View Full Version : C64 Emulator - FrodoDS

March 28th, 2006, 21:37

This new version now only list the .d64/.D64 files in the /rd directory(limit them to less then 15 or they will scroll of the screen)

1541 drive emulation is turned off for a lot speedier load times.

As you can see in the above image the screen colors are finally correct

Sound is now recognisable for most things.

Left shoulder button will now load a snapshot image created with the pc version of Frodo 4.1b, name the snapshot jjr.fss and put it in the /rd folder on the root of the cf/sd card.

download from my neoflash contest entry page

Enjoy and Thanks for all the support.

March 28th, 2006, 21:46
got it but it doesnt work like the previous version, spring coding competition in the upper screen and all black in the other one

March 28th, 2006, 22:10
got it but it doesnt work like the previous version, spring coding competition in the upper screen and all black in the other one

I have not had anyone with a supercard CF confirm a problem , or offer suggestion on how to make it work yet. Sorry, as soon as I have a solution , Ill let you know.


March 28th, 2006, 22:36
I've just tested this new version with a couple of games.

What can I say? I'm just speechless and amazed by this emulator. Rambo seems to be fully playable. The music is now clearly recognizable. Too bad I can't vote twice for the Neoflash compo ;)

March 29th, 2006, 17:32
This new version uses the romfs appended to the end of the .nds or .ds.gba file so should work for most everything but the gbamp, with a little more work to generate the romdisk and append it.

You need a copy of genromfs.exe , you can download from here
http://www.feetoffury.com/files/genromfs-cygwin.zip rename it to genromfs.exe or update the included createromdisk.bat file.

Also might need the cygwin1.dll file from here http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/pop.php?cygwin1

Download the gbfs distrubution from http://www.pineight.com/gba/ and take the padbin.exe and put that in the folder as well.

put the files into the same folder, then copy all of your .d64 files (also jjr.fss snapshot if you create one) into the rd directory and run the included createromdisk.bat

it should generate an FrodoDS_fs.nds and FrodoDS_fs.ds.gba .

This has all the fixes as the FAT lib version 0.3, but is not needed unless the FAT version from above message is not working

download from my neoflash contest entry page

Enjoy and Thanks for all the support.

March 29th, 2006, 18:37
GPF can you suggest me any homebrew program that i can test ... to help you to fix the emu for the supercard cf?

March 29th, 2006, 18:48
its been reported that my first FAT version i released works on Supercard CF and also the romdisk version 0.3 works on supercard cf.

Another developer who updated FAT version also has problem with supercard cf, so hopefully it will be resolved soon, in the meantime you can use the romdisk version 0.3.


March 29th, 2006, 20:40
GPF i did the process you told to metaluna some msg above
i mean .. i got all the files and i launched createromdisk.bat ...then i renamed the 2 generated files FrodoDS_fs.ds.gba and FrodoDS.ds.gba with the .nds in the end ..and i got something in the lower screen of the ds (before was always black) ...this is the msg :

not found fs_romdisk: mounting image at 0x0 at /rd

the rd file is in the root and inside i put this file HNCHBACK.D64

tnx for your patience i'm a newbie in DS homebrew so if i've to do something different from the process i did try to be as clear as you can lol :P

March 29th, 2006, 21:01
you dont need the rd folder or .d64 files on your cf card with the romdiskfs version.

check and see if the romdisk.img file is being created after you run the bat file, if not that is why the problem.

open up a command window(dos window) and run the createromdisk.bat file from the command line, so that you can see the output and let me know if you are getting error messages.

the rd folder is where the bat file is and put your d64 files in that folder, basically the genromfs.exe creates a zip like file of the d64 files and appends them to the end of the .ds.gba file so that they are read from there.


March 29th, 2006, 21:22
AHAHAH it workedddddd :P i had to rename the .gba file with the nds in the end ehhe :))) superrrrrrr tnx :D so if i want to play another games i've to create each time a frodo_ds file related to the game i want to play? or there is a way to load other d64 roms? i tried to put another d64 in the rd dir on the cf card but the emulator just finds the game i used to create it.

March 29th, 2006, 23:08
Am I being thick I can't find the download link.

March 29th, 2006, 23:11
Am I being thick I can't find the download link.

you have to be a registered user to vote in the contest :) also to download from the forums there.

Also dcemu is already hosting the files also, and when the contest is over they will be on my site.


March 29th, 2006, 23:11
AHAHAH it workedddddd :P i had to rename the .gba file with the nds in the end ehhe :))) superrrrrrr tnx :D

great, glad it works.

March 29th, 2006, 23:15
last question :) but if i want to play other games i've to create each time a frodo_ds file related to the game i want to play? or there is a way to load other d64 roms? i tried to put another d64 in the rd dir on the cf card but the emulator just finds the game i used to create it.

