View Full Version : I really fookin hate summers

June 20th, 2009, 21:25
Summer is supposed to be a time for warmth nice weather but in my job it brings all the ****in idiots out on the park, perverts looking to follow women round, arrogant dogwalkers, pissheads, gangs of teenage muppets, then i get home and i get wanker neighbours, footballs against cars, kids who need a good slap and the odd webmaster on the internet who thinks hes an hard bastard but if i met him face to face id probably kill him.

did i mention hay fever too :P

June 20th, 2009, 21:44
Wow, you must live in a really cr*p neighborhood to have all that happening. Also, hayfever sucks.

June 20th, 2009, 21:49
most of it happens at work

but i do have a few ****y neighbours

yeah and hayfever is such a pain, especially worse considering im a gardener

June 21st, 2009, 02:23
Fookin??? I only ever see that written by those from the north, how is the weather up there? It's nice down here in the south. :)

Footballs against cars... That makes me laugh, mainly because that never happens where I live, though when I was young and lived on army estates the bastard kids used to do that all the time until they got shouted at and then they would do it against the persons house or windows. lol

June 21st, 2009, 03:23
Boy it must really suck over there wraggster. Glad I don't know what hay fever is :P I've never even heard of it. Sounds itchy lol

beetroot bertie
June 21st, 2009, 12:36
I sympathise with your predicament but there's something ironic about being a gardener with hayfever. Like being a builder that's allergic to cement or something. :)

I'm all in for the use of "Fookin" too by the way, although I don't speak like that.

June 21st, 2009, 14:11
i only used fookin becuase if i said ****in the censor on the forum would kick in ;)

as for being a gardener with hay fever, yeah i would get it at any time :P

i do actually like my job though :P

June 21st, 2009, 16:09
Gardenening is good work, just not quite so when the weather decides it wants to chuck down with rain though.

June 21st, 2009, 23:39
i only used fookin becuase if i said ****in the censor on the forum would kick in ;)

Haha, you can say it with a Ú (Ctrl+alt+U - or alternatively altgr+U) though I wont type it but it's just as bad stating it can be done. :)

June 21st, 2009, 23:57
Summer is fine.

Hayfever is BAD.

Im a bad sufferer.

June 22nd, 2009, 00:13
I don't think I've ever had hay fever.. Sounds like it sucks. :/