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View Full Version : eLoader 0.9.7 - Bock

April 1st, 2006, 23:43
Fanjita (http://www.fanjita.org/) has released a New Version of his Eloader titled Bock:, heres the details:

Oh come on now, did you really think we'd leave you guys? You do know what day it was yesterday, right?

We're proud to release the latest version of eLoader, known as "Bock". The major new feature is, wait for it... automatic WiFi support for homebrew on all firmwares! That means that the wifi hack is now officially a thing of the past, and everyone can look forward to seamless networked homebrew, both infrastructure and ad-hoc.

Massive thanks for the trick to enable wifi support has to go to Chris Swindle, who discovered it while working on the networking for the latest release of the Quake homebrew, which we've tested extensively to get working with the eLoader. For those who are wondering, this does not mean that we now have more access to kernel-mode - Chris found a function that allows you to load and initialise the networking libraries from within user-mode.

The other minor feature is that the default menu now caches the list of homebrew on your memory stick, so if it's less than an hour since the menu last scanned, then it will just load the cached data instead, making it much faster to load the menu if you have a lot of homebrew.

If you want to try out the new wifi support, then the following apps should all work fine:

Pang 0.3
LUA Player 0.16
PSPRadio 0.38 beta 7 (although some people have had problems on v2.6)
... and probably more!

Download And Give Feedback Via Comments

April 1st, 2006, 23:51
i told you guys not to get sand in your virginas fajita you blew up your own spot for me!!! i know how gr8ley specific you are i knew you werent leaving us thats like....super man leaving metropollis or batman leaving gotham ....you cant leave your OUR HERO!!! lol and heros dont ever die even when sony trys we would all chip in for the lawer no doubt who else would send $$$ his way if sony messed around....we got your back fanjita

April 1st, 2006, 23:56
:) What a great name for the eloader "super bock" is a portugese beer that won 11 consecutive gold medals! like homebrew "thanks to Fanjita" the score is:
Fanjita 3 Sony 0

:D ;) :p

April 1st, 2006, 23:59
yeah another great release for the scene

April 2nd, 2006, 00:20
I've said it before and I'll say it again..... THANK YOU Fanjita & all other contributors. An awesome addition to our great scene. You make the PSP so much better for hundreds of thousands of people.

Great work!

April 2nd, 2006, 00:22
Anyone having problems with the zip file release?
I see the initial white text quickly but the loader menu never opens, psp shuts off.

I tried removing all of .96 and adding the files fresh and copying over the new files on top of .96 and cant seem to get it to run. I've gone back to .96 for now and all is running fine.


April 2nd, 2006, 00:41
gizmondo. ha! good work fanjita. ive said it before. i wont say it again. no wait, i will. youre better than biscuits!

April 2nd, 2006, 00:46
this is great bringing more support for all firmwares making the scene much better love this community !

April 2nd, 2006, 00:53
Eh...seems to be messed up. I tryed installin both versions and it just flashes the white loading text and then freezes up and the psp shuts off. Anyone else got it workin?

April 2nd, 2006, 00:57
damn...you kick ass fanjita!

April 2nd, 2006, 01:07
Here is why it doesn't work:

it's the menu thats not working

You need to use the older menu of eloader 0.96 by copying:

loadmenu096.pbp-> rename to loadmenu097.pbp and
loadmenu.tga to eloader directory

and it will work q:-)

April 2nd, 2006, 01:33
I'll be damned, sweet. Thx Steps!

michael chan
April 2nd, 2006, 01:36
Eh...seems to be messed up. I tryed installin both versions and it just flashes the white loading text and then freezes up and the psp shuts off. Anyone else got it workin?

yea i have the same problem.but im using the gta method for now cause the picture method does not work for u.

April 2nd, 2006, 01:54
that runs .96 not .97... damn i did that myself before i saw this

April 2nd, 2006, 02:19
not working for me either

April 2nd, 2006, 02:23
Kind of ironic Sony wants the best portable system but they hate those working to make it the best (Fanjita). In fact, Fanjita really should abandon the PSP and release a Fanjita system....

April 2nd, 2006, 02:23
or me. freezes between the white text and the menu (doesnt make it to menu)

digging for 9.6....

April 2nd, 2006, 02:31
same for me, tiff method = flashes up then black screen and the gta loader doesn't pick up the new port of quake tried it in several different folders :(

April 2nd, 2006, 02:36
does fmsx work yet! please tell me YES!!!

April 2nd, 2006, 02:48
hate to sound like an idiot, but could someone explain the wi-fi support of this release? how is it affecting emulators?

April 2nd, 2006, 03:11
i feel better seeing that im not the only one with the tiff problem...... Murphy's Law has haunted me like no other. im not even gana start the list of problems ive had in the past 5 hours.....

