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View Full Version : PSP Video Conversion on Linux

April 5th, 2006, 18:29
One of the features not advertised by Sony, but widely advertised by PSP users/enthusiasts, is the ability to convert video files to a format which the PSP likes for watching on the go. I've scoured the Internet looking for "How would I convert videos for the PSP with one of my Linux machines?" - only to be skunked every time.

However, with all the tools for Mac OS X and Windows, I discovered a common theme. EVERY ONE was using FFmpeg. EVERY ONE. Well hey, FFmpeg was developed on Linux in the first place, right? How hard can this be?

Thats from the tutorial at this site --> http://www.linuxpspvideo.org/

April 5th, 2006, 19:46
There was also a tutorial on how to do this in the March Linux Magazine. They got so much information wrong, though, like needing a lower firmware to play the converted movies :D:D

April 5th, 2006, 20:16
could someone explain to me exactly wut linux is? i got a good idea from context but i wana hear it from someone

April 5th, 2006, 20:26
I did this same investigation when I got my PSP after Christmas. I found this same site, and after some more searching, discovered that current versions of ffmpeg don't need any of the patching described here.

Here is the script I use to convert videos (admittedly based off the one here), it's not very advanced but should give you somewhere to start from. It works using ffmpeg from Debian unstable.



DSTNAME=M4V$(printf '%05d' ${RANDOM})






-i "${SRCFILE}"\
-f psp\
-flags +bitexact\
-title \"${TITLE}\"\
-s ${SIZE}\
-aspect ${ASPECT}\
-b ${BITRATE}\
-acodec aac\
-vol ${VSCALE}\
-ar 24000\
-ac 2\

-i "${SRCFILE}"\
-f image2\
-vframes 1\
-s 160x120\

echo "${DSTNAME}.MP4 and ${DSTNAME}.THM generated."

April 5th, 2006, 22:21
Unstable, eh? Time to bring on the wrestlers...

For juicy tasks I would reccomend Arch Linux. It's speedy and will work well when configured properly, also good for compiling PSP source.

Sterist, Linux is an Operating System for a computer. A bit like Windows, except Windows you pay for and is made by a group of terrorists (cough, employees) under the employ of Bill, and Linux is free software developed by anyone. People contribute code to the Linux project, which makes it better than Windows. The problem is that Windows has become that popular that virtually all software is made for it. The government and medical, of scientific research facilities use it because it is fully customisable, right down to the "brain" of the System. Trying out Linux is a good way of increasing your knowledge of the way computers work. I would recommend you start with Suse Linux, as it is very commercialised, introducing people into the world of Linux. Don't forget: it's free. :D

Cap'n 1time
April 5th, 2006, 23:46
Unstable, eh? Time to bring on the wrestlers...

For juicy tasks I would reccomend Arch Linux. It's speedy and will work well when configured properly, also good for compiling PSP source.

Sterist, Linux is an Operating System for a computer. A bit like Windows, except Windows you pay for and is made by a group of terrorists (cough, employees) under the employ of Bill, and Linux is free software developed by anyone. People contribute code to the Linux project, which makes it better than Windows. The problem is that Windows has become that popular that virtually all software is made for it. The government and medical, of scientific research facilities use it because it is fully customisable, right down to the "brain" of the System. Trying out Linux is a good way of increasing your knowledge of the way computers work. I would recommend you start with Suse Linux, as it is very commercialised, introducing people into the world of Linux. Don't forget: it's free. :D

I reccomend ubuntu. Its got all the stability of slackware and all the brilliance and security of debian. and of course it uses the apt packaging system. suse = crap sellout novell idiots.

April 6th, 2006, 04:27
i used to start arguments with people at school about linux to laugh at how worked up they'd get. i'd ask them what linux distribution they used and no matter what they said i'd trash it say 'X' distro was waay better. like, if they said they used fedora core i'd say they were smoking crack not to be using debian. and if they said they used debian i'd tell them how much better rpm's were. it was a great time.

Cap'n 1time
April 6th, 2006, 14:33
i used to start arguments with people at school about linux to laugh at how worked up they'd get. i'd ask them what linux distribution they used and no matter what they said i'd trash it say 'X' distro was waay better. like, if they said they used fedora core i'd say they were smoking crack not to be using debian. and if they said they used debian i'd tell them how much better rpm's were. it was a great time.