March 29th, 2006, 23:18
last question :) but if i want to play other games i've to create each time a frodo_ds file related to the game i want to play? or there is a way to load other d64 roms? i tried to put another d64 in the rd dir on the cf card but the emulator just finds the game i used to create it.

you have to copy the .d64 files into the rd folder on your pc and rerun the createromdisk.bat file to add new .d64 files, only the FAT version reads from the cf card.


March 30th, 2006, 00:39
Got it now.

Sound and colours are better.

Bit annoying only having 15 games in rd though. I have way more than 15 games I want to play.

Load times are good too.

Monty On The Run has stopped working though, and it worked in the last build.

Supercard SD btw.

March 30th, 2006, 01:07
Got it now.

Sound and colours are better.

Bit annoying only having 15 games in rd though. I have way more than 15 games I want to play.

Load times are good too.

Monty On The Run has stopped working though, and it worked in the last build.

Supercard SD btw.

yeah eventually ill move the menu inside the emulator instead of at the beginning so you can select new disk anytime and swap disks for multidisk games etc.

OK well the issue with Monty is that it requires 1541 emulation mode to work correctly in the windows version, so its broken because of that i would guess, one thing to try is to make a snapshot of the game after the loading is done and use that.

But eventually that will be selectable for those games that require 1541 emulation.


March 30th, 2006, 10:14
OK well the issue with Monty is that it requires 1541 emulation mode to work correctly in the windows version, so its broken because of that i would guess, one thing to try is to make a snapshot of the game after the loading is done and use that.

But eventually that will be selectable for those games that require 1541 emulation.


That must be an issue with several games because I've got others that no longer work in this version.

I'll try the snapshot option. :)

..........leaves to find the PC version.........

March 30th, 2006, 10:59
got it but it doesnt work like the previous version, spring coding competition in the upper screen and all black in the other one

First time I ran it this happened to me on my Supercard SD.

It was because I had 2 folders inside rd as well as 15 games. One folder was games that didn't work and the other was one I just created to put games in temporarily while the list is limited to 15 files.

Once I removed 1 of the folders the emu worked again.

March 30th, 2006, 11:01
.........one thing to try is to make a snapshot of the game after the loading is done and use that.........


Because the snapshot needs a specific filename I take it that you can have only one snapshot in the rd folder, is that correct?

Will a future build fix this or are there any other filename possibilities?

March 30th, 2006, 17:03
Some games such as Commando, Ghost'n'Goblins and Aztec Challenge can be launched but are not playable. I guess the joystick is supposed to be in the other port on the computer to play those games.

Is there a way to take screenshots? It would be really great if we could post some pics on the games working on the emulator. :)

March 30th, 2006, 17:58
Because the snapshot needs a specific filename I take it that you can have only one snapshot in the rd folder, is that correct?

Will a future build fix this or are there any other filename possibilities?

Yes future builds will have a selection menu for that as well, also Ill move away from the left shoulder button, because I always hit it accidently in the middle of another game and it loads the snapshot :( lol


March 30th, 2006, 18:00
Some games such as Commando, Ghost'n'Goblins and Aztec Challenge can be launched but are not playable. I guess the joystick is supposed to be in the other port on the computer to play those games.

Is there a way to take screenshots? It would be really great if we could post some pics on the games working on the emulator. :)

Press select to swap the port the joystick is in. for commando , b button is the same as the space bar for throwing grenades :)

Right now there is no built in way to take snapshots, ill look into how to do that and see if I can figure it out eventually :)


March 30th, 2006, 19:49
This looks extremely cool. I'm going to try it out tonight when I get home. Excellent work! I've got a huge list of games to try. :D

March 30th, 2006, 22:35
i tried the hunchback and it freezes the first time you die :/ great game

March 30th, 2006, 23:49
i tried the hunchback and it freezes the first time you die :/ great game

Does it work fine in the pc version of Frodo 4.1b? I havent played it yet.

Also im attaching a version to test that should work on the Supercard CF, Im hoping.

Let me know if it works or not.

edit. removed since its been confirmed to still not work on SC


March 31st, 2006, 18:50
hunchback on frodo 4.1b for win ..works

March 31st, 2006, 20:47
SC/CF/FrodoDS1.3 does not work it hang on the splashsreen. Tested with flashme and sc firmware 1.61.
Perhaps it help, i have tested vs frodo 1.0 this vs work fine, but i want load a rom it hang off. Hopefull for the future that you bring another vs for sc users thx.