April 2nd, 2006, 03:18
Hey guys, I believe the menu is corrupt, try using only the 0.9.6. menu, or a custom menu with the new .9.7 pbp file and see if if it works. I'll check it out when I can.

April 2nd, 2006, 03:27
it seems that mostly everybody has the same problems when loadin,
for me it is also does the same problems.
ill try using the old pic from the e-loader.........
to be continue!

April 2nd, 2006, 03:44
:D no worries my friends, i just tested the old pics from the last loaders and i recently found the winning pic:
:eek: loader085 (wipe out pure background image)
:cool: this pic will accept this loader version, which i will be stuck with this version till a new one comes out. :)
;) GREAT JOB FOR THE LOADER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AND KEEP ON FOR GOOD, not evil, FOR GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
meow yo

April 2nd, 2006, 04:56
i cant get this to work i tried copying the old pic files but still nothin

April 2nd, 2006, 05:20
My bad guys, seems that the eboot is just that, a menu only. From me tryin to figure out how to make Choice+ work, I've figured out that the eboot is only a menu. That means you can use the 0.9.6 menu eboot and pic and it would still load the 0.9.7 files into memory. I dunno if I'm right, someone try doing that and using a wifi program.

April 2nd, 2006, 05:31
:mad: Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I Got The Answer For It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aim Me Or Something To Give The Pic Who The Person Wants It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God, I Feel So Ignored!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
here is my sn: acn020
GET IT!!!!!!!!!!! CAUSE I HAVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

April 2nd, 2006, 06:42
worked fine for me with the 085, only replace the TGA image, nothing else

it crashes on launch like the older versions did tho (40-50% chance)

April 2nd, 2006, 06:46
lol :(

April 2nd, 2006, 07:06
thanks really cool makin great progress out here!!!

April 2nd, 2006, 08:00
LOL thats was a good one Fanjy
gave alot of ppl a scare, some even claimed to want to cry after they heard the news.
LOL he even put alot of effort into the april fool, a man of perfection.

April 2nd, 2006, 11:19
Big big thanks Fanjita !!! PSPRadio is now running on my PSP FW 2.5 ! :D :D :D

April 2nd, 2006, 13:56
My bad guys, seems that the eboot is just that, a menu only. From me tryin to figure out how to make Choice+ work, I've figured out that the eboot is only a menu. That means you can use the 0.9.6 menu eboot and pic and it would still load the 0.9.7 files into memory. I dunno if I'm right, someone try doing that and using a wifi program.

Hi all

Just to let you know i have tried pspradio and it works fine after changing the two files from 97 to 96 and renaming them. Now i dont have to sod about going into network settings to use radio great work.

April 2nd, 2006, 15:27
who ever wants loader85 pic, i have it, aim me:
SN: acn020
im glad to help if anybody has problems with the loader.

April 2nd, 2006, 15:40
Go Fanjita! You the man! I knew you weren't just going to give up :D

April 2nd, 2006, 16:48
you know what.................
heres the link image for the loade, the file is the loader85 image, enjoy:


zip file, open it and theres the image and replace it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

April 2nd, 2006, 18:26
what are other cool homebrew that uses wifi?? i don't understand how to use wifi anyway??? can someone explain... do i need a wifi modem...or the psp acts like a wifi modem???

April 2nd, 2006, 18:42
You need to have a wireless router, WiFiMAX, or a neighbor that has either of those. If you are in New York City, I think you get free WiFi from Google. Go to Network Settings, Infrastructure, New Connection (name it what you want), and choose Scan. The PSP will look for wireless networks in range. If it finds one, it will show you. Choose the one you want. If there is one that has encryption such as WEP, WPA, etc. you can't use it. Anyway, after choosing a network in range, choose Easy, Do Not Use, and Save Settings. Then test your connection. If the PSP gets connected, it will show network stats n stuff. Scroll to the bottom. If it says "Internet Connection Succeeded" then you have successfully set up your PSP to work for that WiFi connection. Now go on the internet, receive RSS, watch live TV, etc. on your PSP.

And for the other question--the newest version of DGEN supports wireless multiplayer. So thats always a good choice...Streets of Rage 2 here I come!

April 2nd, 2006, 19:01
he he

April 2nd, 2006, 19:53
Dies off after that first text appears.

April 2nd, 2006, 20:45
Great to see this. Although i've been testing it out and it doesn't seem to run alot of emu's that 0.96 ran. NesterJ doesn't run aswell as before, Dgen won't work at all, e[mulator] won't load any roms. It's a shame cos other than that this release is awesome. I will stick with 0.96 for now though.

April 2nd, 2006, 20:47
Uhh is anyone else having a problem with eboots showing up after being deleted?

