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View Full Version : FEDA Finally Reaches Completion!

May 12th, 2009, 19:18
Magic Destiny and Stealth Translations have done it again! This time they bring you a complete version of FEDA: The Emblem of Justice. The script has been totally reworked, and numerous bugs have been stomped out!

Months and months were spent editing the script to get the proper tone and feel down right. WildBill, having spent time in service, delved back into his past to bring a very realistic dialog to the game. Bongo’ continued to deliver killer tools to complete this project and worked long hard hours to get the coding put in place.

If you enjoyed (or even hated) playing the original Stealth Translations release, then you will be totally blown away by how much better the dialog and story are. The original release contained many inconsistencies and vague scenarios that have tweaked for better comprehension.

We hope you enjoy the game! Be sure to give a big hand to the man himself, Bongo’, for pushing us hard to get this gem of a game out to the public.