March 31st, 2006, 20:50
Well done GPF ! You made it 3rd to the neoflash competition ! :)

All the results here (http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,1994.0.html)

March 31st, 2006, 22:57
SC/CF/FrodoDS1.3 does not work it hang on the splashsreen. Tested with flashme and sc firmware 1.61.
Perhaps it help, i have tested vs frodo 1.0 this vs work fine, but i want load a rom it hang off. Hopefull for the future that you bring another vs for sc users thx.

Just got the fat code from _0xtob the Nitrotracker author who says its working for his supercard cf users and others. I will get the code integrated into mine and release a new version.


March 31st, 2006, 22:58
i tried the hunchback and it freezes the first time you die :/ great game

Is there a d64 version of this, i only have tape version , I created a snapshot of it and I think I might have fixed the problem, but not sure if its same version as yours.

GianaSisters appears to be working too, so hopefully the other games that broke since first release will be working in next version.


March 31st, 2006, 23:00
Well done GPF ! You made it 3rd to the neoflash competition ! :)

All the results here (http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,1994.0.html)

thanks for all your support, biggest reward is I get to play c64 on the ds, the prize is great too, to bad it wasnt the xbox360, but _0xtob's Nitrotracker is a great program.


April 1st, 2006, 04:41
Just got the fat code from _0xtob the Nitrotracker author who says its working for his supercard cf users and others. I will get the code integrated into mine and release a new version.


ok that code didnt work on my m3:sd so Im using sata latest fatlib from rain r14.


April 1st, 2006, 10:42
[QUOTE=GPF]Is there a d64 version of this, i only have tape version , I created a snapshot of it and I think I might have fixed the problem, but not sure if its same version as yours.

i prepared a d64 extracting the prg from a t64, i attached it here ..test it and let me know, can you attach me yours so i can try it?

April 2nd, 2006, 09:22
Can't past the loading screen with your file but it works fine with this one.

April 3rd, 2006, 17:56
it freezes after you die like my version :/

April 3rd, 2006, 23:32
it freezes after you die like my version :/

here is the snapshot of the tape version created with the windows version of Frodo.

I should have a new release available soon. Hunchback works fine on my ds with it, but i didnt test old version with it though.


April 12th, 2006, 01:20
I can't wait for the next version! :)

any hints on a release date?

May 1st, 2006, 20:14
just wondering Troy, any updates?? I know how busy you are man, but we hunger for the new release!!! Anyway, keep up the groovy work mi amigo, speak to you real soon, the Scrab

June 7th, 2006, 23:13
ghost 'n' goblins at 5 FPS.. it's normal? even the music il SLOW


GREAT WORK ANYWAY DUDE! keep it up!!!!

June 12th, 2006, 23:01
well i have been having problems with my toolchain for a newer release, so in the meantime here is the last version that I did that Iv only tested on my m3:sd.


June 14th, 2006, 10:05
I'm getting ?file not found for some games that loaded in a previous version, am I doing something wrong?

June 14th, 2006, 22:50
Thanks for the update! I've just tried the new version with Rambo II ! :)

By the way, there is a new neoflash compo. They do accept updated version of previous entries :

http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,2417.msg17660/topicseen.html#msg17660 ;)

July 5th, 2006, 12:12
I was just wondering if this project was still ongoing, and if there are any new developments.

July 5th, 2006, 12:55
Hi GPF, when noticing your Frodo port to DS I was wondering if you are planning on updateing / re-porting Frodo to DC too... ? ;)

July 5th, 2006, 18:18
Thx Troy !!!!

July 27th, 2006, 10:14
Hi GPF, may I ask you a question?, is FrodoDS using for blitting PALib or libnds? I´m wondering how to write a blitter on PAlib.

Thanks in advance.

July 27th, 2006, 17:37
Hi GPF, may I ask you a question?, is FrodoDS using for blitting PALib or libnds? I´m wondering how to write a blitter on PAlib.

Thanks in advance.

using libnds, but its just doing a memcpy from the emulated screen to the ds background.

August 13th, 2006, 20:48
Many thanks :) , the term "Background" were confusing me a bit, used to surfaces in SDL.

August 24th, 2006, 01:39
I can't get FrodoDS to work on my DSlite using a Passcard 3 / G6 Lite.

All i get is the NEOFlash splash on top, and black screen on bottom with "unable to initalize media device!/rd/ ROM directory not found!"

I have 7 .d64 files in a folder called rd on the root. The FrodoDS.nds file is in a folder called NDS.