April 2nd, 2006, 20:53
ugh! so many problems every time i try to access the eboot loader it just gets stuck at *reading* when its loading up the emulators does anybody know what to do ?

April 2nd, 2006, 20:53
Fantasic!!! Thank you Fanjita for all of your hard work, though the joke you had played on April Fool's day was pretty funny, you were quite convincing.

April 2nd, 2006, 21:24
Uhh is anyone else having a problem with eboots showing up after being deleted?

I have EXACTLY the same problem. Also new ones wont show. I am just going back to 0.96 til it's been sorted.

April 2nd, 2006, 21:32
There is cache now, and when you change the game directory (by adding or removing eboots) you have to press SELECT to refresh the list :)

April 2nd, 2006, 21:41

April 2nd, 2006, 21:58
Seems to have fixed my problems. The new Dgen still wont work but nevermind. Thanks.

April 2nd, 2006, 22:29
i'm new at this so this might seem like a dom question.
how does the eloader work

April 3rd, 2006, 00:12
I'm fairly new too but it basically allows you to play homebrew on PSP's with firmware 2.0(or is it 2.01)and up. It works by adding a save game to GTA:LCS that loads up the eloader, then from there you select your homebrew. Sounds complicated but it's all pretty easy. There are plenty of tutorials around and the eloader itself can be installed on the psp in a couple of clicks (on windows.)

April 3rd, 2006, 07:10
Any of these emulators work now?:

Dgen 1.40
SMS Plus

And well..other stuff?

April 3rd, 2006, 08:28
Any of these emulators work now?:

Dgen 1.40
SMS Plus

And well..other stuff?The released SMSPlus does not work on eLoader, I do have a version that does work, but need to sort out a few things in Quake before sorting out a release. Shouldn't be too long though.


April 3rd, 2006, 16:52
i know many other have probably already asked this, but if someone somehow finds a way to get full access to the kernal from user mode is that a possibility of getting a working downgrader?

April 4th, 2006, 14:07
I hope this will work on my PSP.

April 4th, 2006, 20:14
I cant get this to work on my 2.6... It just says that it is corrupted. And do i need The GTA game? Becouse i dont have it but i really want to play emulators and stuff?

April 4th, 2006, 20:38
yes you need gta if you have firmware 2.6 gosh stop being ignorant people

April 5th, 2006, 01:33
I have teh eloader 0.97 Bock, I have it runnign on my 2.00...i pressed X to join a server, i have a default connection name....and Quake gives em a CL_Connet error thing....what am i doing wrong...

April 5th, 2006, 07:00
loaded this onto my 2.60 psp, and it works great!!! This eloader works way better than previous versions. I can now use some of the homebrews, that could not be used before! Great job!!!!!

All i need now is a way to hook up a keyboard.

April 5th, 2006, 12:59
does fanjita have a list of the supported homebrews. ANd does this have a working .tiff application as brown ale did or do you have to load it through gta on the 2.+ versions??

if there is a list of supported firmawares could someone please post it here as i can not access it. (websensed) and i won't be able to "leave work and check it" for 8 months. (army deployed) thanks guys

April 6th, 2006, 00:54
holee shite this is awesome quakepsp is friggin fun. now if only we could get doom to be multiplayer that would be awesome. thanks for the hard work

April 7th, 2006, 22:51
it's a BOCK, congratulations.

April 8th, 2006, 21:11
this is shit

April 8th, 2006, 21:12
doesnt even work im so pissed off

April 14th, 2006, 02:04
it doesn't work for me. every time i click a game my psp turns off.

April 15th, 2006, 06:06
This stuff really puts PSP on top- Quake, Doom, SNES, various other things. Many thanks to Fanjita and others who keep updating this golden loader. I hope that you will somehow overcome the GTA exploit and make everything even faster than it already is.

April 21st, 2006, 04:42
damn i cant not play nothing how u do this help me out plz

Megaman Fanboy
April 27th, 2006, 21:33
I ran the Eloader using the GTA hack on my v2.6 psp and it works perfectly great job fanjita!!! anyway i only have one problem, when i put my psp into sleep mode while running any emulator it seems to reboot my psp, anyone else have that problem??

April 28th, 2006, 17:16
This is shit! I have to buy that damned game?? I will only say Fanjita Rules or Whatever when he/she programs an Eloader for PSP V2.60 WITHOUT THAT FRIGGIN' GAME!
Untill then...Just a n00b

April 28th, 2006, 21:56
great news!

