View Full Version : Button Layout Idea

April 2nd, 2006, 23:52
ok, so i just broke out an old N64 controller to examine the buttons, and i noticed that it did not have a select button on it. We could use this to our advantage by:

Joystick = Joystick
Dpad = Dpad
X = A
[] = B
L = L
R = R
O = Z
Start = start
Select = change between Dpad and Cpad

has this already been posted? What do you think?

oh, and great job PSMonkey, looking forward to great things :)

April 3rd, 2006, 00:07
good idea but instead of select how about triangle

Select could access menu

April 3rd, 2006, 00:19
Thats a good idea:)

April 3rd, 2006, 00:42
I give you credit I have seen this topic on threads many times before and usually its just another noob lay out but I must say this one is really good. Great Idea :)

April 3rd, 2006, 01:00
I agree pkmaximum most of the other layouts for M64 (monkey's and this one is awesome) are pretty bad.

April 3rd, 2006, 01:06
like one about a lan switch

April 3rd, 2006, 01:12
and the headphone remote thing

April 3rd, 2006, 01:20
Great idea, the best I've seen so far!

What about games where you have to push a C button and a direction at the same time...like Starfox? Could you just use the analog nub or something?

April 3rd, 2006, 01:25
hmm maybe when monkey 64 is running Spectacularly and when the configuration has options we can use the analog stick

April 3rd, 2006, 01:52
in my opinion, this IS a good idea but another idea that i have is, since most games always dont use the d-pad (everyone mostly uses the analong stick) you could use the d-pad for the c-buttons as long as you can save different custom controls.i thought of this idea when i was using a nintendo64 emulator and realizing i had different control schemes for every rom i had on there... the only thing i have against infernux's idea is, "what if you have to use the A or B buttons and one of the C-buttons at the same time?" cuz it would be kinda tricky smashing the select button while trying to use A or B... Great idea though infernux, i think it could work out otherwise

April 3rd, 2006, 01:53
good job infernux thats the best n64 button layout that ive seen on the psp

April 3rd, 2006, 01:56
Guys, I don't think you need to worry about the button layout until games are actually fully playable.

April 3rd, 2006, 02:21
yeah lol but everyone is gunna keep asking lol its just like don...

wont say it!

April 3rd, 2006, 02:32
better not say it:)

April 3rd, 2006, 06:32
thanks for the input guys, and i agree, maybe using ^(triangle) instead of select to change between would be easier. Ive been trying to see if this layout would work for the most popular games (M64, super smash brothers, goldeneye, etc.) and I can't think of a game that extensively uses both the dpad and the cpad.

April 3rd, 2006, 22:03
Ya triangle would be a better switcher button:)

P.S Is switcher a word???????

April 12th, 2006, 20:58


April 12th, 2006, 21:09
Erm, I still prefer my setup but what if you swapped Z & A around. Since Z was more ment for being used at the same time A or Be might have been pressed. So Z being cross makes it easier to do Z+A or Z+B.

Plus of course this works in most cases but not all as a problem game would be mortal combat that uses A,B & C-Buttons like if it were a 6 button gamepad.

April 13th, 2006, 03:59
how about this monkey
<img src="http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a29/bigmace0309/N64Controller.jpg">

but instead of the d-pad thing on there use the switch idea with the triangle button

April 13th, 2006, 04:03
Erm, I am still very unsure but in the future i'll make it to where people can make either setup posible.

April 13th, 2006, 04:21
I'm sure the controller setup will be just fine. :)

April 13th, 2006, 07:19
hmm, psmonkey, could u name a game that uses Z + A or Z + B for me, off the top of my head, mario kart uses Z to drop the item, but u need to be holding down A, which could cause problems using B to brake. Also starfox using A too shoot, but dropping a bomb while shooting would be a bit awkward.

April 13th, 2006, 13:08
Mario i think does to do a smash i think. it's been a whiles so i need to check games. n64 was setup that way so someone could do z along with other buttons at the same time.

to do the long jump in mario64. you have to hold down z and press jump.

April 13th, 2006, 15:40
Just take the pic from McZonck, and clean up a lil bit. it'll be easier for those of u which want to share their idea of N64 Key map (just have to edit it l^^)...hope it'll usefull for some of u^^...I might think about one^^

April 13th, 2006, 17:09
Actually dont think their is one all around best key set up. If their is an ability to customize the buttons of any game through the emu, i think that would be best for each and everyones own prefrence in each different type of game. This way if im playing perfect dark/golden eye i can use the R-shoulder button as the Z button (fire) and use the dpad as the c-buttons, and joystick/joystick, and X as A and [] as B. Then when i play a different none FPS game i can switch the controls. I really hope we will have an emu that will allow us to customize and save control setting for each game.

Sumo X
April 13th, 2006, 19:21
Actually dont think their is one all around best key set up. If their is an ability to customize the buttons of any game through the emu, i think that would be best for each and everyones own prefrence in each different type of game. This way if im playing perfect dark/golden eye i can use the R-shoulder button as the Z button (fire) and use the dpad as the c-buttons, and joystick/joystick, and X as A and [] as B. Then when i play a different none FPS game i can switch the controls. I really hope we will have an emu that will allow us to customize and save control setting for each game.

Indeed- it would be best to have customizable controls. There doesn't appear to be any good "one size fits all" control setups.

April 13th, 2006, 20:15
You should just have a custom config that loads for each game ;)

April 14th, 2006, 15:13
for the Z bouton, I see it ore like the NintendoGC controller but we've to use the R trigger (involved combine key). Anyway it will be a hard task to play with some game on N64...

