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View Full Version : PSP year one: a look back

March 22nd, 2006, 00:57
The good folks over at the Chicago Tribune have paid tribute to the PSP's first year in the domestic market. For all the love and criticism that Sony's little black wonder gets, there is no denying that the PSP's stats and accomplishments are rather impressive:

" I love my Sony PlayStation Portable, which turns 1 year old on Friday. It boasts more than 100 games ($20 to $40 each) that get better all the time (Must-haves include new releases "Daxter," "Syphon Philter: Dark Mirror" and the still-good "Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories). It has about 350 movies and TV shows ("Chappelle's Show: Season 1" makes bus rides bearable). And it stores music and photos, as well as surfs the Web via your home wireless network (psp.connect.com has details) or Wi- Fi hot spots (JiWire.com will find one near you)."
Source PSPFanboy (http://www.pspfanboy.com/2006/03/21/psp-year-one-a-look-back/)

The One year relates to US PSP Owners, those who like me got the PSP in the first few days of release from Japan and paid a silly price have had their PSPs months longer, share your PSP Storys in this topic :)

March 22nd, 2006, 01:15
I won mine 3 days after launch on ebay. The guy was japanese and was very nice. I actually didn't win the bid, someone else did. The bid winner had to back out cause of money situations and he emailed me to ask if I wanted it! I replied a "hell yes!" I only paid 350 for it with Ridge Racers. Best money spent in a long time. It got here in 3 days after that email. I still buy games and stuff from him off ebay. He rocks! At my office everyone was jealous and still is. Some others at my office finally purchased some psps and we rock out SFA3 Max and other wifi games on lunch breaks and downtime. Now I finally upgraded from 1.0 (which i tought i'd regret) but I'm loving Ys and SFA3 Max.

March 22nd, 2006, 01:48
I got my psp off ebay like geise69. The difference for me is that I got mine 3 months before the North American release. yes this means mine is japanese. I spent $200 on mine, but i didn't get the value pack. all i got was the psp. Then i went out and bought a 1 gig stick and now am lovin my homebrew!

March 22nd, 2006, 02:16
i got mine for my bday on september mine isn't that old,
but i accidentally uprgraded i'm regreting that!! :(
but psp is stilla cool device
-i have influence many others to buy one lol

March 22nd, 2006, 03:11
I had the black psp v1.50 from the 1st wave american release and didn't even know what homebrew was until about 6 months ago. (I was late on the scene and was just buying Major title games) Anyway, I upgraded to
2.00 and was like, "HELL yea, I have the latest software!", not knowing I would find out what homebrew was and get stuck with the crappy eBoot loader. (Fanjita's an icon, but the eBoot loader still sucks; it ruins your software) Then I downgraded to v1.50 (Thanks, MPH) and came to love the homebrew scene. (Terra Incognita, PSP Bruce Lee!!!) I then found a v1.50 ceramic white PSP on eBay, got it and it was the Sh**. Coolest thing EVER! Then I saw the HackMyPSP site where you can add the iTrip to make the PSP totally wireless-over-the-radio-type-dealio and I broke a piece on the motherboard while I was tinkering inside. So, needless to say, I killed my white PSP. I was pissed, but thank God for PSPTree.

March 22nd, 2006, 05:13
Yeah its been a good year. I got my precious 1.50 after working my ass off back in June at the worst restaurant in town. I think it was fate as both Kxploit and PSP Genesis v0.11 came out the same day of purchase. Good times! :)

March 22nd, 2006, 05:26
I've had my Jap psp more or less from the start and I will look back on the first year with fond memories. From the hello world hack proving that homebrew was possible to the daily releases of emulators, what a mad time those early months where.

March 22nd, 2006, 05:33
I purchased my psp on the US launch day (March 23rd) at Best Buy. Luckily it was a Thursday and my day off. The closest Best Buy at the time was out of state and worse yet it was a snowy morning. So I had to carefully maneuver my sports car through snow out of state to wait in line to be one of the first to own the awesome PSP.

