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View Full Version : Problem with PSX game on PSP3000

Twilight Cinder
June 21st, 2009, 14:47
I have a legitimate copy of Final Fantasy VIII for PSX and have converted it so I can play it on my PSP3000.

However at one particular point in the first disc it freezes. Is there anyway I can fix this?

June 21st, 2009, 15:25
Did u HEN'ed ur PSP-3000?

Twilight Cinder
June 21st, 2009, 15:49
Yes ChickHEN R2 and Eloader Gen-A

June 21st, 2009, 18:58
This should help you out.

Twilight Cinder
June 23rd, 2009, 05:06
awesome thanks ^_^