I tried using the FrodoDS_fs.nds approach, but when running that I just got a white screen on top and bottom. When running the createromdisk.bat it wasn't able to find a .gba file. See below output:

C:\Documents and Settings\me\Desktop\Frodo4>createromdisk

C:\Documents and Settings\me\Desktop\Frodo4>genromfs -f romdisk.img -d rd -v

0 rom 44ecdef3 [0xffffffff, 0xffffffff] 37777777777, sz 0, at 0x0

1 . [0xffffa071, 0xd53ac ] 0040700, sz 0, at 0x20

1 .. [0xffffa071, 0x3572e ] 0040700, sz 0, at 0x40
[link to 0x20 ]
1 Impossible Mission (1984)(Epyx).d64 [0xffffa071, 0x157ad ] 0100700, sz 17
4848, at 0x60
1 Kikstart (1984)(Masertronic).d64 [0xffffa071, 0x157ae ] 0100700, sz 17553
1, at 0x2aba0
1 Montezuma's Revenge (1984)(Parker Brothers).d64 [0xffffa071, 0x157af ] 01
00700, sz 174848, at 0x55990
1 Summer Games (1984)(Epyx).d64 [0xffffa071, 0x157b0 ] 0100700, sz 174848,
at 0x804d0
1 Test Drive (1987)(Accolade)(Side A)[cr ESI].d64 [0xffffa071, 0x157b1 ] 01
00700, sz 174848, at 0xab000
1 Test Drive (1987)(Accolade)(Side B)[cr ESI].d64 [0xffffa071, 0x157b2 ] 01
00700, sz 174848, at 0xd5b40
1 Way of the Exploding Fist, The (1985)(Melbourne House).d64 [0xffffa071, 0x1
57b3 ] 0100700, sz 174848, at 0x100680

C:\Documents and Settings\me\Desktop\Frodo4>padbin 0x100 FrodoDS.nds

C:\Documents and Settings\me\Desktop\Frodo4>copy /b FrodoDS.nds + romdisk.im
g /b FrodoDS_fs.nds
1 file(s) copied.

C:\Documents and Settings\me\Desktop\Frodo4>padbin 0x100 FrodoDS.ds.gba
could not openFrodoDS.ds.gba: No such file or directory

C:\Documents and Settings\me\Desktop\Frodo4>copy /b FrodoDS.ds.gba + romdisk
.img /b FrodoDS_fs.ds.gba
The system cannot find the file specified.

C:\Documents and Settings\me\Desktop\Frodo4>

Any ideas?

August 26th, 2006, 07:58
I can't get FrodoDS to work on my DSlite using a Passcard 3 / G6 Lite.

All i get is the NEOFlash splash on top, and black screen on bottom with "unable to initalize media device!/rd/ ROM directory not found!"

I have 7 .d64 files in a folder called rd on the root. The FrodoDS.nds file is in a folder called NDS.

I tried using the FrodoDS_fs.nds approach, but when running that I just got a white screen on top and bottom. When running the createromdisk.bat it wasn't able to find a .gba file. See below output:

Any ideas?

the error about the missing gba file shouldnt matter, unless thats the version you need to use with the g6?

if so you need it to run therer is a utility called dsbuild that is run against the nds files to create the .ds.gba file. then you would rerun the batch file.

Not sure if the g6 supports appended filesystems like gbfs, romfs etc. but it could be that some step along the way is failing when you run the batch file?

Unforutenly there isnt a fatlib version that i know of that works with the g6 yet, I'v read about some kind of binary library/header file that was released but not sure if it works and would be better off for a source release.


August 26th, 2006, 15:58
Unforutenly there isnt a fatlib version that i know of that works with the g6 yet, I'v read about some kind of binary library/header file that was released but not sure if it works and would be better off for a source release.


Try this one:


I'm not sure how to include it and recompile - but it says it includes G6 lite support.

September 8th, 2006, 02:20
Try this one:


I'm not sure how to include it and recompile - but it says it includes G6 lite support.

Yeah, thats what I was talking about and as far as I know no one has figured out how to use it yet.


September 17th, 2006, 21:12
Hi... Can you add on this "WONDER" emu , on switch AUDIO emulation on/off ?
because SURE without SOund emulation , every game run near 100%...

that's a nice ADD also if you take the OLD release...


October 19th, 2006, 00:37
Just wondering, has there been an update or anything recently? If the project is still going, I would like to suggest the following -
scale the screen with square pixels, or perhaps let the user set the scaling, allowing for unscaled mode (with clipped edges)
Also enable switching the sound emu on and off to speed up most/all games.

November 5th, 2006, 16:41
Hi... Can you add on this "WONDER" emu , on switch AUDIO emulation on/off ?
because SURE without SOund emulation , every game run near 100%...

that's a nice ADD also if you take the OLD release...


:( Nothing...was only a think...but also Without sound the emulator is too much slow... al the platform games are really unplayable.
Need really something to speed up .

I wish another guy with good experience of Emulators/code/nds can help you for make a good emulator , before also this prj. can be dead on the sleeping time...(exp. Marcads...)


November 8th, 2006, 13:44
I think GPF can handle this. The emu is slow, so what ? It works, some games are playable ! It is already amazing to be able to play Commando or
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZ77InCoxFo, my all time favourites.