It proved to be one of the best purchases I made. I would have never imagined it would be capable with homebrew to do all that it can do now. I too was a late starter with homebrew. I upgraded to 1.51 & 1.52 when the updates came out. Unlimited thanks goes to the MPH downgrader. Because of homebrew, the PSP gets better and better. Because its portable, I play it more than XBOX or PS2. Because its so versatile, I use it more than my 60GB iPod. Now that better games are being released and homebrew has matured, I use the PSP more than ever. Few gadgets get used more and more over time. Usually they get used less and less and sold or collect dust.

With all that said, currently I find myself caught in the middle of the war between Sony and homebrew. Newer games like MegaMan, Daxter, etc. force PSP owners to upgrade or else they cannot play the games. Many dedicated 1.5 users are left with only 1 choice. Play the games in ISO form. While not all work. Many 2.50 & 2.60 required games can be played with UMDEmulator & MPHGameLoader 1.1. I'd much rather play games on UMD so I hope eventually there will be ways to unlock all UMD games on lower firmwares. And for users of 2.00 - 2.60, Fanjita & Ditlew (http://www.fanjita.org) have given us the amazing eBoot Loader. All in all, I think the PSP is a hit. Not perfect but an extremely fun little device.

March 22nd, 2006, 05:50
bought one on release. v1.50value
got untold legends and twisted metal with it.
stolen on october 4th with twisted metal in it. v2.00, (eboot loader was out at the time)
got another on nov. 9th. v2.00giga
got GTA and socom with it.
got family guy: untold story for christmas
stolen on january 17th with socom in it.
got another on feb 23. v2.00giga

thats my past with the psp :rolleyes:


March 22nd, 2006, 07:24
stolen on october 4th with twisted metal in it. v2.00, (eboot loader was out at the time)
got another on nov. 9th. v2.00giga
stolen on january 17th with socom in it.
got another on feb 23. v2.00giga

How the hell did 2 PSP's get stolen from you? Who stole them? Do you have any idea?

Cap'n 1time
March 22nd, 2006, 14:23
bought my 1.5 in may as a self provided birthday gift. I own wipeout pure and twisted metals. everything is dedicated to homebrew though im looking forward to being able to play 2.++ games with mph's new software.

March 22nd, 2006, 16:26
I remember when they came out, in the UK i saw someone selling them for 350£ with a game i was like hell no*cause they werent released here yet*. Then i bought one second hand from a canadian dude with 4 games. it cost me 300CAD which was 135£ inc 4 games HAHA :D. Best Deal ever!

March 22nd, 2006, 17:03
I bought mine at a swap meet in pamona, the box looked like had just fallen of the truck and ii remember when I bought it it was only 200 dollars, and I got 2 memory sticks and a game

March 22nd, 2006, 17:30
I got mine for my birthday because santa was too slow. upgraded to 2.6 straight away not knowing about homebrew. Boy those gta tetris days were dull. Now my psp can: sit, roll over, give paw, play dead, play super mario. psp rocks socks.

March 22nd, 2006, 19:24
My girl bought my psp for me on my birthday in june a few months after the psp was released so i havent hit that beautiful year just yet. But that day was the happiest day ever for me i quickly bought my first game on ebay Coded arms got a glimpse of the handheld graphics and instantly wanted more. Than i found out about homebrew and went insane with super mario for super nintendo than decided to do some wifi action with v2.0 and instantly bught grandtheft auto, Marvel Nemesis, Midnight club 3, and the con ( at the time i worked at bestbuy so i got a good discount Hehe!).Only problem now is that my girl hate that she bought it cuz it gets more attention than she does. lol

March 24th, 2006, 00:56
I have had mine for a year now. I had it since the day it came out. I had it on reserve for a few months. Now that its been a year the umd drive doesn't work any more and the screen is kinda scratch but still useful for homebrew and etc.

March 24th, 2006, 01:22
man where was i when i got my first psp, it was jap1.00
of course i sold it because i needed money fast and then i was reunited late last year with a 2.00 psp wich i downed to 1.5. ah the memories.