View Full Version : New version of Dcplaya 2 beta !

November 22nd, 2004, 07:20
Zigziggy wrote
I've just released a new version of dcplaya 2.0 beta. You can find the files as usual on sourceforge :

http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=62669&package_id=90531&rele ase_id=284423

Improvements and bugfixes, including :

- shoutcast informations are displayed in the song info box

- you can hide the GUI using L or R buttons of the pad (don't remember which one, sorry :D )

- keyboard emulator should work again

- no more sound garbages with low bitrate mp3 files or radios

- new experimental BBA driver using DMA, should be twice as efficient as the previous one

- other things I forgot probably

Have fun !
