View Full Version : PSPXTI: A TI-92 Calculator emulator v1.0.2

March 18th, 2006, 21:24

Hi All,

I've just released a new version of the PSP TI-92 calculator. We can now load basic and asm programs (.92x files) directly in this emulator.

I've modified the key mapping, and function keys are now usable with the keyboard cursor, using analog pad.

A simple game (basic arkanoid ancestor) is given as an example in this archive. You have to press select + L1 + R1 to enter in the file selector, choose the file you want to load in your TI-92 emulator. Then enter the name of the program you want to run (ex: arkanoid() ), or use the VLINK menu of the TI-92 (2nd + minus key).

I've tested this version only with 2.5FW. Nevertheless a 1.5FW version (generated using upspear 0.15) is also available in this archive.


:) Zx.

Download Via Comments and give Feedback

Edit: If you want this emulator working with TI92+ Rom, a hint is given in this thread.

Edit2: a new version working with TI92+ Rom v1.1 is available here :pspxti v1.0.3 (http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=3971)

March 18th, 2006, 21:53
nice work but i still don't get how to run programs...pressing L + R makes me go to the graph screen...

March 18th, 2006, 22:08
*Thank You* ZX-81!! This is an awesome project, and I'm really excited to be able to carry around a virtual TI-92... Even better now that we can load files :D

Now if it were possible to load the current 92+ rom, with AMS 2.09... then this would be the perfect app! (just a request/suggestion, I honestly have no idea how difficult it would be to implement that...)

March 18th, 2006, 22:35
nice work but i still don't get how to run programs...pressing L + R makes me go to the graph screen...

You have to press SELECT + L + R, it makes you get out of the emulator screen and enter in file selector (with black screen) ...

March 18th, 2006, 22:40
Now if it were possible to load the current 92+ rom, with AMS 2.09... then this would be the perfect app! (just a request/suggestion, I honestly have no idea how difficult it would be to implement that...)

It's very easy, i've just found the solution few minutes ago. The interrupt vector table address for TI-92 and TI-92 plus roms are not the same.

In the first case the 68000 processor has to take the contents of the address 0x00004 to find its boot address, and on in the TI92+ rom version it's at 0x1208c ;)

It should be available in futur version :D

March 18th, 2006, 23:02
thank you very much! it rocks, and about the ti-92+ i´m definitively waiting that, you are awesome!!

March 19th, 2006, 00:10
um, when i press select, so that i can do the select+l+r, i get an illegal instruction at the top, can you make like a reset function that deletes the .mem diles of the calculator, kinda like popping out the batteries of the calculator?

EDIT: now, it doesnt work, every time i turn on the calculator, it automatically has the illegal instruction bar at the top.

EDIT2: i deleted the .mem file in the pspxti folder and it got fixed, so any of you that have this problem, just delete the .mem file

March 19th, 2006, 00:17
Ok, you're right, a kind of reset should be usefull :)

For your problem, the only solution from now is to remove the ti92.mem file in the pspxti directory.

March 19th, 2006, 00:19
kk, didnt see that post u made when i edited mt post.

March 19th, 2006, 02:42
this program is not-so-compatible with IR shell...just to let you know.

March 19th, 2006, 02:43
zx-81 : I trust your a highly paid programmer somewhere. You are on a real roll here, knocking off these calculator emus. Amazing, I've never seen anything like it before.

I know your not writing the apps from scratch, but to port them to PSP as quickly and accurately as you do... I salute you!

March 19th, 2006, 09:25
I have version 2.6 PSP.

I have successfully gotten the HP48 to work, but cannot get the TI-92 to work. I downloaded the TI version 1.12 rom from my TI-92, tested it with an emulator for the PC (works fine), and saved it to the PSP. I can start the PSP TI emulator, I see buttons, but the TI IO screen is jumbled. I can manuever around the keyboard and press the keys (nothing happens), I can even access the select-L-R screen to load programs. I just can't make the TI IO screen do anything.

I don't see a .mem file being created, and therefore have nothing to delete.

Any suggestions, besides downgrading my rom to 2.5?

March 19th, 2006, 09:39
@ro0kie42 : Thanks for the feedback. I've not a PSP with 1.5 FW, so i can't use IR shell ...

March 19th, 2006, 09:45
@Jay_PSP: Thanks :) ... And the answer to your question is yes :D

@mjkoonce: You try may be to use a TI92+ Rom ? It's not compatible from now. I should release soon a new version that works fine with TI92 and TI92+ !

edit: @mjkoonce: sorry i didn't see that you were already using a TI92 rom (not TI92+). I've no suggestion, instead of trying another ROM version ?