November 9th, 2006, 10:41
sorry...but i' not have interesting of your think...
because my is only a test and not a critic!
this emulator for now is unplayable. you can say what you whant, but every game is unplayable.
to much frames dropped.
He need something in the code for work more fast.
That's true.
And remember GPF have made a GREAT work...nobody can say not... but is also incredible the NDS is the ONLY new (expensive) miniconsole...with not emulators...(can say thanks to the GBA devs.!!!! if run something...)
so...one c64...8bit... can run really well on the ds!
this is only a wish , can be GPF or another the author , or nobody... but sure the emualtion-scene on the DS is really ORRIBLE!!!! (look marca ds... every emulator born...is dead two weeks later...)

PS...my favorite games on c64 are little better... test..GHOST'GOBLIN... TRY and see.....

August 27th, 2007, 11:09
Hm... well I just stumbled upon this project, and I was excited, but I cant get it working. I have a M3, I threw the nds file on there, and it didnt work. I added a rd folder, nothing, added prgs, nothing, added d64s, nothing, made the romfs image and tried that, nothing, ran dsbuild, then used that version and its romfs versions (which takes 5-10 minutes to load, no joke), and still nothing. On none of these occasions has it been able to find the rd folder or image. What am I doing wrong here?

August 31st, 2007, 19:27
You have to DL the newest version, i think its 300507, patch it with DLDI M3, then put that on your card. easy really

Nameless One
September 10th, 2007, 11:51
Hi how would I get this to work on the R4DS?

September 10th, 2007, 17:15
Hi how would I get this to work on the R4DS?

download latest release from http://gpf.dcemu.co.uk/Frodoc64.shtml ( I updated it to latest version from this forum thread)

copy the frodoDS.nds and the /rd folder to your media.

i've gotten a report that the r4ds auto dldi patches the .nds but for other cards you have to manually dldi patch.

start frodoDS.nds
select the .d64 file from the /rd folder

either press right trigger for it to do load"*",8,1 then run, or manualy type the load command for the name of the file you want to load from the .d64 image.


December 9th, 2007, 22:11
This looks brillant,nice job there,Love the c64..;)

I have just got a NDS Lite so I am new to this..so here is the question...

What do I need to get this emulator to work on my NDS Lite...?

December 10th, 2007, 02:49
This looks brillant,nice job there,Love the c64..;)

I have just got a NDS Lite so I am new to this..so here is the question...

What do I need to get this emulator to work on my NDS Lite...?

you need to buy a slot1 or slot2 card/passme combo and some kind of sd/micro/mini card.

you can get one from here


December 10th, 2007, 09:17
I swear I'm doing this right but I keep getting the "not found fs_romdisk: mounting image at 0x0 at /rd " error.....I have tried all the suggestions listed on this thread but to no avail, so I must be messing something up.....I feel like a tard even asking this, as I consider myself pretty tech savvy, but could you please post a step-by-step "for dummies" tutorial for setting this up so I know what the heck I'm doing wrong? I know that's a lot to ask, and it's a crazy time of year, but if you could take the time to put something like that together it would be super-appreciated. I actually still have my C64 so I can play the games whenever I want, but I'm totally excited to have them in an on-the-go format.

Thanks a million!!!

December 10th, 2007, 14:33
you need to buy a slot1 or slot2 card/passme combo and some kind of sd/micro/mini card.

you can get one from here



What do you use for yours,if you do mind me asking..?

December 10th, 2007, 15:46

What do you use for yours,if you do mind me asking..?

I use the slot2 Supercard SD , because it has 32mb of extra RAM that can be used by dslinux and other homebrew. I have flashed my ds to boot from slot2.

I have heard good things about the r4/m3 simple slot1 cards but I don't have one.


December 10th, 2007, 15:53
I swear I'm doing this right but I keep getting the "not found fs_romdisk: mounting image at 0x0 at /rd " error.....I have tried all the suggestions listed on this thread but to no avail, so I must be messing something up.....I feel like a tard even asking this, as I consider myself pretty tech savvy, but could you please post a step-by-step "for dummies" tutorial for setting this up so I know what the heck I'm doing wrong? I know that's a lot to ask, and it's a crazy time of year, but if you could take the time to put something like that together it would be super-appreciated. I actually still have my C64 so I can play the games whenever I want, but I'm totally excited to have them in an on-the-go format.

Thanks a million!!!

download a newer version

or from my site

dldi patch the FrodoDS.nds , copy the rd folder to the / and copy your .d64 files into it.


