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View Full Version : Prototype - Available today!

June 10th, 2009, 20:34

Newly released today:

Discover What Lies Beyond the Edge of Evolution.

You are Alex Mercer. You are the Prototype™... a shapeshifter with amazing powers of combat, destruction, and deception.

Consume targets for their form and memories to assume a perfect disguise, or instantly transform your body into an array of deadly biological weapons, cutting your way to the heart of the conspiracy forty years in the making.

Stalk the streets of New York City, searching for the life you lead before. Take the form of anyone in your path, using an arsenal of identities to confound, exploit or annihilate your enemies. Mankind is your mask.

Wage a secret war against factions with complex agendas of their own, out to capture or kill you. They are your greatest threat and the key to the secrets of your past. Confront them, find those responsible and make them pay.

Still making up your mind about this game? Have a look at the realistic graphics and the blood pounding excitement the game promises:

Prototype is available on various platforms:

Prototype US US$ 64.90
Prototype ASIA US$ 59.90

Prototype ASIA US$ 59.90
Prototype US US$ 64.90

PC Game
Prototype US US$ 54.90
Prototype ASIA US$ 39.90

Guide Book
Prototype Official Game Guide US US$ 24.90
