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View Full Version : Champions League reveal for Modern Warfare 2 tonight

May 27th, 2009, 16:37
Activision secures 'the most prominent single ad spot ever utilised' for games in the UK
The game might not hit retail for six months, but Activision is kick-starting the UK hype for Modern Warfare 2 today - with a premiere for the game during tonight's Champions League final.
The game, sequel to Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - one of the best-selling games of all time, arrives in November.
Activision and developer Infinity Ward has closely guarded many secrets surrounding the game's release, only drip feeding trailers out to consumers and the industry. First hints of the title were given in March at GDC with a recent follow-up trailer debuting earlier this month.
Tonight's promotion is the single most prominent single ad spot ever dedicated to a video game debut in the UK, according to Activision.
"Premiering the new Modern Warfare 2 trailer during such a high profile event presents a great opportunity to reach Infinity Ward’s fans and gamers throughout the UK,” explained David Tyler, Activision's UK marketing director.

“This promotional placement for Modern Warfare 2 is the most prominent single ad spot ever utilised by a video game to be revealed to the British public, and is indicative of the impact this title will have when it launches on November 10th.”