December 12th, 2007, 20:43
OK, making progress....I can get it to load up properly now but the display is funky....

http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/5065/img00036on4.th.jpg (http://img153.imageshack.us/my.php?image=img00036on4.jpg)

Please excuse the poor quality, had to take it w/ my cell...anyways, it's like the display won't fit on the screen so it's wrapping around, and the bottom screen is just blank white. Any further suggestions? Thank you!

December 12th, 2007, 21:43
I use the slot2 Supercard SD , because it has 32mb of extra RAM that can be used by dslinux and other homebrew. I have flashed my ds to boot from slot2.

I have heard good things about the r4/m3 simple slot1 cards but I don't have one.


So all i need is the slot 2 supercard then..?

What do i do after i get that...?

December 13th, 2007, 21:16
OK, making progress....I can get it to load up properly now but the display is funky....

http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/5065/img00036on4.th.jpg (http://img153.imageshack.us/my.php?image=img00036on4.jpg)

Please excuse the poor quality, had to take it w/ my cell...anyways, it's like the display won't fit on the screen so it's wrapping around, and the bottom screen is just blank white. Any further suggestions? Thank you!

what type of card are you booting it with? and are you dldi patching the .nds file, maybe your card has multiple available dldi patches , try some of the others?


December 13th, 2007, 21:20
So all i need is the slot 2 supercard then..?

What do i do after i get that...?

you need a passme/passcard 3 to have the ds boot from slot 2, need an sd card(micro/mini/fullsize) , copy the rd folder and the frodoDS.nds file to the sd card, dldi patch the .nds file(many faq available for this) , copy the .d64 files that work on the pc version of frodo into the /rd folder and boot it and play :)


December 14th, 2007, 08:26
what type of card are you booting it with? and are you dldi patching the .nds file, maybe your card has multiple available dldi patches , try some of the others?


I am using a slot 1 Supercard DS One.... Yes I did dldi patch the .nds, and I think there were a few other patches for that type of card so I'll definitely give them a try as well.

Thanks for all your help!!!

December 19th, 2007, 20:38
you need a passme/passcard 3 to have the ds boot from slot 2, need an sd card(micro/mini/fullsize) , copy the rd folder and the frodoDS.nds file to the sd card, dldi patch the .nds file(many faq available for this) , copy the .d64 files that work on the pc version of frodo into the /rd folder and boot it and play :)


So i need 3 items then...

1.A passmecard...??
2.A sd card reader that gose into slot 2..?
3.A sd card..

Is that right..?

Oh thanks of all the help..;)

Would one of these work...??



December 20th, 2007, 22:57
you need a passme/passcard 3 to have the ds boot from slot 2, need an sd card(micro/mini/fullsize) , copy the rd folder and the frodoDS.nds file to the sd card, dldi patch the .nds file(many faq available for this) , copy the .d64 files that work on the pc version of frodo into the /rd folder and boot it and play :)


I Keep on getting this when i try to unzip the emulator after i downloaded it...

! C:\My Documents\FrodoDS30507.zip: CRC failed in rd\archon.fss. The file is corrupt
! C:\My Documents\FrodoDS30507.zip: CRC failed in rd\fortapoc.fss. The file is corrupt
! C:\My Documents\FrodoDS30507.zip: CRC failed in FrodoDS.nds. The file is corrupt

I think your file is corrupt..??

December 21st, 2007, 14:07

December 21st, 2007, 19:43
I Keep on getting this when i try to unzip the emulator after i downloaded it...

! C:\My Documents\FrodoDS30507.zip: CRC failed in rd\archon.fss. The file is corrupt
! C:\My Documents\FrodoDS30507.zip: CRC failed in rd\fortapoc.fss. The file is corrupt
! C:\My Documents\FrodoDS30507.zip: CRC failed in FrodoDS.nds. The file is corrupt

I think your file is corrupt..??

Upgrade you WinRar version maybe?, I used Winrar 3.51 to compress it, also did you download it from the forum or my site( http://gpf.dcemu.co.uk/Frodoc64.shtml ) ?


December 21st, 2007, 19:45
So i need 3 items then...

1.A passmecard...??
2.A sd card reader that gose into slot 2..?
3.A sd card..

Is that right..?

Oh thanks of all the help..;)

Would one of these work...??



Either of those should work fine and both act as a passme as well, so just need one of those cards, a microsd card and away to read/write to the microsd card from your pc.


December 22nd, 2007, 21:40
Upgrade you WinRar version maybe?, I used Winrar 3.51 to compress it, also did you download it from the forum or my site( http://gpf.dcemu.co.uk/Frodoc64.shtml ) ?

No, I am using v3.61 and it's definitely broken. - As are Chui's releases btw....

I haven't checked all of your downloads but Frodo DS definitely is broken.

