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View Full Version : Knytt Stories DS - Alpha 1

June 6th, 2009, 12:18
News via Nintendomax (http://www.nintendomax.com/index.php?topic_id=10193&format=news)


Rodrigo Roman is working on porting the game platform 2D Knytt Stories for the DS and puts online the first public version "Knytt Stories DS - Alpha 1"

Download Here (http://www.rrc2soft.com/nds_dsknytt.html) and Give Feedback Via Comments

June 6th, 2009, 16:29
This is one of those games I played almost as much as Cave Story.

June 6th, 2009, 17:59
Great Homebrew. After completing the tutorial level, I copied "The Machine" from my PC install, and was happy to see how well it worked.

July 8th, 2009, 19:11
I keep getting "KSDS Internal Error [E09] Not Found Juni -0 U:17320/F:2487408"

Edit: oops...I found the problem. I must've yanked the MicroSD before "data" was finished copying. ...Wow! This takes a lot of space!

Okay, I was playing The Machine, the original full game packed with Knytt Stories, and the lasers will still kill you when inactive. I assume this is a bug that needs to be fixed to make this playable, or rather, completable.

Update: A Strange Dream seems to be okay.

June 9th, 2010, 23:31
Sorry for bumping such an old thread, but my question would be better asked in context. I'm having trouble getting KnyttDS v1.0 to work on my CycloDS Evolution card. My Cyclo is running the latest firmware [1.59], and I am playing on a DS Lite. I put the game in a subdirectory of a subdirectory in the root of my card, so it's two folders down. I tried both the normal and compatibility modes, but neither work. When I try the normal one, the screen just goes blank, save for a short line of pixels at the bottom-right part of the screen, which randomly display colors. I eventually have to restart the DS. When I run the compatibility version, the screen goes black fora few seconds, but then gives me an error similar to the poster above:
KSDS Internal Error
[E09] Not Found
Juni -0
U: 19456 / F: 2647648
I have tried re-copying the files to my card a few times, with no change in results. Does anybody know what I can do?