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View Full Version : Ps3 'lifestyle' Details Divulged

April 4th, 2006, 15:47
Following yesterday's leakage from US publication PlayStation Magazine on GT 4 Online being playable at E3, some further intriguing info from the mag has come our way today in the form of fresh confirmation on how the PS3 might become something of a 'lifestyle server', as Sony's next-gen machine tackles the brave new world of online.
The PS3 certainly seems to be gearing up to offer more 'lifestyle' type features in the next gen, presumably because Sony will be aiming for similar take up to the PS2, which has sold over 100 million worldwide.

So in keeping with its 'lifestyle' tip, people on your PS3 friends network will be able to access all manner of goodies from your personal machine, including details like any blogs or forums you're running - even if your PS3 isn't switched on.
PSM goes on to give some concrete examples of content which you'll be able to share, like seeing some of your recorded gameplay footage, including achievements and in-game highlights, or perhaps viewing your personal Vlog (video blog) which you'd record on an EyeToy-style camera. Presumably your friends list will contain some decent security settings, so only the fully authorised can have a proper gander because you wouldn't want just anyone being able to rifle through your personal photos and videos.

Still, you'll also be able to send goodies like photos and videos to your PS3 from anywhere in the world, perhaps recording them on your PSP with its new camera add-on, and then uploading them to your PS3 lifestyle server to make your mates green with envy as you relax on a beach in Goa.

Although Sony has hinted at and even mentioned this functionality directly during its various PS3 presentations since last E3, confirmation via PlayStation Magazine means they should be implemented in full for the PS3's launch in November. It also means Sony's PlayStation Network Platform will be going head-to-head in lifestyle terms against Microsoft's Live service, with its marketplace, media sharing, friends functionality and community orientated features.

Expect a drooling world to learn more all on the afternoon of Monday May 8 as, to no great surprise, Sony has just confirmed its annual pre-E3 conference for that date. Although we're keen to hear more on these interesting online lifestyle features, we'll also be holding our breaths for more crucial information like price, launch line-up and what's going to replace that boomerang controller.