View Full Version : SoftVMS 1.9

January 1st, 1970, 01:00
SoftVMS 1.9 (http://mc.pp.se/dc/sw.html), the emulator for the Dreamcast VMU, has been released in three flavors - source, AmigaOS binary and DC binary.[br]Here's what's new:[br][br] Now contains a port for the Dreamcast, so that you can play the games directly from the memory cards. Also supports saving (perfect for naming Chaos in SA2 :).[br] Sound support (not implemented for (Win)DOS port).[br] AmigaOS4 support[br] Some minor bugfixes I think, it was a long time since the last release... :-9[br] Also, there is a working Netscape plugin for .LCD files included.[br][br]Thanks to [b]sqrt(-1)+1 for the news.

[Modified 10/07/04 11:08:30 by DCEmu_Newsposter]