Edit: ...as is REminiscence, AW DC and Super Mario War... >_<

December 25th, 2007, 13:54
Upgrade you WinRar version maybe?, I used Winrar 3.51 to compress it, also did you download it from the forum or my site( http://gpf.dcemu.co.uk/Frodoc64.shtml ) ?


I got it from your site and its a zip file to not rar..?

Its still not working...it broken..:(

December 26th, 2007, 12:35
Is it possible you could update the link on your site please GPF so i can download it...?

Oh and one more question..

Would a Datal Game N Music card run this emulator on the DS Lite..?


Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year...:D

January 3rd, 2008, 05:24
Is it possible you could update the link on your site please GPF so i can download it...?

Oh and one more question..

Would a Datal Game N Music card run this emulator on the DS Lite..?


Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year...:D

Ok , I have reuploaded the binary to my site, not sure about the GnM card , it supports dldi so its possible it should work.


January 11th, 2008, 21:35
Thnks it working now..:)

January 18th, 2008, 17:07
Has anyone managed to get any copy of Wasteland working on FrodoDS? I'd love to have that game to carry around with me but I've tried maybe 5 different images and none will load correctly. Some gave me the File Not Found error, others just black screened when loaded.

January 18th, 2008, 20:50
Has anyone managed to get any copy of Wasteland working on FrodoDS? I'd love to have that game to carry around with me but I've tried maybe 5 different images and none will load correctly. Some gave me the File Not Found error, others just black screened when loaded.

Does it work in the pc version of Frodo ? If so maybe load it up to the game, make a snapshot and load that after mounting the .d64 on FrodoDS, or maybe it requires 1541 emulation mode to be turned on for it to work? (takes forever but might work)


January 20th, 2008, 07:30
Does it work in the pc version of Frodo ? If so maybe load it up to the game, make a snapshot and load that after mounting the .d64 on FrodoDS, or maybe it requires 1541 emulation mode to be turned on for it to work? (takes forever but might work)


Gah, can't seem to get it to work in the PC Frodo either. Turning on 1541 gets it to a screen, but it doesn't seem to load entirely, and again I tried a couple different Wasteland copies. I'm a big fan of fallout, which was inspired by this game, and i'd really like to get it working on my DS. Is there any chance I'm just missing a setting or something in Frodo, or that its something you could fix in FrodoDS?

January 23rd, 2008, 20:07
Gah, can't seem to get it to work in the PC Frodo either. Turning on 1541 gets it to a screen, but it doesn't seem to load entirely, and again I tried a couple different Wasteland copies. I'm a big fan of fallout, which was inspired by this game, and i'd really like to get it working on my DS. Is there any chance I'm just missing a setting or something in Frodo, or that its something you could fix in FrodoDS?

I was able to get it to work in FrodoSC.exe - the ultimate cycle-based emulator, supports almost all
timing and raster effects, much slower , but unfortuntely thats not the version FrodoDS is based off. Works in WinVice also. After you boot disk 1 , you have to use the util menu to create 4 data disks from the 4 masters. Then it will work, i tried using snapshots from SC version in FrodoDS and it will boot up the first menu but doesn't recognise the data disks just give i/o errors or crashes.


January 25th, 2008, 02:13
OK, I'm officially excited to try this emulator - only problem is i'm a newbie, and i've not got a clue about patching etc.

I DO have an NDS, and a DSTT card (slot 1). Only problem is that it only runs .nds files. I've tried renaming the .ds.gba as a .nds without success (white screens)

Am I out of luck, or is there some way I can get this running with my existing kit?


January 25th, 2008, 14:55
QUOTE=voodoolily;555155]OK, making progress....I can get it to load up properly now but the display is funky....

http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/5065/img00036on4.th.jpg (http://img153.imageshack.us/my.php?image=img00036on4.jpg)

Please excuse the poor quality, had to take it w/ my cell...anyways, it's like the display won't fit on the screen so it's wrapping around, and the bottom screen is just blank white. Any further suggestions? Thank you![/QUOTE]

what type of card are you booting it with? and are you dldi patching the .nds file, maybe your card has multiple available dldi patches , try some of the others?


Mine is doing this as well with the Games n Music card.The C64 Displays funny in the top screen and no keyboard in the botton just blank..,It takes a Micro SD card so what patch do i downdload for it..?

January 25th, 2008, 16:39
Its ok now found the didi patch for it..;)
But i try to load a d64 game and it say "?DEVICE NOT PRESENT ERROR"...??

January 25th, 2008, 19:32

i need help!!!

this game doesn't work on my frodo ds


device not present error?

help help help

i am from germany and i want play this game in german languages...

i hope anybody can help!

January 26th, 2008, 00:00

i need help!!!

this game doesn't work on my frodo ds


device not present error?

help help help

i am from germany and i want play this game in german languages...

i hope anybody can help!

probably an issue with your dldi patch for whatever hardware you are running.

