View Full Version : Comments on PSPU

March 31st, 2006, 06:28
On PSPU it seems that on every post, someone goes into the comments and spams it up, giving a link to download the first build of your emulator, and I was wondering if you have any idea who it might be, or is it just some rabid fan.

Here's the link though:


March 31st, 2006, 06:41
just lamers at pspu. They dont care what the topic is, they just battle it out for first post.

April 1st, 2006, 04:28
Yeah, every single post now, someone goes in there the second it comes up, saying "Haha noobs, I got first comment".


April 2nd, 2006, 03:57
just lamers at pspu. They dont care what the topic is, they just battle it out for first post.
.......... :mad:

April 2nd, 2006, 07:28
yea first post!!


PSP Fanatic
April 2nd, 2006, 14:33
The first post? Wow that is seriously immature.

April 2nd, 2006, 22:16
Posted by ZFB8:
Yeah, every single post now, someone goes in there the second it comes up, saying "Haha noobs, I got first comment".


If someone says that who is really the noob................ retards

April 10th, 2006, 12:13
Yeah, the comment section is out of hand, i just want it to be clear that its not us.
For some reason pspupdates want anonymos comments, so you dont have to register.
For the comments on your emu, you do know it was psdonkey?

April 30th, 2006, 05:02
Yeah, the comment section is out of hand, i just want it to be clear that its not us.
For some reason pspupdates want anonymos comments, so you dont have to register.
For the comments on your emu, you do know it was psdonkey?

I dont see what motive psdonkey would have to do that.

And yea, PSPU REALLY needs to listen and get rid of the anonymous comments, but thats how ti is on all the sites, check out the PSP-hacks.com comments, lolz, every 5 comments comes up a mention about PSPU being better and then leave u wondering "if ita so much better, why do u coem to this site?" lol :p

April 30th, 2006, 12:34
the pspu comments is just miserable, i mean the level on their "discussions" are like a day-care center... well, well it's good that kids can have a place to hang around, i mean think if the come to this forum, what a pain!

April 30th, 2006, 14:11
I wonder, do the kiddies over at PSPU actually sit in front of their computer all day and keep refreshing their browser until a new story is posted, just so they can get the first comment?

April 30th, 2006, 15:35
I'm kinda curious... why you use the term noobs, ect... there are 2 groups as far as that goes... there are the amatures/beginners and then there are your utter f***ing retards...

Thats my oppinion. Your majority of kids get thrown into the second class when they chose to use those words.

PSPU, has a few redeamable people... but like one of the head moderators at PSPU once said. "If we were to ban everyone who did stupid sh*t, we'ed only have 10 members"

April 30th, 2006, 20:31
I'm kinda curious... why you use the term noobs, ect... there are 2 groups as far as that goes... there are the amatures/beginners and then there are your utter f***ing retards...

Thats my oppinion. Your majority of kids get thrown into the second class when they chose to use those words.

PSPU, has a few redeamable people... but like one of the head moderators at PSPU once said. "If we were to ban everyone who did stupid sh*t, we'ed only have 10 members"

Yeah, thats PSPU, they have more noobs than anyone!

And Newb/Noob Terminology:

Newb - Soemoen who is new to a forum or the subject of a forum (We were ALL newbs at one point)

Noob - Someone who is a complete idiot who doesnt understand anything and isnt willing to learn and wants everything hand-fed to them. Also could be someone that bull$h!t$ all the time with obviously fake stuff

April 30th, 2006, 23:29
Yeah, thats PSPU, they have more noobs than anyone!

And Newb/Noob Terminology:

Newb - Soemoen who is new to a forum or the subject of a forum (We were ALL newbs at one point)

Noob - Someone who is a complete idiot who doesnt understand anything and isnt willing to learn and wants everything hand-fed to them. Also could be someone that bull$h!t$ all the time with obviously fake stuff


Seriously it ain't all bad over at PSPU. ;) As with any online forum, idiots are always to be found.

April 30th, 2006, 23:41
PSPU forums are really not that bad. There are alot of cool inteligent people over there.

The problem comes from the stupid anonimous comment section on the news page. They're atleast trying to improve this (requiring names and finaly scanning them more often) but there still will always be some stupid kid posting crap in them.

May 1st, 2006, 01:37
PSPU forums are really not that bad. There are alot of cool inteligent people over there.

The problem comes from the stupid anonimous comment section on the news page. They're atleast trying to improve this (requiring names and finaly scanning them more often) but there still will always be some stupid kid posting crap in them.

Yea I got to PSPU forums a little bit, and I know there are a lot of cool people there, but for every ONE, there are 250 noobs.

Its not like that makes it a bad forum tho, its the most well-known PSP site, so its bound to have the most members and most noobs, but anyway its mostly those comments.

I think the reason they allow anonymous comments is because a lot fo people visit the site more frequently just to spam up the comments section!

Cap'n 1time
May 1st, 2006, 03:21
Yea I got to PSPU forums a little bit, and I know there are a lot of cool people there, but for every ONE, there are 250 noobs.

Its not like that makes it a bad forum tho, its the most well-known PSP site...

HEY HEY HEY! dcemu just as popular! i would say a good majority of psp coders post here before they do pspu. dcemu has been a respected community since before sony dreamed up the psp... hell a handfull of us have been around either dcemu or the american dcemulation sine well before the ps2. We put homebrew in the vocabulary of people like thoes that own pspupdates. DCemu was their first and will always will be.


May 1st, 2006, 06:49
What exactly does DCEmu stand for? Dream Cast Emulation?????????

May 1st, 2006, 10:48
but there still will always be some stupid kid posting crap in them.
And when news of Monkey64 is posted, it's usually psdonkey with his array of wonderful names from a dictionary list.

May 1st, 2006, 12:24
What exactly does DCEmu stand for? Dream Cast Emulation?????????

yes, thats it. yes started off as a dreamcast only site

June 3rd, 2006, 03:19
HEY HEY HEY! dcemu just as popular! i would say a good majority of psp coders post here before they do pspu. dcemu has been a respected community since before sony dreamed up the psp... hell a handfull of us have been around either dcemu or the american dcemulation sine well before the ps2. We put homebrew in the vocabulary of people like thoes that own pspupdates. DCemu was their first and will always will be.


I know. CODERS poist here, noobs sit at the mainstream sites like PSPU and spam it up. Thats what I meant by "most known"

June 3rd, 2006, 07:43
the only thing i can say about pspu is this...GAY!!!!!!

June 3rd, 2006, 07:52
the only thing i can say about pspu is this...GAY!!!!!!
I second that.