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View Full Version : Psp Power Saver v.0.1.0 Minor Bugfix

June 16th, 2009, 23:08
News/release from Warlock (http://forums.qj.net/psp-development-forum/152789-psp-power-saver-v-0-1-0-minor-bugfix.html)


Don't you hate when you are playing a game and about to beat the level and your psp power is low and you have to run to go get the charger? Well that is no more because with the Psp Power Saver
you can now play for longer periods time.Just enable the prx and viola. This is just a beta release so you probably wont notice the power increase because its only about a 15% increase.
In later revisions i will attempt to amp it up to about 50 or 100%. So enjoy... Any questions comments or bugs? Email them to me at [email protected] Or aim me at Tsh SlipKnot
I am not responsible for your psp blowing up when you use this This project is closed source for now, I wont release the source until I abandon the project or until I cant do anything else with it...

How it works:

This turns off the umd driver when you are not using it (iso/cso, Homebrew,internet,music ect.) In turn this will save you power and the app conserves power whenever it can, ie. when you arent using it.

THIS DOES NOT TOUCH YOU BATTERY! I am tired of people saying I ****ed up their batteries but it turns out it was human error because they tried to open it or dropped it ect.
I do not want a billion emails saying "Dood wat happenz it doznt work" -.- It works its just in really early stages...


Put the PspPowerSaver.prx in your seplugins folder
And add ms0:/seplugins/PspPowerSaver.prx to your game.txt


-Minor Bugfix...

-5.03 GEN-A Support!
-I completely removed the the function that removes turns off the drivers that load up the rss channel, location free player,gocam, and the internet radio because I personally did not notice a difference and people were having issues...
-Fixed a few bugs
-Now 15%
-It uses minimal ram so it wont shut off your psp... so I dont want a flood of emails...

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