I downloaded from the above link and tested it and it appears to run fine.


January 28th, 2008, 23:47
OK, I'm officially excited to try this emulator - only problem is i'm a newbie, and i've not got a clue about patching etc.

I DO have an NDS, and a DSTT card (slot 1). Only problem is that it only runs .nds files. I've tried renaming the .ds.gba as a .nds without success (white screens)

Am I out of luck, or is there some way I can get this running with my existing kit?


Is there nobody here who can help me out with this - I know it's probably a very basic question, but I can't seem to find an answer :confused:

Even a pointer to a newbie document would probably help.....

January 29th, 2008, 03:54
Is there nobody here who can help me out with this - I know it's probably a very basic question, but I can't seem to find an answer :confused:

Even a pointer to a newbie document would probably help.....

Newest version of FrodoDS

or from my site

dldi patch the FrodoDS.nds , copy the rd folder to the / and copy your .d64 files into it.


January 29th, 2008, 21:23
Newest version of FrodoDS

or from my site

dldi patch the FrodoDS.nds , copy the rd folder to the / and copy your .d64 files into it.


Thanks - no idea why the version I downloaded from you site less than a week ago was a .ds.gba, but i have the .nds file now and it works. Thanks. No patching necessary.

The one file my family were most interested to play was an old allegata software game called Eagle Empire. This DOES run, but has some issues (some of the eagles don' t spawn. Some of the smaller birds congregate at the bottom right of the screen.)

I don't know if this is a frodo issue or a ds issue.

Either way, please don't see this as a moan - i think the fact you've got this far at all is an absolute miracle, and thanks again for the work you put into this platform.

January 30th, 2008, 14:21
I was able to get it to work in FrodoSC.exe - the ultimate cycle-based emulator, supports almost all
timing and raster effects, much slower , but unfortuntely thats not the version FrodoDS is based off. Works in WinVice also. After you boot disk 1 , you have to use the util menu to create 4 data disks from the 4 masters. Then it will work, i tried using snapshots from SC version in FrodoDS and it will boot up the first menu but doesn't recognise the data disks just give i/o errors or crashes.


Could you please explain exactly how to create those 4 data disks?


January 30th, 2008, 18:06
Could you please explain exactly how to create those 4 data disks?


i just copied a random .d64 file to blank.d64, mount that disk, and used c64 basic to format it.
OPEN 15,8,15:PRINT#15,"N0:TITLE,ID":CLOSE 15

then discovered that the game gives you the option to format the data disk before copying.

Takes along time, you have to switch each disk back and forth till its copied. Since I've already done this , here you go :)

Just mount WASTLND1.D64 and LOAD"*",8,1

press enter to select start, it will ask if you want to load a previous game Y'/N

then it will have you insert each data disk 1-4 and then back to 1, then it will start the game. I've never really played the game before, but probably would have loved it as a kid :)


January 30th, 2008, 19:59
Uh, i just wanted to try the new FrodoDS, but the DCemu site (and GPF's site as well) seems to be down, at least from my location.

Could somone please attach it to a posting, so i can download?
Thanks in advance :)

January 31st, 2008, 10:21
i just copied a random .d64 file to blank.d64, mount that disk, and used c64 basic to format it.
OPEN 15,8,15:PRINT#15,"N0:TITLE,ID":CLOSE 15

then discovered that the game gives you the option to format the data disk before copying.

Takes along time, you have to switch each disk back and forth till its copied. Since I've already done this , here you go :)

Just mount WASTLND1.D64 and LOAD"*",8,1

press enter to select start, it will ask if you want to load a previous game Y'/N

then it will have you insert each data disk 1-4 and then back to 1, then it will start the game. I've never really played the game before, but probably would have loved it as a kid :)


Great. It works. Thanks a lot.

January 31st, 2008, 18:23
Uh, i just wanted to try the new FrodoDS, but the DCemu site (and GPF's site as well) seems to be down, at least from my location.

Could somone please attach it to a posting, so i can download?
Thanks in advance :)

Yeah not sure whats up with my site still. Tried to find the last post that had the latest version attached, couldn't find it XD . So here is my latest version from last Aug 30th. (Wow has it been that long???)


February 1st, 2008, 19:15
yes it has, i'm afriad. so when can we see a update to my fave emu on ds. soon hopefully...

September 28th, 2008, 16:35
Any chance someone could please post a quick step-by-step guide on getting .d64's running on the PC version of Frodo? I'm baffled! I've looked at the documentation that comes with Frodo PC (I'm using V.41) but I can't figure out how you load the .d64 roms. Most of the .d64 roms I've tried so far are not working with FrodoDS. I want to check they work with the PC version before trying them on FrodoDS.

Cheers ;)