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View Full Version : Moore calls out Obama on health comments

June 22nd, 2009, 16:06
EA Sports president Peter Moore has pulled Barack Obama up on his recent comments to the American Medical Association that children should put away videogames and get more outdoor exercise.

Last week the US president suggested that adults should encourage children to exercise as part of the country's health reform. "It means going for a run or hitting the gym, and raising our children to step away from the videogames and spend more time playing outside," said Obama.

Defending the videogame business – and not missing an opportunity to promote his latest fitness title, EA Sports Active – Moore suggested the president should try out the game's 30-Day Challenge to see how games can be a force for good.

"You’ve heard me say it so many times before, but it’s refreshing to see the opportunities we have now on the Wii and what some of the new motion control technologies in development at Microsoft and Sony may bring to enhance an at-home fitness experience like EA Sports Active," wrote Moore on his company blog.

"In fact, I’d be willing to bet there are more consoles getting far more use in American homes than there is exercise equipment, so it’s up to us to continue to use the platform for good," he added.
