need to play psone games on my psp thattttt much.

I'm not THAT MUCH of a nerd.

the other stuff doesn't interest me that much. I could care less about flash player, camera, and all that. Plus by means of 1.50 hacking, all this shit weill eventually happen. And we all know that by going up to this new firmware we lose snes, nes, genesis, etc. emulation. I might just sell my other psp and keep my 1.50 and get some money towards the new one if its THAT excitiing, i can afford it.

March 15th, 2006, 21:46
i would upgrade but there is no way in hell im gonna buy a new psp

March 16th, 2006, 12:47
I think it will be a firmware update, if it is i WILL update my 2.0 PSP.

March 16th, 2006, 13:37
or use an eboot firmwire fooler

Cap'n 1time
March 16th, 2006, 14:16
Im not sure I understand.. has it been anounced it will be a hardware modification or software... either way this will set everyone back a few bukaroonies.

speculation alert!!!
If it is ineed software then I think sony is going to charge you money for downloading this psone games to play on your psp.. and probably only a few that have been dumbed down to a reasonable size. I dont think we will have the nice neat ISO packages, but rather some weird thing sony will come up with that will have all kinds of protection and encryption and stuff that will be cracked within a few months anyway.

March 16th, 2006, 15:09
Remember, with so many new feature means new security leaks and in turn ways to run homebrew on the next firmware without GTA. Personally, I can't wait for the next firmware, so people can get started on cracking it.