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View Full Version : PSP Lua Game Creator 3

June 17th, 2009, 21:22
News/release from DTDmike (http://forums.qj.net/psp-development-forum/152893-release-psp-lua-game-creator-3-english.html)

This is a Lua Game Creator wich creates lua games for the psp
It was created by Emeric baveux (Emeric0101) [email protected]
But was created in french and I don't think very many people here know about it so when I got lucky and found it i edited the source changing the language from French to English(Thank god for high school language class LOL) so that everyone could use it and hopefully better it
It's kind featureless but hopefuly that will change.

You can download it from my site here http://fused-creations.com/LuaGC3e.rar

------Source Code-------
To edit the source your gonna need a few things:
(1)Visual Basic6.0(No Other Version!)
(2)Great knowledge of the Visual Basic scripting language
(3)Great knowledge of PSP Lua Script Language

Email me at [email protected] or pm me for The 100% English Source code
I will reply as soon as possible!
The main reason I translated this program was because to me its a VERY great concept
And I wanted someone to continue it!
So please someone work on this program!
Too be honest it kinda sux at the moment but it does what its supposed to.

Download Above

June 20th, 2009, 14:16
Would be nice to see some screenshots and I'll have a look about carrying on if I like the idea since I'm experienced in both Lua and VB6.