April 8th, 2006, 23:42
Hi All,
Here is a new release (and i hope the last) of PSP-FTPD a FTP server for your PSP.
It permits to send and retrieve files or complete directories to and from your PSP without any USB cables,
using your Wireless connection (WIFI), with Internet Explorer or a FTP client on your PC.
What's new in version 0.3.1 :
- Bug fix in rename command, RNFR handshake message was not strictly compliant with the RFC,
and it wasn't understood by IExplorer.
- Capability to specify in a configuration file (psp-ftpd.cfg), a couple user/password for FTP authentication.
- Binary version for 1.5FW
- Improve transfert rate (500kbps from PSP->PC, 200kbps from PC->PSP)
- Increase wifi connection delay (should be easier to connect to your router)
- Add usefull informations in the README file (so please read it)
How to use it ?
Run PSP-FTPD on your PSP, and choose your wifi access point using arrow and press X to validate.
After few seconds, you should see the message "FTP Server is now running on
(with the IP address of your connection)
If you use anonymous connection (without any password in the psp-ftpd.cfg file) then you can access
your PSP using Internet Explorer with the previous URL (
If you use authentication, you have to specify user and password in the URL, for example :
ftp://zx:[email protected]/
When you have finished to transfert, rename, remove etc ... files on your PSP,
you can press the [] key to close the connection and go back to the eloader.
Finally ?
It has been tested using gFtp on Linux and Internet Explorer and Filezilla on Windows.
Two binary versions (for 2.x and 1.5 FW) and sources are included in this zip archive.
Enjoy, Zx.
Here is a new release (and i hope the last) of PSP-FTPD a FTP server for your PSP.
It permits to send and retrieve files or complete directories to and from your PSP without any USB cables,
using your Wireless connection (WIFI), with Internet Explorer or a FTP client on your PC.
What's new in version 0.3.1 :
- Bug fix in rename command, RNFR handshake message was not strictly compliant with the RFC,
and it wasn't understood by IExplorer.
- Capability to specify in a configuration file (psp-ftpd.cfg), a couple user/password for FTP authentication.
- Binary version for 1.5FW
- Improve transfert rate (500kbps from PSP->PC, 200kbps from PC->PSP)
- Increase wifi connection delay (should be easier to connect to your router)
- Add usefull informations in the README file (so please read it)
How to use it ?
Run PSP-FTPD on your PSP, and choose your wifi access point using arrow and press X to validate.
After few seconds, you should see the message "FTP Server is now running on
(with the IP address of your connection)
If you use anonymous connection (without any password in the psp-ftpd.cfg file) then you can access
your PSP using Internet Explorer with the previous URL (
If you use authentication, you have to specify user and password in the URL, for example :
ftp://zx:[email protected]/
When you have finished to transfert, rename, remove etc ... files on your PSP,
you can press the [] key to close the connection and go back to the eloader.
Finally ?
It has been tested using gFtp on Linux and Internet Explorer and Filezilla on Windows.
Two binary versions (for 2.x and 1.5 FW) and sources are included in this zip archive.
Enjoy, Zx.