View Full Version : Remote Touch DS; mouse and keyboard from your DS WIP News

June 19th, 2009, 23:36
BlazerRazor has posted some WIP news of his app for the DS:

Remote Touch DS gives you the opportunity to remote-control your computers mouse, keyboard and other things from your Nintendo DS hand-held console. This solution is not like remote desktop, but more like an advanced remote control.

The solution is client-server based, obviously, and requires you to have a server running. It is not plugged with synergy, it is my own solution. The server receives commands from the Nintendo DS and acts according to them.


I am looking at a release tomorrow. The new version will include some nice titbits like;
- Media Control Extended (MEX) - good for Media Center or similar
- Keyboard fully calibrated and working with key press sound for comfort
- Remote restart or shutdown of your computer - good for those late night movie sessions where you just want to shutdown your computer directly from the comfort of your bed :)