March 19th, 2006, 12:20
If you want to make this emulator working using TI92+ rom v1.01 (and only this version !) :

Copy the file of the TI-92+ rom v1.01 as psp/game/pspxti/ti92.rom, remove eventually existing configuration file psp/game/pspxti/ti92.mem and replace it by the one given in this post,

and enjoy ! :)

March 19th, 2006, 13:30
Zx-81 the ti-92+ is running fine, but I have a question, do you know how can I load an application since these apps are not as ti-92´s (.92x) but .9xk I tried to rename the file but is not able to recognize it. I´m trying to run the SYMBOLIC MATH GUIDE which I found at education.ti.com, it is compatible with ti-92+ and not with ti-92. Do you think you can make that app work?? Thanks a lot, and sorry if I´m asking too much I really can´t imagine how much work and time it took for you, but is a good work the one you´ve done! way to go...

March 19th, 2006, 13:44
@juancar186: if you succeed to run the TI-92+ Rom (using the configuration file i've posted) you should now be able to load any TI-92+ applications.

This PSPXTI version can only load files with .92* extension, so if you rename the files as you have done (using .92x extension for example) it should be just working fine.

It may happens that the application file is not properly loaded, and sometimes it works only after several tries.


March 19th, 2006, 13:52
Yes I loaded ti-92+ succesfully, I still will try to load this app, I´ve been trying already for 20 or 30 min. If you can give me a hand I´ll appreciate that, If I got further news about this app I´ll post them.

PS: this app is very usefull, it solves limits,derivates,integrals and more step by step. Is just perfect for people which are not that good at math, that´s why I want it so much to run on my psp.

March 19th, 2006, 13:57
I can't find a rom :mad:
Can someone give me a hind. Or send me a pm?


March 19th, 2006, 14:00
@ruben-jansen: using www.google.it

@juancar186: i've sent you a pm.

March 19th, 2006, 15:09
juancar186 - The Symbolic Math Guide needs TI92+ ROM version 2.09 according to TI. I think zx-81 mentioned only version 1.01 is working at this time on the emulator...

March 19th, 2006, 15:25
juancar186 - The Symbolic Math Guide needs TI92+ ROM version 2.09 according to TI. I think zx-81 mentioned only version 1.01 is working at this time on the emulator...

Yes I talked with him, do you know were can I find the rom of the ti-92+ with the version 2.09, he gave me a preview to test it.

March 19th, 2006, 16:24
@Juancar186: The rom of the TI92+ 2.09 is available on the TI web site. Anyway it doesn't work with PSPXTI (even the preview version you have ...)

I'm working on it ;)

March 19th, 2006, 16:33
On the ti website I found the os, but is that the same thing as the rom?? I mean I understand that in order to have the rom you have to download the rom you have to install the os in the calculator and then via cable download it to the pc, and then you have a fully functional rom for the emulation. The problem is that I don´t have the cable(1) neither the same calculator(2) and can´t find the rom with the version I need(3) been searching for 1 and a half hours my god!! Thanks zx-81 I know you are doing a good effort.;)

March 19th, 2006, 17:47
On the ti website I found the os, but is that the same thing as the rom??

Yes nearly, there is a small header added.

I mean I understand that in order to have the rom you have to download the rom you have to install the os in the calculator and then via cable download it to the pc, and then you have a fully functional rom for the emulation. The problem is that I don´t have the cable(1) neither the same calculator(2) and can´t find the rom with the version I need(3) been searching for 1 and a half hours my god!! Thanks zx-81 I know you are doing a good effort.;)

Even with a cable or whatever, the original version of Xtiger is not able to run TI-92+ ROM. With the patch i've done in PSPXTI (it will be available in futur version), we can now run TI-92+ rom v1.x.

But many things have to be changed in the original source code to work with
v2.x :eek:

March 19th, 2006, 19:08
zx-81 - just wondering if you have considered an emu for the HP 49G+? I use in windows now emu48 for it.

March 19th, 2006, 19:27
zx-81 - just wondering if you have considered an emu for the HP 49G+? I use in windows now emu48 for it.

I've choosen X48 because i've read the source of this software, i've already ported it on several plateform such as MacOs, SunOS and Solaris (with little modifications and bug fixes) and i know well X11 environment and API. The source of the GUI is limited in one file, so it was easier to rewrite it for the PSP. This is not the case with Emu48.

To sum up, when i've first installed PSPcalc on my PSP, i understood that i can to do something for the PSP community, but that's all :D :D.

I don't think i will try to port emu48 on PSP, the difference between HP48GX and 49G is not so important. I don't know about 10% of the capabilities of my HP48 GX, so i dont think PSP users would loose something if there is no 49GX version.

:) :)

March 19th, 2006, 20:01
I don't know about 10% of the capabilities of my HP48 GX, so i dont think PSP users would loose something if there is no 49GX version.

:) :)

Thanks for apps you have offered they are excellent!!
I have real HP48 as well, its not lacking thats for sure, I think the PSP version is faster than the real one as well.

