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View Full Version : Monkey 64 (Nintendo 64 Emulator WIP Update)

March 23rd, 2006, 01:08
PSMonkey has posted some more WIP news about his Nintendo 64 Emulator for the PSP at his Site:

Bugs go down, compatibility goes up!

Ok so I made some dumb mistakes in the cop1 emulation.

1) I did not check for cop1 unstability.

2) I was storing a 2nd set of cop1 registers into the general cop1 registers (general reg stores float values, 2nd set is 32bit int that hold cop1 status).

Anyways with this fixed I lost a bit in the framerate department on some stuff. Yet I now have more games running as a result. Doom64 runs to the title screen and posibly beyond but cant tell since i get a white screen when i start a new game. Bust a move 2 also runs now but looks to crash in game on a bus error (still hunting this one out).

So that is about it. Sadly no calls for 3d instructions so I guess I am screwed. I will be starting up hle this week so we can start seeing some 3d (but I might spend more time on fixing texture stuff in the rdp).

Enjoy the title screen from doom.

Check out the news and screenshot via his site here --> http://nemo.dcemu.co.uk/

March 23rd, 2006, 02:53

March 23rd, 2006, 03:25
If I had paypal, I'd donate to monkey.

March 23rd, 2006, 03:57
great job!!

hows the speed on the emu??

March 23rd, 2006, 04:08
Can't wait for Mario 64 to run. I feel like I need to have a party when this happens, because honestly, it will be momentus for my life... Lol. Good work man, keep it up!

Cheers, hawk

March 23rd, 2006, 06:03
When great stuff happens... I just Love it. Keep it man, I appreichiate it.

March 23rd, 2006, 06:11
Can't wait for Mario 64 to run. I feel like I need to have a party when this happens, because honestly, it will be momentus for my life... Lol. Good work man, keep it up!

Cheers, hawk

I'll probably go out and have a good pint of guiness the day I release a build where mario64 is playable. Anybody in montreal is wecome to join me.

March 23rd, 2006, 06:14
I'm hoping for Ocarina of Time someday. Thanks for this great effort Monkey!

March 23rd, 2006, 07:28
From what i remember N64 emulation was never tht good on pc,s, so i wish him all the best with this one....

March 23rd, 2006, 08:04
From what i remember N64 emulation was never tht good on pc,s, so i wish him all the best with this one....
As I understand from what he's been saying, his emulator is based on project 64, which is an emulator from the PC. You will extremely rarely see an emulator on any system being built from scratch, they all come from the PC in one way or another(usually as direct ports), but Monkey's emulator is built from scratch with most information from project 64. If I'm wrong, please correct me.

March 23rd, 2006, 08:50
From what i remember N64 emulation was never tht good on pc,s, so i wish him all the best with this one....

i have played n64 roms on the latest pj64 and the speed sound etc.. are pretty good..!!!

March 23rd, 2006, 11:36
i have played n64 roms on the latest pj64 and the speed sound etc.. are pretty good..!!!

same here ....

would love to see goldeneye working oneday


March 23rd, 2006, 11:45
N64 emulation on the Pc wass pretty much spot on depending on the emulator used and GFX renderer plugins used with it.Monkey is making great progress with this emu and no one said it was going to be easy its just great we have guyz like him fanjta and others that keep the scene alive.Keep it up m8.

March 23rd, 2006, 17:00
Theres one thing you gotta love about the psp, everyone has the same hardware. You dont have to worry about "will this graphics plugin work?" or "do i have a compatible sound card?"

March 23rd, 2006, 18:05
Where is the pj64 download? i wanna try.. is the emu working at all??

March 23rd, 2006, 19:35
project 64 on my pc runs 100% can play zelda mario and lots of others but i guess i have a good pc to run the n64 emulator at its best lol

March 23rd, 2006, 20:40
My pc is brand new and everytime I try to run N64 emus I always get an error message or a messed up screen, I thought it was because I needed an older certain graphics card but I really don't know...

March 23rd, 2006, 21:29
Nope pj64 works fine on my geforce 6600 gt.But nuff sed lets stick to the thread guys like i sed b4 great work m8 !!!

March 24th, 2006, 00:15
yea, sorry I got it working. but does anybody got any ideas of how the controls ought to be mapped?

March 24th, 2006, 00:49
don't stop working on it. to create an n64 emulator is an accomplishment.

March 24th, 2006, 08:15
Theres one thing you gotta love about the psp, everyone has the same hardware. You dont have to worry about "will this graphics plugin work?" or "do i have a compatible sound card?"
That obviously goes for ALL consoles, and is the reason I almost only play games on consoles. Because you never have to think "Is my console fast enough?", "Will I have to pay 300$ for a new graphics card?". That a HUGE benefit, when all you want to do is to sit down chill with your game. That's why consoles are better to play on.

March 26th, 2006, 10:06
:eek: how zet i my roms on monkey 64?????????? help me

March 26th, 2006, 10:07
:eek: how zet i my roms on monkey 64???????????

March 31st, 2006, 10:12
there is an amazing thing happening here. The n64 emulator for the psp. If this is a success- Excuse me WHEN this is a success most of the world will see it. people who dont even play emulators will see the greatness. but the best part of it is that You, Psmonkey, the lord and savior, are the first in the entire world to make anything remotely like this. millions, yes millions, of people all over the world will play this emulator.
-I know someday, you will be very famous, so i am honored to have known you (and when i am 18 i will donate to you).

thanks for your hard work! keep it up!