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View Full Version : Worms Open Warfare For PSP And DS

March 18th, 2006, 11:48
Source - Vidgaminghub (http://videogaminghub.com/worms-open-warfare-for-psp-and-ds-1015.html)

Worms Open Warfare is the latest offering from Team17. Team17 are the developers responsible for bringing all the previous Worms titles, as well as other titles like Lemmings, to PC and console owners worldwide.

Worms Open Warfare Gameplay.
The basic premise of Worms has always been a simple but highly addictive one. Blow the hell out of other teams’ worms. Sounds simple and, in fact, sounds quite ludicrous but that’s part of its charm. Many of you will have played the original games so you will know what I’m wittering about but the simple 2D graphics, the fine array of weaponry and the sheer joy of prodding your mates off a cliff is almost indescribable and yet, I must try because Worms Open Warfare is available from 22nd March.

Weapons Array.
Worms Open Warfare harps back to the good old days of 2D warfare and brings with it the classic weapons like the unlimited Uzi and shotgun as well as the coveted and highly effective dynamite and land mines, as well as the sometimes satisfying and always explosive homing missile, banana bomb, the sheep and plenty more. There are also utilities that will help you worm around the land like the ninja rope (prepare for numerous heinous suicides until you get the hang of using these properly) and girders or the cowardly teleport option and many more. After all, worms can’t move fast and you are playing against a fairly strict timer. You can, though, jump over gaps, back flip to higher levels and cower behind the scenery (probably best to avoid the landmines and the exploding barrels). If you’re a Worms aficionado then you will notice the lack of later additions like the Holy Hand Grenade but the game doesn’t lack any substance because of it.

The DS Versus The PSP.
Whether you are playing on the DS or the PSP you will be subjected to the same gameplay and, in theory, the same graphics. However, the screen resolution on the PSP will treat you to incredible scenery and backgrounds. The DS version still looks good and is wholly enjoyable you just get a little more sparkle for your money with the PSP. The PSP also allows you to zoom out and view the whole map, giving you a huge advantage in the middle of a battle.

Worms Open Warfare Multiplayer And Summary.
4 Players can link up to play multiplayer battles against one another, or you can simply use one unit and pass it between players as it passes to their turn. The AI can be a little irritating but the single player is still a very good game. However, Worms Open Warfare truly comes into its own in multiplayer slaughter fests against your mates. I’ve already mentioned the satisfaction of prodding your opponent off a cliff, but imagine the joy when they attempt a ninja rope move only to fling themselves desperately into a mine or into the sea. Overall, the Worms accolade lives on in Worms Open Warfare.