View Full Version : 8bitjoystick's E3 Expo 09 Predictions : Sony PlayStation Edition

May 28th, 2009, 00:57
I only have a few good theories and hunches about what will be announced by Sony:

* PlayStation Portable Go!
* PS3 Hardware and Price Cuts
* Cross game voice chatting on PS3 games and better cross game invites. I think Sony is going to embrace the PlayStation Network and look at redesigning the PS3 user experience via software changes like Microsoft was able to do with NXE.
* Little Big Planet PSP shown off.
* Sony publishes and translates Sega's Ryu Ga Gotoku 3 as "Yakuza: Gangster's Paradise" (I made up that name) with subtitles. It would be a GTA-like PS3 exclusive. Ryu Ga Gotoku 3 was a HUGE hit in Japan.
* MAG is going to blow people away.
* God of War 3 talked about but not shown.
* Sony announces a new SDK API set to port PS2 and PSOne games to PS3 for compilations and collections. It would help recompile and retarget code developer for the PS2 chipset to the PS3 Cell/Nvidia chipset. But GDC or Tokyo Game show might be a better place to announce this. How cool would it be if Square could release all the Final Fantasy games 1-XII on a single Blu-Ray disc?
* Patapon for PS3 announced.
* Hulu.com player application for PS3.
* Netflix Streaming for PS3.
