View Full Version : Go! Sudoku Review

April 7th, 2006, 01:03
IGN have a review of Go! Sudoku, heres an excerpt:

It's hard justifying certain videogame purchases. It's even harder when broke. The ultimate dilemma, though, rises when a full-priced game packs similar content to something you can score for under a dollar. That's the conundrum with Go! Sudoku, from developer Sumo Digital. On the one hand, it includes a wealth of challenging puzzles; while on the other hand, these puzzles aren't much different from what you'd find in a local newspaper.

Sudoku, for those who may not know, is a game of logic where you need to assign numbers on a grid made up of 91 squares. You can only choose the numbers one through nine and the goal is to form squares, rows and columns without any overlapping numbers. It sounds simple, and it can be, but it can also provide a brain-melting test of your logic abilities. It's a fun, rewarding game, both on paper and in digital form. Of course, the nature of the PSP allows for bonuses like wireless multiplayer and downloadable puzzles, so it's not as though you're paying for exactly the same experience.

Read the full review here --> http://uk.psp.ign.com/articles/700/700352p1.html