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View Full Version : HardHat's Battle Arena preview video released

May 19th, 2009, 19:57
As the newly appointed champion, your father, the king has ordered you to Sushi Island so that you can train mages defend you and your kingdom from an attack from your brother, the traitor.

A game for homebrew enabled PlayStation Portable handheld game systems.

You Tube Video of preview build 8:


It'll be coming out around the end of the month.

I've attached two screenshots, if you don't want to look at the video. View them in comments. View more pictures and progress at http://www.teamsushi.org/

May 19th, 2009, 21:39
If I may suggest one change

It should show the monster get killed, than amount of xp gained, than the character should level up, this seems to have it the other way around

other than that, this looks AWSOME!

May 19th, 2009, 21:48
Hmmm...they are supposed to happen at about the same time. I guess they play out at diffferent times. I'll think about that one more.

May 20th, 2009, 00:33
Nice you made it public HardHat :)

Keep up the great work mate :D

May 20th, 2009, 01:57
Just the video for now. I have a list of things to finish before I post the full download.

May 20th, 2009, 20:24
Just the video for now. I have a list of things to finish before I post the full download.

Hey HardHat! I visited the project webpage, and saw a slideshow of lego characters. What is that application where the models appear? Is an own application, a free 3D editor, gmax?

Thanks, and keep working.

May 20th, 2009, 21:02
If you don't mind my asking you HardHat, what program do you use for making 3d models, I've been looking for a good program to do it

May 20th, 2009, 22:24
Well most of the character models are premade ones from the Quake 2 modding scene. Current models in my projects are made with a variety of programs (Meyitzo uses 3D Studio Max, and DimensionT uses Carrara), but lately I've been using Misfit Model 3D. It is open source (free!), multiplatform, and extremely easy to learn. The capabilities are basic, but I really like how easy it is to work with. It does static scenes, bones animations, and Quake 2 model animation (which is what I currently use in Battle Arena).

So that's the one to try.

May 21st, 2009, 09:35
Just a suggestion...perhaps creating a system that allows for the future addition of side quests and new monsters would be interesting? And how about a simple to use quest/monster creation program?

If that idea is implemented then maybe a feature for uploading the monsters/quests to a web site for download or downloading new monsters automatically by selecting an option would be awesome.

And of course since the monster models are in 3D a feature for zooming in and examining the monster would be nice.

May 21st, 2009, 14:43
Aryn, I'd like to do that with quests and monsters for sure. The current version is focused around randomly created monsters. Maybe I'll get to add all of those features in the sequal, if I run out of time. I did online submission of levels for Resonate, but it wasn't that popular.

I still have "swoopy camera angles" on my todo list. I currently have controls for moving the camera by hand though.