May 4th, 2006, 04:49
I can't get this to run on 2.00 using tiff exploit yet I get that "loading text line" then blank screen then the psp shuts off like the other ppl having this prob. I"ma try out the GTA one tho now

Edit: well it worked thru GTA but not w/ the tiff 2.0 exploit at least 4 me

May 10th, 2006, 05:10
i cant get any games to play on my 2.50 and i have eloader on my card twice email me at [email protected]

May 10th, 2006, 20:35
eloader on my card twice


you only need it on there once

just download the auto installer...pendejo

May 20th, 2006, 01:52
im back from a long vacation and i have a new psp and ready to try this wicked released by the master Fanjita.

May 29th, 2006, 02:11
thanks for not forgetting us upgraders

June 6th, 2006, 14:06
sorry for the noob question, but do i need GTA LC to use the eloader? and does the eloader allow me to downgrade my psp? cuz i am planning to buy a 2.6 cheap, and i dunno how to play homebrew on it.

June 6th, 2006, 14:48
my advice is buy a 1.5 PSP :)
u need GTA LC on firmware 2.01+
you can't downgrade on firmware 2.01+

June 15th, 2006, 01:01
excuse me but does this eloader also work on the latest version of the firmware 7.2

June 16th, 2006, 12:31
No, eLoader works on 2.00 - 2.6.
2.01 - 2.6 - You need GTA

June 19th, 2006, 19:02
the eloader on my psp works but when i want to delete a game using my pc by connecting it with a USB it does not get deleted. the file does not show on my memory stick but it shows it on my eloader. i used the gta eloader. can someone help me? please? i have 2.6 FW

June 29th, 2006, 04:08
HEY I am new to this I just download eloader097.zip eloaderwininstaller.zip to my computer and could anyone tell me how to put this on the psp I know how to open the usb and drag and drop but not sure were to install these file for the homebrew on 2.6

Bane King
August 8th, 2006, 16:39
Ok, I'm offcially stuck.
I followed what the readme said.
I installed the files via eloader097.exe
I went to Pictures when I opened the eloader file therein.
Then it switched to a new screen and shut off REALLY fast. I cought fanjita's name befor it shut off so it's loading something.

I continued the readme and it said to copy "touch" into the eloader folder and use comand promt to use it.

I did but the window says...

G:\PSP\PHOTO\eLoader 097>touch run_097.tif
'touch' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

Suggestions? Something I obviously missed? Flames after a tech tells me what I missed?

EDIT: My FW is 2.0 and my OS is XP pro SP2. Do I have to load GTA?

EDIT2: Sooo I did it. I had to load GTA but it works. Was there suppose to be a way to do it w/o GTA?

halo 007
August 17th, 2006, 02:14
2.71 news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!


at this site download the .rar program and
you can play kxpliot that is pacthed on gta lcs.
here is the dicrption.

File Description
Harleyg from our forums has updated his Custom Firmware Patch to v0.2 today. Harleyg's Custom Firmware Patch was initially released yesterday among a whole host of other custom firmwares, but Harleyg didn't stop there. Version 0.2 of this great custom firmware adds many more features, and you won't believe that Harleyg has done all this in just oen day! Here's a list of the features:

Configuration and recovery mode

* New style and menu/sub menus
* Clockspeed configuration
* USB mode
* Update vshmain.prx and recovery.elf
* Remove patch
* Launch update eboot
* Replace index.dat


* No kxploit (Can run 1.0 formatted eboots)
* No annoying corrupt icons
* No intro

Controls (while booting):

* WLAN switch down: Loads devhook
* WLAN switch up: Loads XMB
* HOLD on: Loads configuration and recovery mode
* X: Launches autoboot eboot

As you can see, the feature list is amazing. You have the best of every firmware: you can pretty much 'dual boot' into 2.7 by loading up DevHook with the WLAN switch, hide 1.5 curropt icons and load 1.0 eboots! It's as if firmwares 2.71, 1.5 and 1.0 have all been put in a melting pot to make a magical firmware! Recovery.elf file and vshmain.prx are included in the download.

Credit also goes to Dark_Alex for this, as Harleyg's Custom firmwre is a modification of Dark_Alex's original Custom Firmware for the PSP. Thanks for the tip cooldocy795!
Read more about this file on the QJ.NET Blogs here

Bane King
August 23rd, 2006, 01:05
Lable me a n00b but how do you get this thing to work? From what little discription is given, you can patch it to your firmware to make it play eboots and it's suppose to give v2.7 with the effects of 1.0 and 1.5.

Cool but you can only load it from a firmware that can run eboot IE v1.0+1.5 and after applying both files, it still only loads in my current version (1.5)

So maybe someone can post a more discriptive instuction on how to load it.

September 2nd, 2006, 20:30
ok just need to clear this up for v2.05 do i need to go out and buy that crappy GTA game?

September 4th, 2006, 03:27
GTA is one of the best games for PSP.