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View Full Version : Master iPhone Programming in 30 days flat

May 15th, 2009, 11:00
EDUmobile.org offers online iPhone training and development courses delivered to you via PDF, Online Videos and project Worksheets.

You also get to work and co-publish your first live industrial iphone project (game or application) on the official Apple Appstore, and you get to keep 80% of the revenues as part of a co-publishing deal with the company that runs the online iPhone classes. This means that you can essentially earn back the money and time that you put into this, many times over in a matter of a few months!

The cost of the complete iPhone development course is $200 and there is a 25% rebate if you use the code AZV while registering.

Interested people will need to register ASAP, as they are quickly approaching maximum capacity and will not be able to entertain an excessive number of students. Visit the link - learn iphone programming (http://edumobile.org/iphone-course.html) to sign up today!

May 15th, 2009, 11:02
Sorry, forgot to mention. The classes are fast filling up - so please register ASAP to get started.