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View Full Version : EA: Natal, Sony motion control a "huge opportunity"

June 23rd, 2009, 20:10
EA's Peter Moore says that Sony's new motion control tech and MS' Project Natal provide a "huge opportunity" for EA.

"I think they are going to impact us very positively," Moore said of the new controllers. "Anything that uses motion and movement -- obviously sports is incredibly a part of that.

"We have seen both Natal and the motion controller from Sony several months ago, so we're already, in both instances, looking at opportunities to bring our licensed product [and] our fitness product, to these new controller mechanisms. I can't think about anybody better positioned than us to do that," he added.

"If you think about everything everybody's always wanted to do with a sports video game, so much of the feedback you get is, 'I just wish I could' -- as we're starting to do -- "punch and something reacts." So you think of Fight Night: Round 4, for example, if it were in a first-person mode it would be very very cool. So those are the things we're starting to look at. Huge opportunity for us," said Moore.

Which games do you think would work best with the two companies' motion offerings?


June 24th, 2009, 01:01
Tiger woods would be ace at 1:1 accuracy. You would actually need skill.