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View Full Version : NINTENDO: 'We're the best choice for third parties'

June 2nd, 2009, 19:50
E3'09: Reggie Fils-Aime lays down gauntlet to Microsoft and Sony
Nintendo has claimed that third-party publishers will find more success on Wii than Xbox 360 or PS3 this calendar year.
Nintendo of America boss Reggie Fils-Aime told E3's crowd at the platform holder's conference in Los Angeles this morning that third-party developers were "flowing" to Wii and DS.
He showed off EA's new Tiger Woods game on Wii – which both take advantage of Wii Motion Plus technology – as well as Square Enix's Final Fantasy.
“More third party games were sold for Wii than any other platform last year," said Fils-Aime, "and DS was second. That trend will only grow this year."