Jeff Wilcox
March 19th, 2006, 22:44
That's great, when the 92+ is supported, peeps can enjoy my Corridor 99 game on their PSP's.

Keep up the great work!

March 19th, 2006, 23:07
Hi All :D

I've just released a new version of the PSP TI-92 calculator, it works now with TI-92+ v1.1 ROM !
A reset function has been added in the "application file selector window" in order to reset the emulator (but loosing all data in memory).

PedRom, a TI-92 ROM under GNU licence, is now included in this package. This rom is only usefull to do basic operations and its capabilities can't be compared to the TI ones.

I've tested this version only with 2.5FW. Nevertheless a 1.5FW version tested by SubZero is also available in this archive.

As always sources are included.

That's all folks for me,

Enjoy, Zx.

March 20th, 2006, 00:18
I just wanted to thank you for this awesome release. Just as an F.Y.I. I have a version 2.6 filmware PSP and it works great. Keep up the good work!

March 20th, 2006, 01:40
i get an internal error when i try to run tetris

March 20th, 2006, 09:22
Hi All :D

I've just released a new version of the PSP TI-92 calculator, it works now with TI-92+ v1.1 ROM !
A reset function has been added in the "application file selector window" in order to reset the emulator (but loosing all data in memory).

PedRom, a TI-92 ROM under GNU licence, is now included in this package. This rom is only usefull to do basic operations and its capabilities can't be compared to the TI ones.

I've tested this version only with 2.5FW. Nevertheless a 1.5FW version tested by SubZero is also available in this archive.

As always sources are included.

That's all folks for me,

Enjoy, Zx.

ZX-81 Thank you anyway, if you find a way to make it work, please tell me. Your new release works great in my 1.5, thanks a lot for that effort.

March 20th, 2006, 09:43
@juancar186: thanks :). To be able to run ROM TI92+ 2.05, i've to modify deeply original xtiger sources, because it supports only TI-92+ first Hardware version, and 2.05 works using second Hardware version :(

May be replacing the core of the emulator with the one of tiemu ? But it's a lot of work ... :(

@ro0kie42: using which version if PSPXTI ? which rom version ?

March 20th, 2006, 11:20
@juancar186: thanks :). To be able to run ROM TI92+ 2.05, i've to modify deeply original xtiger sources, because it supports only TI-92+ first Hardware version, and 2.05 works using second Hardware version :(

May be replacing the core of the emulator with the one of tiemu ? But it's a lot of work ... :(

@ro0kie42: using which version if PSPXTI ? which rom version ?

ZX-81 Thanks for your reply. Do you think in a further release you can do support for 2.09, or due to time (and I understand it´s a lot of work) that it´s definitively not possible?? You know my only purpose is to run the Symbolic math guide, unfortunately I don´t know anything about programming and I´m not able to do it :confused: , again thanks a lot :)

March 20th, 2006, 12:44
You haven't found any programs that provide similar features as SMG ?



March 20th, 2006, 18:28
thanks zx-81 I´ll try those. ;)

March 21st, 2006, 01:06
@juancar186: thanks :). To be able to run ROM TI92+ 2.05, i've to modify deeply original xtiger sources, because it supports only TI-92+ first Hardware version, and 2.05 works using second Hardware version :(

May be replacing the core of the emulator with the one of tiemu ? But it's a lot of work ... :(

@ro0kie42: using which version if PSPXTI ? which rom version ?

using TI92, i got the tetris .92x file off the ticalc.org site.

March 21st, 2006, 01:32
Do you have a version with the "original" skin, as you've got pictured above in this thread? I love the skin you've included, but it'd be nice to see the old school one as well..

March 21st, 2006, 04:46
Great work,would it be easy to iclude support for other calculators of the ti series as well(like the ti 89 titanium or the ti 84+)?I'm a student in topography and i could really use them in my line of work!

As for the ti-92 i just can't seem to find how to chang the angle units.

Can anyony help plz?

March 21st, 2006, 08:44
Do you have a version with the "original" skin, as you've got pictured above in this thread? I love the skin you've included, but it'd be nice to see the old school one as well..

It's easy to do, so i will package soon a version with old school skin for user like you :D

March 21st, 2006, 08:46
Great work,would it be easy to iclude support for other calculators of the ti series as well(like the ti 89 titanium or the ti 84+) ?
Can anyony help plz?

Unfortunately, PSPXTI can't do much more than the original emulator Xtiger which is based on :( .

March 21st, 2006, 19:53
Thanx zx-81 you are great, but i cant'n find the manual o Guide Books can you help me?
if you want send me a direction to mp please
p.d. sorry for my english.

March 21st, 2006, 20:06
@kenshinsq: On my blog (see my profile for details about URL) :)

March 21st, 2006, 20:28
thanx zx-81 i got the link