View Full Version : NES Controller Becomes Wireless Doorbell

June 29th, 2009, 17:49

If we were to make a wireless doorbell from an NES controller, we'd actually take advantage of its eight different buttons and have each one make a different chime. Instead, the creator made all eight do the same thing.


June 29th, 2009, 18:45
Wraggster wants one of those, but can't because it will probably go walk-about where he lives. lol

Making all 8 buttons do the same thing only says one thing, the person who made it used a regular bell and connected all the controller buttons to the same point.

Personally, I would have re-wired the whole thing to make each button play a different 8-BIT melody... Even if it meant not being able to close the controller properly after, since I'm not so good with wiring. :p

June 29th, 2009, 18:49
hehe, theres not many places you could leave something where it couldnt get pinched these days.

wouldnt it be sweet to have zelda/Mario etc doorbell tunes

June 29th, 2009, 21:11
It would be awesome to have at least four awesome tunes from the NES, I would choose the theme from MegaMan2, the tune that gets repeated throughout Mario Bros, the tune from Zelda, also PunchOut and then possibly four others for the strangest but coolest doorbell ever (Nintendo should make one). :cool:

Nobody would dare pinch my doorbell, because I would ensure it was safe by drilling an enclosure into the wall. That guy, wherever he lives will have his nicked for sure. :rofl: