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View Full Version : Under Defeat has completely SOLD OUT

April 5th, 2006, 22:22
According to G.Rev's latest magazine entry (here (http://www.grev.co.jp/magazine.htm), or you can see the babelfish translation here (http://world.altavista.com/babelfish/trurl_pagecontent?lp=ja_en&trurl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.grev.co.jp%2fmagazine.htm)) , the regular edition of Under Defeat has completely sold out and they've had to do a reprint. Apparently, there's not many of the limited edition left either. This appears to have come as a bit of a shock to them!

Wow, we knew that Under Defeat did well,(was No1 in sega's "Sega Direct" shop in their charts, when released). But SOLD OUT.... Thats cazy!

Things are look good for the Dreamcast (well in japan at least)

Thanks to NiktheGreek at Dreamcast-scene.com (http://www.dreamcast-scene.com)

Cid Highwind
April 5th, 2006, 23:25
Man am I glad I already have my own Sega Direct version. :cool:

It's good to hear this game sold out completely, it might make them consider porting another game.

I wonder which console is more games in Japan: X360 or Dreamcast :p

April 5th, 2006, 23:35
nice pic, (also nice dc, with bleemcast, sticker on it)

well they are doing a reprint, so for those that did not get (like me, i very broke right now) there is still a chance to get.

the game looks great, i hope i can get a copy at a fair price once i have some money

Cid Highwind
April 5th, 2006, 23:39
Thanks, I made it my avatar as you can see ^^"

I hope you'll be able to get yourself a copy. The game is somewhat short but it is a blast to play. I noticed how prices went up after I preordered it. Yakumo of segagagadomain handled my preorder and I noticed how the price went up with 10 euros to 80 in total.

Are there any facts known about the size of the reprint?

April 5th, 2006, 23:44
i don't even now how big the first run is, ( i know its a least 10,000 but was surely far more)

April 6th, 2006, 09:45
it's a very nice new !!!. I 'm sure we want moooore !!!!

April 6th, 2006, 10:30
its amazing that the Dreamcast can still pull those numbers off, maybe they should have kept producing games in more numbers ?

April 6th, 2006, 11:16
Nah, still producing wouldn't help. *warez*

April 6th, 2006, 12:27
Good news, really. Bad news for people who haven't bought it already, because the price will be boosted up on eBay now.

i don't even now how big the first run is, ( i know its a least 10,000 but was surely far more)
Sounds quite optimistic, that's more than I expected. Guess a new Saturn game would only sell 3-5 copies, no matter how good it is.

April 6th, 2006, 14:24
I agree with fackue on that and if they decided to release Dreamcast again they would have to do it in numbers and by that millions. With of course a better lockout system so that means no homebrew and no warez. Numbers dont mean anything to Sega of Europe,America or Japan cause they know if they heard people didnt like the system then they probably wont like it now.

Releasing the system would make Sega Bankrupt. You would have to make amazing games like Under Defeat and not just shootem ups either cause not everyones is into those games. Its about marketing and how could the system be better now lockout system and of course make wicked games with better control,fun factor,camer angles (which were a big one) and graphics like Under Defeat.


April 6th, 2006, 16:05
i dont think anyone is expecting it to go beck to "the good old days", but it does show that there is still a market. i think with the success of Under Defeat there should be be a far higher chance of more releases down the road

April 6th, 2006, 16:43
I would expect more releases aswell. But time only tells new systems are being released and well alot of oldtimers are enjoying there Dreamcast there slowly drifting into newer ones. Its not that they hate the system but new systems more games and graphics and fun factor are getting alot better now that there able to do more with the systems.

You cant bring the good ol days back like you said but you can still enjoy them by bringing one of those old games out and playing them thats why im purchasing the old systems and old games cause there fun just as much as they were yesterday.


April 13th, 2006, 05:29
Is this Dc steering wheel really good?!?!?!!?
Under Defeat is a blast!! I enjoyed it!!!
Cheers from Brazil.

April 15th, 2006, 13:49
Under Defeat its very good and very detailed shooter Cant believed that such game was develope in these days for the Dreamcast....Tells and reminds that Dreamcast was and is a powerfull console!!!!!!....

Cid Highwind
April 17th, 2006, 21:18
Is this Dc steering wheel really good?!?!?!!?
Under Defeat is a blast!! I enjoyed it!!!
Cheers from Brazil.
The steering wheel you see on the picture is pretty good IMO. Though I have to admit one of the triggers snapped so it doesn't give any resistance when you want to shift, and that sucks. That's why I bought a second one for 5 bucks :P But other than that, to me it is the perfect way to play F355 Challenge. MSR gives a cool experience as well, but the wheel makes it harder to collect kudos.