View Full Version : DCEmu UK Hits a Million Visitors

January 1st, 1970, 01:00
Since April the 11th of this year when the site officially opened we are nearing the Million visitors (a few hundred away), to say the Dreamcast isnt a console supported commercially (with the odd exception) and also the fact that the Dreamcast scene already had 5 mainstream emulation/homebrew sites and any new site would face a massive uphill battle to get visitors to visit a new site, we have done well.[br][br]Originally started as a solo project of mine because of my frustration of the stagnancy of the Dreamcast scene and the lazyness of siteops to update their pages, i quickly found a site design off my friend James (webmaster of Xbox Rules.com (http://www.xboxrules.com/)), the design was from a site that never really got going so it was decided to use it for DCEmu UK.[br][br]Next part of my journey was to find the best host for this site, i contacted my friends Keith ( Emufanatics (http://www.emufanatics.com/)) and Passive (Emuhelp (http://www.emuhelp.com/)) and with thier help got in contact with Martin64 the admin of the Emulation64 Network (http://www.emulation64.com/), luckily for me he said yes to taking on a site that would need lots of space and bandwidth too.[br][br]Onto choosing a name for the site was next and there was so many that to choose from that i decided to keep the name short and sweet so the name DCEmu UK was born, although we would gladly love the Dreamcast.com .net domains :).[br][br]So in March i started the task of finding every emulator for download and so began the massive task of finding every emulator released for the Dreamcast, in that month i told a couple of close friends about the project and Soully and LyonHrt came aboard to help me with this site and also to help with the as yet unseen v2 of our site.[br][br]Which leads me nicely to the day we opened and since then its been a great ride with high moments being the amazing 13,000 visitors in one day, the 5 slashdots, the amazing interviews, the hosting of Chui and forums, the joining together of the International Dreamcast scenes.[br][br]My thanks to all these people so far in helping this site, LyonHrt, Soully, Darksaviour69, Wacko, Captain Skyhawk, Martin 64, Keith, Passive, DCDayDreamer, Curt Grymala, Dr Zoidberg, Hawq, Metafox, Chui, Pablo, Talfi, Ron, Propellor, Christuserloeser, ace and many more.[br][br]Lets get to that 2nd Million asap :)

[Modified 11/28/04 15:15:32 by DCEmu_Newsposter]

November 28th, 2004, 03:57
300 to go :)

November 28th, 2004, 03:58
Took us 7 and a half months.

i wish i would have opened the site back in 2001 :)

November 28th, 2004, 05:04
congrats wragg thats pretty incredible really... things are gonna get very exciting soon too ;)

November 28th, 2004, 12:12
Yeah, this is incredible :)

November 28th, 2004, 12:40
weeeeeeeeeee ;D

November 29th, 2004, 06:46
Congatulations Wraggs, still many many things will come, Keep it up working hard as you know. Your friend. Ron

November 29th, 2004, 06:57
Yeah! ;D

in other news, we just got over 1500 members to the forums

November 29th, 2004, 13:02
Bah!, Humbug!


November 29th, 2004, 13:45
Well done, I now visit this website every day, its essential viewing!

November 30th, 2004, 06:35
i do have to say thats great but it cant be because of the dreamcast cause your promoting other systems and i see alot of the times people come here to chat about the new systems most popular right now is Nintendo DS aswell xbox and another handheld has also been popular.

November 30th, 2004, 06:47
Wraggs most popular site is DCemu, getting about 4000-5000 hits a day. his second most popular is hid DS site which only recently is getting about between 400-900 hits a day.... so i would say that most of the traffic is DC releated.

November 30th, 2004, 06:53
yeah but i never actually heard of that site and why would millions of people visit the DS webpage if it just came out i dont know?

November 30th, 2004, 08:15
because it obviously makes much more sense that people want to look at a 6 year old console with no official support rather than a state of the art just released console. What a waste of time to make a DS site ::)