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View Full Version : Moore Gives Ps3 A Subtle Kicking

March 22nd, 2006, 16:43
In an interview with IGN, Microsoft's Vice President of Interactive Entertainment Peter Moore, in typically canny fashion, took the opportunity to have a subtle dig at Sony regarding the PlayStation 3 - while pointedly refusing to shed light on rumours that Microsoft is about to enter the handheld gaming market.
Moore launched a sly attempt to demoralise Sony by pointing out the problems it faces with the PlayStation 3, and contrasting them with the problems faced by the Xbox 360 (which, in a classic example of spin-doctoring, turn out not to be problems after all) : "We've got some challenges: meeting demand for a product that's already in market that millions of people are already enjoying.... So by the end of next week we're up and running in 30 countries with millions of units flowing in, and our primary and only focus will be to fulfill demand.

"Sony, on the other hand, has got huge problems as you always do in bringing a product to market - launching it, getting it delivered around the world, getting your yields up, delivering against a format in Blu-Ray that's not yet mass market, delivering against unknown silicon issues, the list goes on. They're a very talented company with a huge check list of things they need to do. I sleep easy knowing that my only problem is fulfilling demand."
Nice to know that insomnia isn't a problem, but sadly, IGN missed a trick when asking Moore about the Microsoft gaming handheld rumours. Moore was allowed to refer only to the Origami, which we now know is a red herring: "We've made no announcements at all. Don't be confused. Origami is a portable device that's more about portable computing that had entertainment layered in. It's not being done by our division."

Moore also gave a hint of what Microsoft can be expected to do at E3: "E3 is all about the holidays. We will have as strong a lineup as I've ever gone into E3 with. This year will be a very interesting E3. It almost gets to be a put-up or shut-up situation for some people. Our primary focus is on showing you great games. We'll be unveiling new games for the holiday as well as giving you a better perspective on Gears of War.

"For Sony, E3 a year ago was all about high-powered video, CG, and my suspicion would be that they feel the pressure to have hands-on playables."

He's right in that respect, although since Sony is adamant that the PlayStation 3 will launch in November, it is obvious that the company will have to showcase a decent portfolio of playable PS3 games if it wants to be taken seriously once more. And he's right that it's going to be quite an E3. As ever, we'll be there, sending dispatches from the gaming front line.