April 14th, 2006, 16:18
for the Z bouton, I see it ore like the NintendoGC controller but we've to use the R trigger (involved combine key). Anyway it will be a hard task to play with some game on N64...

I disagree. If we can customize controls for each game i think every individual person could find the best controls for themselves in any game. The n64 controller has 10 push buttons exluding the d-pad and including start. The psp has 7 exluding the d-pad and including the start button.

I was reading up somewere of the idea that if the l-trigger (psp) is held and the d-pad is used this could in turn make the d-pad act as the c-buttons of a n64 controller. And if i recall right the L-R buttons were not really utilized/needed for n64 games.

April 14th, 2006, 20:22
So according to u it'll be playable to put Z bouton as R Trigger?? but as i can remember in Ocarina of Time, to target u have to hold R trigger or Z (don't remember wich one cuz i've the N64 one and the GC special edition one wich was with Wind waker)???

But untill that we have a long trip to do i guess^^ but don't underestimate the Monkey!!!

April 14th, 2006, 20:23
In Zelda you hold down Z, but its not like Zelda will be able to load....

April 14th, 2006, 21:53
So according to u it'll be playable to put Z bouton as R Trigger?? but as i can remember in Ocarina of Time, to target u have to hold R trigger or Z (don't remember wich one cuz i've the N64 one and the GC special edition one wich was with Wind waker)???

But untill that we have a long trip to do i guess^^ but don't underestimate the Monkey!!!

I see no reason why zelda would be hard to play either. If you can mod the controls to fit your personal style you could use X as the Z trigger if you wanted to. What ever floats your boat, i really think all n64 games are possible and some what easy to be played with new controls.

April 14th, 2006, 22:01
In Zelda you hold down Z, but its not like Zelda will be able to load....

Thanks I was a lil bit confused, and i took zelda as exemple, but can only wait for that as i'm not a coder at all. If it works one day cuz when you're going forward step by step, u don't where it'll leads u^^

April 30th, 2006, 05:19
I have thought of a few layouts that I like, PSmonkeys was hard for me to understand at first, since thew layout doesnt resemble the N64 controller very much, but instead hios layout makes it very easy to use, but I personally like to have a layout that resembles the original console's controller as much as possible, thats just how I am, it helps me out and it gives more fo a classic feel, but I think that eventually we will get a custom layout option, and that will be perfect so that eveyrone coudl sue wutever buttons they want

May 2nd, 2006, 06:03
heres my solution cept with n64... well youll see


Sir Ify
May 2nd, 2006, 12:30
Well why dont you make L nothing or a button to swich that.... i never used L for anything

May 2nd, 2006, 17:15
i say use the dpad as c buttons, the dpad is barely used anyway

May 2nd, 2006, 17:17
L button isnt used...

May 3rd, 2006, 01:57
L button isnt used...

It was in a few games, cant think of many, buta few used it. and the d-pad definately was used, just very few games like Kirby, the crystal shards, you use the dpad, and thats one of the best N64 games, so I think the best thing to do is eventually add custom control options, or at least an analog+Z/dpad+L switch option

Here is my ideal control layout:

PSP - N64
Analog - Analog
D-Pad - C Buttons
R - R
L - Z
[] - B
X - A
Start - Start

Select - bring up emulator menu

O or /\ could be a control layout preset switcher of somesort, like you can make presets and swithc them, ideally for quickly switching to the D-pad and L in place of Z and analog

Tell me what you guys think about that? and PSmonkey, your thoguhts would be appreciated if you can. :)

EDIT: Keep in mind that this layout is meant to resemble the original N64 layout as well as possible, thus using [] and O for A and B

May 3rd, 2006, 01:59
heres my solution cept with n64... well youll see


Umm, yes but you have to open up your PSP and mod it up, possibly screw it all up,a dn If your gonna immobolize your PSP like thta, why not just buy an N64 off ebay?

sry 4 the double post

May 3rd, 2006, 04:37
yeah very true and very pointless for the psp bein a play station PORTABLE but i thought it was a cool mod.

May 3rd, 2006, 06:23
In the end, custom controls are ideal. Games vary greatly, and the N64 controller's just got a setup too different from the PSP to get it perfect.
It'd be even better if one could save control settings for each ROM to fit the game.

May 3rd, 2006, 20:53
i think for each game you should have the choice to either have the default controls load or controls custum to that game. best of both worlds.

May 5th, 2006, 03:57
well, while playing starfox 64, i noticed that for some of the moves, you need to use the dpad and the cpd at the same time. for this you would probably need custom controls, unless, say, you could set it so that instead of the switch the dpad with the cpad, but instead switch the face buttons and the dpad with the cpad and the dpad, that way, you could push select (have 2 switch buttons, triangle for going between dpad and cpad, and select for switiching symbols and dpad with cpad and dpad) and hit the combination u needed, and push select again to switch back.

just a thought

The Horny Antilope
May 5th, 2006, 19:36
they should just make it fully customisable.

May 5th, 2006, 19:52
im quite sure psmonkey said he hasd already decided upon the layout ages ago. but whatever

why not have the d-pad as the c buttons
everyone will simply have to get accustmed to the CLAW method of being able to have a finger/thumb on every control part
eg. left thumb -anolog, left first finger-d-pad, left second finger-shoulder
right thumb-start select, right first finger-face buttons, right second finger-shoulder

then we all get arthritus and combined with our hunched backs from squinting up close to the screen we start walking around like dinosaurs