View Full Version : pspadrive (Genesis Emulator for PSP)

March 20th, 2006, 00:41
An entry in the Neoflash Coding Comp (http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/board,38.0.html), heres the details:

HamsterBert posted this:

pspadrive Release 1!

pspadrive is a highly customised port of the genesis/megadrive emulator genesisplus to
the psp. The eventual goal is full 60fps emulation by rewriting parts of the emulator in

- Support for Genesis/megadrive, High compatablity.
- zip support
- Correct ratio'd graphics, hardware accelerated renderer
- Some asm code to speed things up
- built in game select screen

- Sound
- More complete GUI
- Lots more asm optimisations
- Save states
- Cheat codes
- mappable controls

For 1.0 firmware:
Copy the contents of the 1.0 folder to your psps memory
This should give you a /PSP/GAME/pspadrive folder on your memory stick.
Copy your megadrive and genesis roms to your memory stick.
pspadrive has a file browser so you can copy the roms anywhere.
Personally I prefer to put them in the /GAME/PSP/pspadrive/roms/ folder.
Your roms can either be in .smd/.bin/.md/.zip format.
.zip is recommended as it takes less space.

For 1.5 firmware:
Copy the contents of the 1.0 folder to your psps memory
This should give you a /PSP/GAME/pspadrive folder and a /PSP/GAME/pspadrive% folder on
your memory stick.
Copy your megadrive and genesis roms to your memory stick.
pspadrive has a file browser so you can copy the roms anywhere.
Personally I prefer to put them in the /GAME/PSP/pspadrive/roms/ folder.
Your roms can either be in .smd/.bin/.md/.zip format.
.zip is recommended as it takes less space.

For other firmware:
Currently I have been unable to test on any other firmwares
but if you have a psp that is supported by eboot loader
then please test this emulator with it and email me any problems etc
to: [email protected]


Currently the file broweser is quite basic. Use the d-pad to move up and down, and the X button to select a file or folder.
Selecting ".." will make the filebrowser go back to the parent folder.


D-pad: MD/genesis d-pad
Square button: MD/genesis 'A' button
O button: MD/genesis 'B' button
start: MD/genesis start button
Left Shoulder button: In-game gui.
Currently exit rom option only but this will change in the next version of pspadrive.

Contact me:
Email: [email protected]

I am looking for webspace for my psp releases,
as well as a graphic artist to help with gui design.
If you can help, please email me!




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March 20th, 2006, 03:11
Crap there is a lot of emulator releases today!

Good Stuff :)

March 20th, 2006, 03:47
I'll have to see what others think about this compared to dgen before I get it.
I just don't want to take the time to test it tbh.
It looks pretty sweet though, 60 fps would be awful smooth.

March 20th, 2006, 03:52
Great to see Emulators being created for the PSP. I don't really care which is the best EMU. I am just happy that the PSP homebrew scene is still growing strong with plenty of new releases.

March 20th, 2006, 05:28
yea i do like seeing all of these releases puts a smile on my face because more people bring out new stuff the better the community and maybe one day people will surprise us with a release of something that we all really hoped for one day ...good enough working n64,ps1 and gba emulators.. i can only dream about that day to come lol

March 20th, 2006, 08:09
Good stuff. I hope it compares to PSPGenesis, which is the best interpreter port out there. If you're rewriting parts in assembler we should make the 60fps goal quite easily, thus allowing us to go beyond and run at 60 on a lower clock frequency, mabye 266. Anyway excellent news, there is so many releases this morning :P

March 20th, 2006, 08:43
And HamsterBert comes in with not one but TWO emulators for the contest! HamsterBert FTW! Good Job, Mate! I'm gonna grab both of these and give 'em a spin.


March 20th, 2006, 08:57
oh well... pretty cool, IŽll see future in this emu.-

March 20th, 2006, 13:21
Dude, the fact that you are turning your skills to the PSP scene is awesome, and please don't take this the wrong way, but we already have excellent emulators for both GBC and Sega Genesis with full sound support and upwards of 30 fps, which means that new emulators for these platforms are redundant at best and useless at worst. Please consider either lending a hand toward improving or making a working emulator of the platforms that still suffer from serious issues, like the N64 or Gameboy Advance. And people don't start with the "why don't you do it?" crap, I can't do it because I don't know how, but it's a shame for those who can to waste their time coding the same emulators again and again. Just how many gbc emus do you people need? Just an opinion, I do appreciate the hard work coders are putting into the scene, but I think it would be better if that work was spent on something worthwhile.

March 20th, 2006, 16:07
Imo the current megadrive/genesis emulators for PSP is far from perfect so this release is very welcome. I haven't tried it yet but it looks very promising. I hope he reach the goal of 60 fps with sound, too bad the PSP screen is not suited to play Sonic on.

March 27th, 2006, 04:54
A little late to the party, but I'm really happy to hear that you are working on a Genesis/Mega-Drive emulator.

Although DGen and PSPGenesis are pretty good they are obviously far from perfect. It's especially exciting that you are trying to rewrite parts of the program to take advantage of specific PSP processing properties.

Everyone has said that it is impossible, but a lot of impossible things seem to be coming true, so..is it safe to dream of a SegaCd emulator on the PSP? :D

Good luck and thanks for bringing some more life to the PSP emulator scene.

April 13th, 2006, 04:05
Oh man.... A Sega CD emulator on PSP would be pure heaven. Anyone else wish you could go back in time and show your PSP to yourself 10 - 15 years ago? ...or.... am I the oldest one here

April 15th, 2006, 19:41
Hmmm...the only problem I see with DGEN is speed...it has cheats, save states, multiplayer, and supports all games on which i have tested it.

May 5th, 2006, 05:34
This is running like crap on the eloader...