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View Full Version : Just an Idea...

benny blanco
April 3rd, 2006, 08:10
I was wondering. Since it is possible to put windows 95 on the psp. Would it be possible to use emulators that are designed for windows 95?

April 3rd, 2006, 13:19
Quick answer: no.

Long answer has a lot of if's, kinda's, and maybe's.

If you haven't noticed there isn't a win emulator that runs at full speed yet. There probably won't ever be one. <b>IF</b> there ever was one, then it would probably be possible. The problem is that you loose power everytime you emulate a machine, and win is usually hard enough on the host system as it is. Windows emulators are usually pretty processor intesive and so that doesn't leave much power for the other emulators that it would be hosting, which are generally pretty power hungry in their own right.

The other part to this answer is that in most cases the source code can be ported to the PSP. In fact, most of the emulators that we have on the PSP now are ports from windows versions.